A Couple of Questions about Dogma for the Atheists


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Sometimes the Christians will ask atheists to offer an “atheistic replacement” for the Bible, and the most common answer seems to be “libraries.” I do not necessarily disagree, but I believe that the order of the subjects, the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification systems, are erroneous to what would be more logical, or whatever it would be. My proof of this is that we are not inclined to memorize the general categories, and I have never heard of anybody complimenting their familiarity with the classification system(s) as enhancing their sense of knowledge - which is what a knowledge classification system should do.

The library is dependent on the classification system for people to distinguish the contents of the books; and again, when asked, many atheists will respond that the Bible should be classified as fiction. There are some very relevant issues this leads to, but I want to know why don’t we have a better knowledge classification system?

Do you believe in the Dewey, or Library of Congress classification systems??? Do you believe that they are reliable sources of information for understanding the demarcation of knowledge?

The next question is about the Constitution. Do you believe in the Constitution?

It should not be that difficult to realize that the “checks and balances” do not work. If the checks and balances worked, then we would not endure corruption and flawed policy, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent. If it is because “they are not following the Constitution,” that means the checks and balances do not work, because the checks and balances are supposed to prevent that, as well. The checks and balances do not work, and that is probably because the three-part separation theory is improperly deployed. The three-part separation theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in its deployment, then the distribution of government powers is probably not balanced, and the checks on power probably cannot work in accordance with expectations. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are going to work correctly if the separation of government is not properly constructed.

Do you believe in the Constitution?
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The next question is about the Constitution. Do you believe in the Constitution?

It should not be that difficult to realize that the “checks and balances” do not work. If the checks and balances worked, then we would not endure corruption and flawed policy, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent. If it is because “they are not following the Constitution,” that means the checks and balances do not work, because the checks and balances are supposed to prevent that, as well. The checks and balances do not work, and that is probably because the three-part separation theory is improperly deployed. The three-part separation theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in its deployment, then the distribution of government powers is probably not balanced, and the checks on power probably cannot work in accordance with expectations. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are going to work correctly if the separation of government is not properly constructed.

Do you believe in the Constitution?
Yes, I believe in the constitution- man not so much- that's not to say that man is always wrong either.
The constitution has been abused, by man, since before the ink was dry- sadly, altruistic is a piece of paper establishing an objective- altruism is exercised subjectively- some founders believed that the men elected should be virtuous- I doubt any in the past 100 years (at least) have a clue what that means-

My "belief", as it were, which I strive to practice (religiously you could say) is; we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienble rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- I also believe words mean things and there are no caveats in the Life philosophy I subscribe to-

There is but one caveat in the Bill of Rights in the constitution and it has been exploited beyond belief- it's in the 4th amendment- the intent of checks and balances has been intentionally misinterpreted = words mean nothing to elected empty suits- that doesn't mean I (nor should anyone else) give up on the altruistic endeavor though- it means, IMO, we should strive, diligently, to ensure those who come after us know the truth-
Sometimes the Christians will ask atheists to offer an “atheistic replacement” for the Bible, and the most common answer seems to be “libraries.” I do not necessarily disagree, but I believe that the order of the subjects, the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification systems, are erroneous to what would be more logical, or whatever it would be. My proof of this is that we are not inclined to memorize the general categories, and I have never heard of anybody complimenting their familiarity with the classification system(s) as enhancing their sense of knowledge - which is what a knowledge classification system should do.

The library is dependent on the classification system for people to distinguish the contents of the books; and again, when asked, many atheists will respond that the Bible should be classified as fiction. There are some very relevant issues this leads to, but I want to know why don’t we have a better knowledge classification system?

Do you believe in the Dewey, or Library of Congress classification systems??? Do you believe that they are reliable sources of information for understanding the demarcation of knowledge?

The next question is about the Constitution. Do you believe in the Constitution?

It should not be that difficult to realize that the “checks and balances” do not work. If the checks and balances worked, then we would not endure corruption and flawed policy, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent. If it is because “they are not following the Constitution,” that means the checks and balances do not work, because the checks and balances are supposed to prevent that, as well. The checks and balances do not work, and that is probably because the three-part separation theory is improperly deployed. The three-part separation theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in its deployment, then the distribution of government powers is probably not balanced, and the checks on power probably cannot work in accordance with expectations. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are going to work correctly if the separation of government is not properly constructed.

Do you believe in the Constitution?
..the bible is just fairytales--it was written thousands of years ago...there is no god/etc = the bible is just a book---nothing special about it
..the bible is just fairytales--it was written thousands of years ago...there is no god/etc = the bible is just a book---nothing special about it
Thanks for cluing me in on that - I would have never figured that out on my own.:clap2::banana::TH_WAY~113::yes_text12:
Sometimes the Christians will ask atheists to offer an “atheistic replacement” for the Bible, and the most common answer seems to be “libraries.” I do not necessarily disagree, but I believe that the order of the subjects, the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification systems, are erroneous to what would be more logical, or whatever it would be. My proof of this is that we are not inclined to memorize the general categories, and I have never heard of anybody complimenting their familiarity with the classification system(s) as enhancing their sense of knowledge - which is what a knowledge classification system should do.

The library is dependent on the classification system for people to distinguish the contents of the books; and again, when asked, many atheists will respond that the Bible should be classified as fiction. There are some very relevant issues this leads to, but I want to know why don’t we have a better knowledge classification system?

Do you believe in the Dewey, or Library of Congress classification systems??? Do you believe that they are reliable sources of information for understanding the demarcation of knowledge?

The next question is about the Constitution. Do you believe in the Constitution?

It should not be that difficult to realize that the “checks and balances” do not work. If the checks and balances worked, then we would not endure corruption and flawed policy, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent. If it is because “they are not following the Constitution,” that means the checks and balances do not work, because the checks and balances are supposed to prevent that, as well. The checks and balances do not work, and that is probably because the three-part separation theory is improperly deployed. The three-part separation theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in its deployment, then the distribution of government powers is probably not balanced, and the checks on power probably cannot work in accordance with expectations. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are going to work correctly if the separation of government is not properly constructed.

Do you believe in the Constitution?
Ummm... Whut?
Yes, I believe in the constitution- man not so much- that's not to say that man is always wrong either.
The constitution has been abused, by man, since before the ink was dry- sadly, altruistic is a piece of paper establishing an objective- altruism is exercised subjectively- some founders believed that the men elected should be virtuous- I doubt any in the past 100 years (at least) have a clue what that means-
The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of divine revelation and incarnation of Blind Justice who virtuously allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects of the charters. The American charter system is of an antiquated design with indefinite terminologies and was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy” is the term that we use to describe such vague rules, boundaries, and aspects of systems. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because although some of them could imagine the unfurling of services, they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a reliable charter, and the unformulated expansion of the government is proof of the lack of information.

My "belief", as it were, which I strive to practice (religiously you could say) is; we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienble rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- I also believe words mean things and there are no caveats in the Life philosophy I subscribe to-

There is but one caveat in the Bill of Rights in the constitution and it has been exploited beyond belief- it's in the 4th amendment- the intent of checks and balances has been intentionally misinterpreted = words mean nothing to elected empty suits- that doesn't mean I (nor should anyone else) give up on the altruistic endeavor though- it means, IMO, we should strive, diligently, to ensure those who come after us know the truth-
The justification that no constitution is perfect does not excuse the lack of pursuit for perfection. The proclamation only excuses the lack of understanding the inconvenient truth that the checks and balances do not work because the government is not properly organized.

President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because it was believed that he may be able to deliver the interpretation of the American government for the underdeveloped societies that would like to advance to the economic stability that the United States enjoys. Prior to Mr. Obama’s presidency, the world was confined to accept that the United States government model was unique to the benefit of white people only. President Obama was unable to deliver an interpretation and redirected the award to his assistance in the nuclear non-proliferation policy.

Nelson Mandela died knowing that educated Black Americans would rather cry “racism,” and march across bridges than help him liberate Black people. Mandela refused to be photographed with President Obama because he knew that Obama was corrupt and would not deliver trust for Black people.

The United States State Department cannot deliver reliable government charter samples for societies that endure perpetual economic strife and corruption, because our government model is unique to its evolution of adjustments and residual inadequacies, and cannot be replicated in any way. Developing societies do not have the sophistication to compensate for the inadequacies within the American three-part separation model. The American government model is probably the best government in service, but it cannot be transferred, and its inadequacies are becoming more adverse to the sophisticated diversity that the society has evolved to.
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Mandela refused to be photographed with President Obama because he knew that Obama was corrupt and would not deliver trust for Black people.

No idea what you are babbling about - Atheists and the Dewey Decimal System?
Yeah, well, you know - I'm not too bright. Thanks for reminding me. If I follow you, I'll probably get smarter - right?

As an Atheist, I have never consulted the Dewey Decimal System
Still, you cannot answer the simple god damn questions in the opening.

Do you believe in the Library Classification Systems?
Do you believe in the Constitution?
Do you believe in the Library Classification Systems?
Do you believe in the Constitution?

Do I think they are imaginary creatures like God?

No, I have seen both the Dewey Decimal System and the Constitution
Do you believe in the Library Classification Systems?
Do you believe in the Constitution?

Do I think they are imaginary creatures like God?

No, I have seen both the Dewey Decimal System and the Constitution
Not in terms of Atheism.
Quit your dumb shit - genius.
Atheists claim to be critical thinkers.

Are the library classification systems and Constitution reliable systems for the betterment of society, or are they unreliable, and possibly detrimental to the approach to better society?
Do you believe in the Library Classification Systems?
Do you believe in the Constitution?

Do I think they are imaginary creatures like God?

No, I have seen both the Dewey Decimal System and the Constitution
Not in terms of Atheism.
Quit your dumb shit - genius.

Are they reliable systems for the betterment of society, or are they unreliable, and possibly detrimental to the approach to better society?
Now, you are just going all Goofy on me

Dewey Decimal System is obsolete in a digitized society
Much like God
I'm trying to figure out this thread. People who do not believe that a Supreme Being exists are not organized. Neither are those who simply don't know. Nobody knows another person's thoughts on the subject. But people all over the world do believe that there is a Supreme Being. When anyone challenges "atheists," I wonder whom they are talking to or about.

The rest of this stuff about the Dewey decimal system is just too nutty to comprehend.

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