A couple things not covered in the media. WMD policy and terrorism.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
What is the opinion of board members here of this part of Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Does this remove a significant deterrent to Nations bent on aquiring WMD's and their using them against the United States?

It appears Obama has NOT cut ties to Robert Malley, his college chum and chief advocate of negotiating with terrorists without preconditions, as Malley has been negotiating with HAMAS behind the scenes. State Department official Rachel Schneller has met privately with HAMAS officials on numerous occasions!!! Even attending an Al Jazeera debate panel with HAMAS officials present.
Why does Obama insist on negotiating wth terrorists who refuse to renounce violence, refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and abide by all previously signed agreements with Israel negotiaters?
Obama just basically told the terrorists to come on and attack us, we won't fight back! Idiot!
Now they know we won't use Nukes, and we won't torcher them, so what have they got to be afraid of?
He hates Isreal and showed that when Bibi was here...Obama acted like a spoiled child and treated him like dirt. I'm so ashamed of our so called president for his actions, i can't believe people still "believe" in him!
why do you refuse to ignore the fact that violence just begets violence. Everytime we bomb them and kill innocent people, more people get angered with the US.Same thing you would feel if some foreign country bombed your neighborhood killing your family and friends.

How has continual cycle of violence worked in Israel-Palestinian conflict? Decades of continued blood shed. At some point you need to act like civilized human beings and come to a compromise, or get to the bottom of the issues at hand.

I'm continually amazed at how many people can be so violent and think the only answer is more violence
I guess the answer is, hell, if they attack us, might as well destroy the rest of humanity? That what you prefer?

if terrorist use nuclear weapon, we should punish innocent civilians in the countries they arfe hiding, as well as neighboring countries, which may even be allies, from the radiation cloud.Shit, it could even make its way back to us.
Barak Hussein is a douche bag.

America's enemies need to know what if they attack the US with a WMD, that everything is on the table.

Limiting the options serves no purpose other than taking away deterrence from america's enemies.
why do you refuse to ignore the fact that violence just begets violence. Everytime we bomb them and kill innocent people, more people get angered with the US.Same thing you would feel if some foreign country bombed your neighborhood killing your family and friends.

How has continual cycle of violence worked in Israel-Palestinian conflict? Decades of continued blood shed. At some point you need to act like civilized human beings and come to a compromise, or get to the bottom of the issues at hand.

I'm continually amazed at how many people can be so violent and think the only answer is more violence

The problem is that if you don't answer naked violence with violence, you will lose.
why do you refuse to ignore the fact that violence just begets violence. Everytime we bomb them and kill innocent people, more people get angered with the US.Same thing you would feel if some foreign country bombed your neighborhood killing your family and friends.

How has continual cycle of violence worked in Israel-Palestinian conflict? Decades of continued blood shed. At some point you need to act like civilized human beings and come to a compromise, or get to the bottom of the issues at hand.

I'm continually amazed at how many people can be so violent and think the only answer is more violence
If a murderer is trying to break into your house, would you open the door for him and attempt to talk your way through it?

The point is that some people can't be trusted and therefore you need to protect yourself. So, i guess if you feel the other party is trust worthy and willing to live up to their end of the deal, then it could work. Otherwise, you need to protect yourself or you're just being stupid.
What is the opinion of board members here of this part of Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Does this remove a significant deterrent to Nations bent on aquiring WMD's and their using them against the United States?

It appears Obama has NOT cut ties to Robert Malley, his college chum and chief advocate of negotiating with terrorists without preconditions, as Malley has been negotiating with HAMAS behind the scenes. State Department official Rachel Schneller has met privately with HAMAS officials on numerous occasions!!! Even attending an Al Jazeera debate panel with HAMAS officials present.
Why does Obama insist on negotiating wth terrorists who refuse to renounce violence, refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and abide by all previously signed agreements with Israel negotiaters?

Give me a link for this statement.
What is the opinion of board members here of this part of Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Does this remove a significant deterrent to Nations bent on aquiring WMD's and their using them against the United States?

It appears Obama has NOT cut ties to Robert Malley, his college chum and chief advocate of negotiating with terrorists without preconditions, as Malley has been negotiating with HAMAS behind the scenes. State Department official Rachel Schneller has met privately with HAMAS officials on numerous occasions!!! Even attending an Al Jazeera debate panel with HAMAS officials present.
Why does Obama insist on negotiating wth terrorists who refuse to renounce violence, refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and abide by all previously signed agreements with Israel negotiaters?

Give me a link for this statement.

That statement is mine....in the NPR on this website, the statement made by SecDef gates is as follows....
New declaratory policies have taken the place of intentionally vague policies of the past, Gates said. For example, if a state that does not have nuclear weapons is in compliance with the nonproliferation treaty and its obligations, the United States will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against that state. If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the United States or its allies or partners, however, “it would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response,” the secretary said.
Defense.gov News Article: Review Provides Deterrence, Arms Reduction Roadmap

It's all quite clear...if a non nuclear state such as Syria gets a nuclear weapon into the hands of terrorists or uses another WMD they are pretty much safe from retaliation in kind....and knowing Obama the "overwhelming conventional response would be nothing more than a cruise missile attack ala Clinton "wag the dog" style. Obama's stated goal of a nuclear weapons free world is a personal mission of his and may sound good to the left but in reality all we are doing is inviting attacks and encouraging rogue nations to build WMD's.

Obama capitulated to the Russians in this treaty...he will NOT do needed updates to our nuclear arsenal, he will halt any type of missile defense systems from being built, tested or deployed.

he's basically handed the defense of the USA over to a European Union style of "let's talk instead of fight our enemies no matter how many of us they kill with wanton acts of violence."...which is in keeping with his current MASSIVE reduction in active duty soldiers, sailrs and Marines that is getting ZERO press coverage. That's why I'm so happy that dumb ass Gore wasn't elected President. At least Bush has a spine and isn't a pussy like 99% of the left wingers.

Obama is selling out the country to a European style of socialism...which means a small military, limited foreign policy and massive domestic social programs that require the bulk of our GDP to be spent to keep them solvent.
Last edited:
As for Malley and weirdness from the State Department:

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas - Laura Rozen - POLITICO.com

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas

Former U.S. diplomats Thomas Pickering and Rob Malley have held a series of "track 2" meetings with Hamas, and one U.S. diplomat on Sabbatical engaged in a debate in Doha last month with a Hamas official that was sponsored by Al Jazeera, the Wall Street Journal reports:

In a meeting last summer in Zurich, Thomas Pickering, a former undersecretary of state and U.S. ambassador to Israel and Jordan, and Rob Malley, a top Mideast adviser to President Bill Clinton, met with Hamas's foreign minister, Mahmud Zahar, and Mr. Hamdan, the movement's top official in Lebanon. Recently retired European officials also were present. The meeting, detailed in minutes reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, was confirmed by Messrs. Pickering and Malley.

The meeting focused largely on practical issues, such as scenarios for how Hamas could meet the three Quartet conditions, according to the minutes — which participants said accurately reflected the meeting. Participants also focused on how to establish a mechanism to ease the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, an Obama priority.

"It was an effort to clarify what Washington's policy is and understand what Hamas's views are," Mr. Malley said.

Mr. Malley is currently director of the Mideast and North Africa program at the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based think tank. Mr. Pickering is co-chairman of the group's board, a post previously held by George Mitchell, the Obama administration's envoy to the Mideast peace talks.

As a special assistant to then-President Clinton on Arab-Israeli affairs, Mr. Malley worked closely with people who are now advisers to Mr. Obama. He attended law school with Mr. Obama and advised him on foreign policy during the campaign. He severed ties with the Obama team after his previous contact with Hamas, during his work with ICG, became a campaign issue.

In a separate move that raised eyebrows in the region, U.S. diplomat Rachel Schneller met Hamas's Mr. [Osama] Hamdan in Doha last month for a debate sponsored by the Doha-based Al Jazeera television channel. Ms. Schneller is on sabbatical from the State Department at the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based think tank.

Ms. Schneller said she alerted the State Department to the invitation, and Washington approved it. "They gave me permission to go, which I found interesting," she said. After the debate, she met one-on-one with Mr. Hamdan over tea, Ms. Schneller said.

"He was really genuinely interested in how to make a breakthrough in negotiations and how to engage constructively with the United States," she said.​

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley noted that the Pickering/Malley track involves private American individuals, and said as far as he knew, State hadn't authorized the debate with the Hamas official on Al Jazeera but said they were still looking into it.

"There have been meetings with private individuals and Hamas officials," State Department spokesman Crowley said Friday at the press briefing. "These are private meetings. They were not conveying any particular message from the United States. We were not aware of the meeting or the presentation in Doha by a Foreign Service officer on sabbatical to the Council on Foreign Relations. We are looking into that issue."

"As far as I know, there was no permission granted for that encounter," he continued. "That said, our policy hasn’t changed and our policy is not going to change. Our policy is rooted in the Quartet principles. And as the Secretary of State and others have said, anyone who embraces those principles can play a future role in the process."
As for Malley and weirdness from the State Department:

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas - Laura Rozen - POLITICO.com

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas

Former U.S. diplomats Thomas Pickering and Rob Malley have held a series of "track 2" meetings with Hamas, and one U.S. diplomat on Sabbatical engaged in a debate in Doha last month with a Hamas official that was sponsored by Al Jazeera, the Wall Street Journal reports:

In a meeting last summer in Zurich, Thomas Pickering, a former undersecretary of state and U.S. ambassador to Israel and Jordan, and Rob Malley, a top Mideast adviser to President Bill Clinton, met with Hamas's foreign minister, Mahmud Zahar, and Mr. Hamdan, the movement's top official in Lebanon. Recently retired European officials also were present. The meeting, detailed in minutes reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, was confirmed by Messrs. Pickering and Malley.

The meeting focused largely on practical issues, such as scenarios for how Hamas could meet the three Quartet conditions, according to the minutes — which participants said accurately reflected the meeting. Participants also focused on how to establish a mechanism to ease the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, an Obama priority.

"It was an effort to clarify what Washington's policy is and understand what Hamas's views are," Mr. Malley said.

Mr. Malley is currently director of the Mideast and North Africa program at the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based think tank. Mr. Pickering is co-chairman of the group's board, a post previously held by George Mitchell, the Obama administration's envoy to the Mideast peace talks.

As a special assistant to then-President Clinton on Arab-Israeli affairs, Mr. Malley worked closely with people who are now advisers to Mr. Obama. He attended law school with Mr. Obama and advised him on foreign policy during the campaign. He severed ties with the Obama team after his previous contact with Hamas, during his work with ICG, became a campaign issue.

In a separate move that raised eyebrows in the region, U.S. diplomat Rachel Schneller met Hamas's Mr. [Osama] Hamdan in Doha last month for a debate sponsored by the Doha-based Al Jazeera television channel. Ms. Schneller is on sabbatical from the State Department at the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based think tank.

Ms. Schneller said she alerted the State Department to the invitation, and Washington approved it. "They gave me permission to go, which I found interesting," she said. After the debate, she met one-on-one with Mr. Hamdan over tea, Ms. Schneller said.

"He was really genuinely interested in how to make a breakthrough in negotiations and how to engage constructively with the United States," she said.​

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley noted that the Pickering/Malley track involves private American individuals, and said as far as he knew, State hadn't authorized the debate with the Hamas official on Al Jazeera but said they were still looking into it.

"There have been meetings with private individuals and Hamas officials," State Department spokesman Crowley said Friday at the press briefing. "These are private meetings. They were not conveying any particular message from the United States. We were not aware of the meeting or the presentation in Doha by a Foreign Service officer on sabbatical to the Council on Foreign Relations. We are looking into that issue."

"As far as I know, there was no permission granted for that encounter," he continued. "That said, our policy hasn’t changed and our policy is not going to change. Our policy is rooted in the Quartet principles. And as the Secretary of State and others have said, anyone who embraces those principles can play a future role in the process."

Google Rachel Schneller, a State Department Official "on sabbatical" and her backroom meetings with HAMAS.
Obama is pretty much letting George Soros run his White House.
What is the opinion of board members here of this part of Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Does this remove a significant deterrent to Nations bent on aquiring WMD's and their using them against the United States?

It appears Obama has NOT cut ties to Robert Malley, his college chum and chief advocate of negotiating with terrorists without preconditions, as Malley has been negotiating with HAMAS behind the scenes. State Department official Rachel Schneller has met privately with HAMAS officials on numerous occasions!!! Even attending an Al Jazeera debate panel with HAMAS officials present.
Why does Obama insist on negotiating wth terrorists who refuse to renounce violence, refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and abide by all previously signed agreements with Israel negotiaters?

Give me a link for this statement.

That statement is mine....in the NPR on this website, the statement made by SecDef gates is as follows....
New declaratory policies have taken the place of intentionally vague policies of the past, Gates said. For example, if a state that does not have nuclear weapons is in compliance with the nonproliferation treaty and its obligations, the United States will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against that state. If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the United States or its allies or partners, however, “it would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response,” the secretary said.
Defense.gov News Article: Review Provides Deterrence, Arms Reduction Roadmap

It's all quite clear...if a non nuclear state such as Syria gets a nuclear weapon into the hands of terrorists or uses another WMD they are pretty much safe from retaliation in kind....and knowing Obama the "overwhelming conventional response would be nothing more than a cruise missile attack ala Clinton "wag the dog" style. Obama's stated goal of a nuclear weapons free world is a personal mission of his and may sound good to the left but in reality all we are doing is inviting attacks and encouraging rogue nations to build WMD's.

Obama capitulated to the Russians in this treaty...he will NOT do needed updates to our nuclear arsenal, he will halt any type of missile defense systems from being built, tested or deployed.

he's basically handed the defense of the USA over to a European Union style of "let's talk instead of fight our enemies no matter how many of us they kill with wanton acts of violence."...which is in keeping with his current MASSIVE reduction in active duty soldiers, sailrs and Marines that is getting ZERO press coverage. That's why I'm so happy that dumb ass Gore wasn't elected President. At least Bush has a spine and isn't a pussy like 99% of the left wingers.

Obama is selling out the country to a European style of socialism...which means a small military, limited foreign policy and massive domestic social programs that require the bulk of our GDP to be spent to keep them solvent.

This part.

"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Give me a link for this statement.

That statement is mine....in the NPR on this website, the statement made by SecDef gates is as follows....
New declaratory policies have taken the place of intentionally vague policies of the past, Gates said. For example, if a state that does not have nuclear weapons is in compliance with the nonproliferation treaty and its obligations, the United States will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against that state. If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the United States or its allies or partners, however, “it would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response,” the secretary said.
Defense.gov News Article: Review Provides Deterrence, Arms Reduction Roadmap

It's all quite clear...if a non nuclear state such as Syria gets a nuclear weapon into the hands of terrorists or uses another WMD they are pretty much safe from retaliation in kind....and knowing Obama the "overwhelming conventional response would be nothing more than a cruise missile attack ala Clinton "wag the dog" style. Obama's stated goal of a nuclear weapons free world is a personal mission of his and may sound good to the left but in reality all we are doing is inviting attacks and encouraging rogue nations to build WMD's.

Obama capitulated to the Russians in this treaty...he will NOT do needed updates to our nuclear arsenal, he will halt any type of missile defense systems from being built, tested or deployed.

he's basically handed the defense of the USA over to a European Union style of "let's talk instead of fight our enemies no matter how many of us they kill with wanton acts of violence."...which is in keeping with his current MASSIVE reduction in active duty soldiers, sailrs and Marines that is getting ZERO press coverage. That's why I'm so happy that dumb ass Gore wasn't elected President. At least Bush has a spine and isn't a pussy like 99% of the left wingers.

Obama is selling out the country to a European style of socialism...which means a small military, limited foreign policy and massive domestic social programs that require the bulk of our GDP to be spent to keep them solvent.

This part.

"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."

I guess you have trouble reading....see post #9
why do you refuse to ignore the fact that violence just begets violence. Everytime we bomb them and kill innocent people, more people get angered with the US.Same thing you would feel if some foreign country bombed your neighborhood killing your family and friends.

How has continual cycle of violence worked in Israel-Palestinian conflict? Decades of continued blood shed. At some point you need to act like civilized human beings and come to a compromise, or get to the bottom of the issues at hand.

I'm continually amazed at how many people can be so violent and think the only answer is more violence

I totaly agree with you and yes it makes sense, and would work that way..........if you are talking about just American citizens. See that is the biggest misconception that ALL politicians make, they think in terms of people are just like the people in their country all over the world. Different cultures are vastly different in the way they view things.

For example take someone from the ghetto in philly or detriot whatever big city and mix them with rural people from the midwest say Wyoming, now these are technially the same culture but they are vastly different, they think differently and actually have different values. now that is within the same culture.

People in the USA often think of people in the terms of what they are used to in their world ie..city/town. This is false, for instance this administration blamed the snowstorm that hit Washington and New York city on the bad unemployment numbers for that month, they were looking at it only to the borders of their own city, forgetting that 90% of the country was not being hit with bad weather but blamed it on bad weather anyway. Looking at it that way I see why they make the decisions they do.

Another instance is Bush's Planning of Iraq after the war/battle thinking that once they have freedom they will act like US citizens and come together, that was a mistake you do not give freedom to people who never had it, that is why it happened as it did over there. Give them a little at a time let them work for it and at it and soon they will get it and come together but alas the politicans were looking at it with blinders on and screwed it all up on assumptions.

People should be looked at their cultural level historically then you will have a better understanding how they will act as a group in situations. The real fact is historically they have killed each other over there.

"How has continual cycle of violence worked in Israel-Palestinian conflict?" See look back at all the proposals Israel offered for peace but were turned down all the time even though they got 80% of everything they wanted (besides the destruction of Israel), looking culturally at it and at the history of the region and the culture they will always continue the fight no matter if you offered peace or a bomb that is just how they think. That culture of violence in some cultures of the world will not go away with peace or diplomacy or retreat. they view it as weakness and will continue the fight no matter what you do and remember the devoted want everyone to be their religion no matter what. This is what Obama and Bush did not understand.

Being well traveled and having talked with most of the cultures over there, to the regular man and the political ones. I see the difference plainly. But Politicians only see what other government Officials show them and what intel they can gather, and they only use the word of a regular man for political points and jargon. so they go into situations with blinders on and usually always make the wrong decisions.
As for Malley and weirdness from the State Department:

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas - Laura Rozen - POLITICO.com

Former U.S. officials talk with Hamas

Former U.S. diplomats Thomas Pickering and Rob Malley have held a series of "track 2" meetings with Hamas, and one U.S. diplomat on Sabbatical engaged in a debate in Doha last month with a Hamas official that was sponsored by Al Jazeera, the Wall Street Journal reports:

In a meeting last summer in Zurich, Thomas Pickering, a former undersecretary of state and U.S. ambassador to Israel and Jordan, and Rob Malley, a top Mideast adviser to President Bill Clinton, met with Hamas's foreign minister, Mahmud Zahar, and Mr. Hamdan, the movement's top official in Lebanon. Recently retired European officials also were present. The meeting, detailed in minutes reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, was confirmed by Messrs. Pickering and Malley.

The meeting focused largely on practical issues, such as scenarios for how Hamas could meet the three Quartet conditions, according to the minutes — which participants said accurately reflected the meeting. Participants also focused on how to establish a mechanism to ease the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, an Obama priority.

"It was an effort to clarify what Washington's policy is and understand what Hamas's views are," Mr. Malley said.

Mr. Malley is currently director of the Mideast and North Africa program at the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based think tank. Mr. Pickering is co-chairman of the group's board, a post previously held by George Mitchell, the Obama administration's envoy to the Mideast peace talks.

As a special assistant to then-President Clinton on Arab-Israeli affairs, Mr. Malley worked closely with people who are now advisers to Mr. Obama. He attended law school with Mr. Obama and advised him on foreign policy during the campaign. He severed ties with the Obama team after his previous contact with Hamas, during his work with ICG, became a campaign issue.

In a separate move that raised eyebrows in the region, U.S. diplomat Rachel Schneller met Hamas's Mr. [Osama] Hamdan in Doha last month for a debate sponsored by the Doha-based Al Jazeera television channel. Ms. Schneller is on sabbatical from the State Department at the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based think tank.

Ms. Schneller said she alerted the State Department to the invitation, and Washington approved it. "They gave me permission to go, which I found interesting," she said. After the debate, she met one-on-one with Mr. Hamdan over tea, Ms. Schneller said.

"He was really genuinely interested in how to make a breakthrough in negotiations and how to engage constructively with the United States," she said.​

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley noted that the Pickering/Malley track involves private American individuals, and said as far as he knew, State hadn't authorized the debate with the Hamas official on Al Jazeera but said they were still looking into it.

"There have been meetings with private individuals and Hamas officials," State Department spokesman Crowley said Friday at the press briefing. "These are private meetings. They were not conveying any particular message from the United States. We were not aware of the meeting or the presentation in Doha by a Foreign Service officer on sabbatical to the Council on Foreign Relations. We are looking into that issue."

"As far as I know, there was no permission granted for that encounter," he continued. "That said, our policy hasn’t changed and our policy is not going to change. Our policy is rooted in the Quartet principles. And as the Secretary of State and others have said, anyone who embraces those principles can play a future role in the process."

It gets worse and worse.

And who is Hamas

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1993 (1 bombing)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Mehola Junction bombing April 16, 1993 Mehola junction 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.[2]Carried out together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

[edit] 1994 (4 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Afula Bus suicide bombing April 6, 1994 Afula 8 Hamas claimed responsibility. Carried out together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Hadera central station suicide bombing April 13, 1994 Hadera 5 Hamas claimed responsibility. Carried out together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Tel Aviv bus 5 suicide bombing October 19, 1994 Tel Aviv 22 Attributed to Hamas.
Netzarim Junction bombing November 11, 1994 Netzarim 3 Hamas claimed responsibility. Carried out together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

[edit] 1995 (4 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Beit Lid massacre January 22, 1995 Beit Lid Junction 21 Two bombers. One detonated at rescue party. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Egged bus 36 bombing April 9, 1995 Vicinity of Kfar Darom 8 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Ramat Gan bus 20 bombing July 24, 1995 Ramat Gan 6 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 26 bombing August 21, 1995 Jerusalem 4 Police Chief Noam Eisenman was killed. Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 1996 (4 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Ashqelon bus station bombing February 25, 1996 Ashqelon 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
First Jerusalem bus 18 suicide bombing February 25, 1996 Jerusalem Central Bus station 26 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Second Jerusalem bus 18 suicide bombing March 3, 1996 Jaffa street, Jerusalem 19 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Dizengoff Center suicide bombing March 4, 1996 Tel Aviv 13 Attributed to Hamas. Carried out together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

[edit] 1997 (3 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Cafe Appropo Bombing March 21, 1997 Tel Aviv 3 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Mahane Yehuda Market attack July 30, 1997 Jerusalem main market 16 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Ben Yehuda Street Bombing September 4, 1997 Jerusalem Ben Yehuda Street 5 Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 1998 (1 bombing)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Kfar Darom bombing October 29, 1998 Gaza Strip 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 1999 (2 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Egged Bus 960 bombing September 5, 1999 Tveria None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Haifa Central Bus Station bombing September 5, 1999 Haifa None Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 2000 (4 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Mahane Yehuda Market bombing November 2, 2000 Jerusalem 2 Booby-trapped car. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Kfar Darom bombing November 20, 2000 Gaza Strip 2 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hadera's main street bombing November 22, 2000 Hadera 2 Booby-trapped car. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Mechola bombing December 22, 2000 Mechola Junction 3 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 2001 (41 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Netanya centre bombing January 1, 2001 Netanya 60 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Taibe Bridge bombing January 30, 2001 Taibe 2 Injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Beit Yisrael bombing February 8, 2001 Jerusalem 2 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Holon attack February 14, 2001 Holon 8 A Palestinian intentionally ran with a car into people who were waiting for a ride at a hitchhiking station. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Mei Ami junction bombing March 1, 2001 Vadi Ara 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Netanyah bombing March 4, 2001 Netanya 3 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Talpiot industrial zone bombing March 27, 2001 Jerusalem 7 Injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
No. 6 bus French Hill junction bombing March 27, 2001 Jerusalem 28 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Mifgash Shalom attack March 28, 2001 Mifgash Shalom gas station, Kfar Sava 2 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kfar Sava bombing April 22, 2001 Kfar Sava 1 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Or Yehuda bombing April 23, 2001 Near Ben Gurion Airport 8 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Nablus school bus bombing April 29, 2001 Nablus, West Bank None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kenyon HaSharon bombing May 18, 2001 HaSharon shopping mall, Netanya 5 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hadera Mall bombing May 25, 2001 Hadera None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hadera bus station suicide bombing May 25, 2001 Central bus station, Hadera 65 injured 2 terrorists within a car bomb. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem Center bombing May 27, 2001 Jerusalem None PFLP claimed responsibility.
Jaffa Road bombing May 27, 2001 Jerusalem 30 Injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Netanya school bombing May 30, 2001 Netanya 8 injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing June 1, 2001 Tel Aviv 21 Hamas claimed responsibility.[3]
Dugit bombing June 22, 2001 Gaza Strip 2 Booby trapped car's explosion. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Yehud suburb bombing July 2, 2001 Tel Aviv 6 Injured Explosion of two separate bombs. PFLP claimed responsibility.
Kissufim bombing July 9, 2001 Southern Gaza Strip crossing point None Explosion of two separate bombs. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Binyamina train station bombing July 16, 2001 Binyamina 2 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Moshav B'kaot bombing August 8, 2001 Northern Jordan Valley 1 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing August 9, 2001 Downtown Jerusalem 15 Carried out by Hamas together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Hebrew University suicide bombing August 9, 2001 Jerusalem 1 An American citizen killed.
Wall-Street Restaurant bombing August 12, 2001 Kiryat Motzkin 21 injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Russian Compound bombing August 21, 2001 Downtown Jerusalem 1 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hanevi'im street bombing September 4, 2001 Jerusalem 20 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Nahariya train station bombing September 9, 2001 Nahariya train station 3 Suicide bomber was an Arab Israeli citizen. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Beit Lid junction bombing September 9, 2001 Near Netanya 17 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Talpiot neighborhood bombing October 1, 2001 Jerusalem Many injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Erez Passage bombing October 7, 2001 Erez Passage near Gaza None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kibbutz Shluhot bombing October 7, 2001 Kibbutz Shluhot 1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Erez crossing point bombing November 26, 2001 Gaza Strip 2 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Wadi Ara bombing November 29, 2001 Wadi Ara Junction 3 Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Ben Yehuda Street Bombing December 1, 2001 Downtown Jerusalem 11 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Haifa Bus 16 attack December 2, 2001 Haifa 15 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hilton Mamilla bombing December 5, 2001 Mamilla, Jerusalem 11 injured Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Hamas.
Check Post Junction bombing December 9, 2001 Check Post Junction in the direction of Tel Hanan (Haifa area) 30 injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Neve Dekalim bombing December 12, 2001 Neve Dekalim 4 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 2002 (45 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Old Central Bus Station massacres January 25, 2002 Tel Aviv 25 injured Double Suicide attack, carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Fatah.
Jaffa Street bombing January 27, 2002 Jerusalem 1 First female suicide bomber in Al-Aqsa Intifada. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Taibe bombing January 31, 2002 Taibe None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Karnei Shomron pizzeria bombing February 16, 2002 Karnei Shomron, West Bank 3 About 30 injuries (6 seriously). PFLP claimed responsibility.[4][5]
Maale Adumim - Jerusalem road bombing February 18, 2002 Jerusalem 1 Soldier killed by an explosive that was detonated by the driver of the car he was checking. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Maccabim bombing February 27, 2002 Maccabim 3 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Yeshivat Beit Yisrael massacre March 2, 2002 Yeshiva in Jerusalem 11 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Egged No. 823 bus bombing March 5, 2002 Afula 1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[5]
Ariel hotel lobby bombing March 7, 2002 Ariel, West Bank 15 injuries (1 seriously) PFLP claimed responsibility.[5]
Café Moment bombing March 9, 2002 Rehavia, Jerusalem 11 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Egged bus 22 bombing March 17, 2002 Jerusalem 25 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Egged bus 823 bombing March 20, 2002 Vadi Ara, Muzmuz Junction 7 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
King George Street bombing March 21, 2002 Jerusalem 3 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Passover Massacre March 27, 2002 Netanya 30 Suicide attack on Passover seder in Park Hotel. Carried out by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Supermarket bombing March 29, 2002 Kiryat Yovel in Jerusalem 2 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Allenby Street coffee shop bombing March 30, 2002 Tel Aviv 1 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Matza restaurant suicide bombing March 31, 2002 Haifa 15 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Efrat Medical Center March 31, 2002 Efrat 4 Injured (1 seriously) Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem Roadblock bombing April 1, 2002 Jerusalem 1 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Yagur Junction bombing April 10, 2002 Yagur 8 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Ben Yehuda Market bombing April 12, 2002 Jerusalem 6 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Rishon LeZion attack May 7, 2002 Rishon LeZion 15 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Netanya Market bombing May 19, 2002 Netanya 3 Carried out by Hamas together with PFLP.
Afula road bombing May 20, 2002 Afula None Hamas claimed responsibility.
Rothschild Street bombing May 22, 2002 Rishon Lezion 2 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Pi Glilot bombing May 23, 2002 North of Tel Aviv None A bomb planted by terrorists exploded underneath a fuel truck. The truck burst into flames, but the blaze was quickly contained.
Studio 49 Disco bombing May 24, 2002 Tel Aviv 5 Injured The security guard opened fire on a terrorist attempting to detonate a car bomb. The terrorist was killed, but the bomb exploded prematurely, injuring bystanders.
Petah Tikva Mall bombing May 27, 2002 Petah Tikva 2 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Egged bus 830 massacre June 5, 2002 Megiddo Junction 17 Booby-trapped car. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Shawarma restaurant bombing June 11, 2002 Herzliya 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Patt junction bus bombing June 18, 2002 Jerusalem 19 Hamas claimed responsibility.
French Hill Junction massacre June 19, 2002 French Hill, Jerusalem 7 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Emmanuel bus attack July 16, 2002 Emmanuel-Bnei Brak bus 189 9 Detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Neve Shaanan Street bombing July 17, 2002 Southern Tel Aviv 5 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Nevi'im Street bombing July 30, 2002 Jerusalem 5 Injured Apparently the bomb exploded prematurely.
Hebrew University massacre July 31, 2002 Hebrew University, Jerusalem 9 Included American and French casualties. Bomber was from East Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Meron Junction Bus 361 attack August 4, 2002 Meron Junction 9 Arab bomber with Israeli citzenship. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Umm al-Fahm junction bombing August 5, 2002 Umm al-Fahm Junction in Wadi Ara 1 Injured The terrorist exploded in a taxi killing himself and wounding an Israeli-Arab driver from Nazareth.
Umm al-Fahm bombing September 18, 2002 Umm al-Fahm Junction in Wadi Ara 1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Tel Aviv synagogue attack September 19, 2002 bus 4, near the Great Synagogue, Tel Aviv 6 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Geha road bombing October 10, 2002 Bar-Ilan interchange, Geha road 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Egged bus 841 massacre October 21, 2002 Carcur Junction 14 2 Suicide bombers used a booby-trapped jeep with 100 KG TNT. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Sonol gas station bombing October 27, 2002 Ariel, West Bank 3 Victims killed while trying to prevent the terrorist from detonating the bomb. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kfar Sava shopping mall bombing November 4, 2002 Kfar Sava 2 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 20 suicide bombing November 21, 2002 Kiryat Menahem, Jerusalem 11 Hamas claimed responsibility.

[edit] 2003 (23 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Tel-Aviv central bus station massacre January 5, 2003 Southern Tel Aviv 22 Carried out by two members of the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, with the help of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Tel-Aviv suicide bombing January 13, 2003 Southern Tel Aviv 1 A Chinese citizen killed.
Haifa bus 37 suicide bombing March 5, 2003 Carmeliya neighborhood, Haifa 17 Carried out by Hamas member and attributed to Hamas, yet never acknowledged.
London Cafe bombing March 30, 2003 Netanya 54 injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Kfar Sava train station bombing April 24, 2003 Kfar Sava 1 13 injuries (2 seriously). PFLP claimed responsibility jointly with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.[5][6]
Mike's Place bombing April 30, 2003 Mike's Place pub, Tel Aviv 3 Carried out by Hamas using a British Muslim citizen of Pakistani descent and together with al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Gross square attack May 17, 2003 Gross square, Hebron 2 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 6 bombing May 18, 2003 Jerusalem 7 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kfar Darom bombing attack May 19, 2003 Gaza Strip 3 Injured A Palestinian suicide bomber riding a bicycle blew up himself next to a military jeep. Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kenyon Afula bombing May 19, 2003 Afula shopping center 3 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Netzarim bus bombing May 22, 2003 Netzarim, Gaza Strip 9 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 14A attack June 11, 2003 Downtown Jerusalem 17 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Sdei Trumot bombing June 19, 2003 Moshav Sdei Trumot 1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Kfar Yavetz bombing July 7, 2003 Kfar Yavetz 1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Bus station Ariel bombing August 12, 2003 Ariel 2 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 2 suicide bombing August 19, 2003 Shmuel Hanavi, Jerusalem 23 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Tzrifin attack September 9, 2003 Bus stop near Tzrifin army base 9 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Hillel Cafe bombing September 9, 2003 Hillel Cafe, Jerusalem 7 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Maxim restaurant suicide bombing October 4, 2003 Haifa 21 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Tulkarem bombing October 9, 2003 Tulkarem 3 Injured Hamas claimed responsibility.
Beit Hanoun Junction bombing October 15, 2003 Gaza Strip 3 The victims were part of a US diplomatic convoy.
Azun bombing November 3, 2003 Azun, West Bank 1 Injured Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Geha Junction bus stop bombing December 25, 2003 Geha Junction 4 Over 20 injuries. PFLP claimed responsibility.[5][6]

[edit] 2004 (19 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including the perpetrators) Notes
Erez Crossing bombing January 14, 2004 Gaza Strip 4 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and Hamas claimed joint responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 19 massacre January 29, 2004 Rehavia, Jerusalem 11 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and Hamas claimed responsibility.
Jerusalem bus 14 bombing February 22, 2004 Liberty Bell Garden, Jerusalem 8 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade claimed responsibility.
First Erez Crossing attack March 6, 2004 Gaza Strip 2 The victims were Palestinian policemen who died in a shooting spree and suicide car bomb attack. Two of the vehicles exploded on the Palestinian side of the crossing. Four terrorists were killed. There were no IDF casualties. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the military wing of Fatah claimed responsibility.
Ashdod Port massacre March 14, 2004 Port of Ashdod 10 Double suicide bombing. Carried out by Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade together with Hamas.
Second Erez border crossing attack April 17, 2004 Erez Crossing, Gaza Strip 1 Carried out by Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade together with Hamas.
Deir al-Balah suicide attack April 26, 2004 Gaza Strip 2 The victims were Palestinians killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself on the way to carry out an attack in Israel.
Gaza bomber struck April 30, 2004 Gaza Strip 4 Injured The bomber's original target was a bus full of Jewish settlers, but the bus sliped away and the bomber missed it, so instinctively went for the next available target, which was an Israeli army patrol, injuring all four soldiers. Carried out by Hamas.
Beka'ot checkpoint bombing May 22, 2004 Beka'ot checkpoint, Jordan Valley 1 Injured PFLP claimed responsibility.[5][7]
Tel Aviv bus stop bombing July 11, 2004 Tel Aviv 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Kalandia checkpoint attack August 11, 2004 Kalandia 2 The victims were Palestinian bystanders. 18 people (including six Border Policemen) were injured.
Beersheba attack August 31, 2004 Downtown Beersheba on buses 7 and 12 16 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Baka al-Sharkiyeh checkpoint attack September 8, 2004 Near the Green Line border with the West Bank None Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Kalandia Gate suicide bombing September 14, 2004 South of Kalandia 2 Injured A suicide bomber riding on a bicycle blew himself up near an armored IDF jeep at an agricultural gate.
French Hill Junction bombing September 22, 2004 French Hill, Jerusalem 2 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Sinai bombings October 7, 2004 Sinai peninsula, Egypt 32 Suicide bombing at two Sinai holiday resorts frequented by Israeli tourists: twenty-nine died at the Taba Hilton and three at Ras a-Satan. Among the dead were 12 Israelis; over 120 were wounded. The attack was masterminded by Iyad Saleh and carried out by a Palestinian group.
Carmel Market bombing November 1, 2004 Tel Aviv 3 Over 30 injuries. PFLP claimed responsibility.[5][8]
Karni Crossing attack December 7, 2004 Karni Crossing, Gaza Strip 1 An IDF soldier of the Oketz canine unit was killed by a bomb, along with his dog, when a booby-trapped chicken coup exploded northwest of the Karni Crossing. Four soldiers were wounded in the exchange of fire while evacuating him. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

[edit] 2005 (9 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including perpetrators) Notes
Morag attack January 12, 2005 Morag, Southern Gaza Strip 1 One Israeli civilian was killed and three IDF soldiers wounded when a bomb was detonated against a military vehicle patrolling the route near Morag. Two terrorists were killed by IDF forces. The area was booby-traped with explosive devices, in addition to the bomb that exploded. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Karni border crossing attack January 13, 2005 Karni crossing, Gaza Strip 6 Carried out together by Hamas with Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Popular Resistance Committees.
Gush Katif checkpoint attack January 18, 2005 Gush Katif, Gaza Strip 1 Hamas claimed responsibility.
Stage Club bombing February 25, 2005 Tel Aviv sea promenade 5 Carried out together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and with Hizballah involvement.
Kenyon HaSharon bombing July 12, 2005 Netanya 5 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Central Bus Station Beer Sheva bombing August 28, 2005 Beer Sheva 50 injured, 2 critically Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Hadera Market bombing October 26, 2005 Hadera 6 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Netanya bombing December 5, 2005 Netanya 5 Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Tulkarem roadblock bombing December 29, 2005 Near Tulkarem, West Bank 3 One Israeli soldier was killed when a terrorist en route to carry out an attack in Israel was discovered and detonated himself at a checkpoint. A second intended suicide terrorist was also killed in the blast as well as the driver and a third passenger. Three soldiers and seven Palestinians were also wounded.

[edit] 2006 (3 bombings)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including perpetrators) Notes
Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombing January 19, 2006 Near Tel Aviv old central bus station 31 injured Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Kdumim bombing March 30, 2006 Kdumim 4 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.
Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombing April 17, 2006 Near Tel Aviv old central bus station 11 68 injured. Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

[edit] 2007 (1 bombing)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including perpetrators) Notes
Eilat bakery bombing January 29, 2007 Eilat 3 Both Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claim joint responsibility.

[edit] 2008 (1 bombing)
Name Date Location Death Toll (not including perpetrators) Notes
2008 Dimona bombing February 4, 2008 Dimona 1 9 injuries. Carried out by Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades together with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).[9]

[edit] Total number of fatalities, by year
Year Total
1993 1
1994 38
1995 39
1996 59
1997 24
1998 1
1999 0
2000 6
2001 94
2002 237
2003 144
2004 95
2005 32
2006 15
2007 3
2008 1
Total 789
What is the opinion of board members here of this part of Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear weapons will no longer be used in retaliation for a nuclear attack, chemical warfare attack or a biological weapons attack against the United States."
Does this remove a significant deterrent to Nations bent on aquiring WMD's and their using them against the United States?

It appears Obama has NOT cut ties to Robert Malley, his college chum and chief advocate of negotiating with terrorists without preconditions, as Malley has been negotiating with HAMAS behind the scenes. State Department official Rachel Schneller has met privately with HAMAS officials on numerous occasions!!! Even attending an Al Jazeera debate panel with HAMAS officials present.
Why does Obama insist on negotiating wth terrorists who refuse to renounce violence, refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and abide by all previously signed agreements with Israel negotiaters?
How very fucking stupid of Obama. MAD is the ONLY thing keeping the use of nuclear weapons off the table as a viable solution.

What an irresponsible and incompetent moron who has no business putting this country in such danger.

By the way, could I have a link to that quote by Obama? I am stunned.
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