A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.


Great news. Destroy the jewish invented bible. No more allowing the filth religion of christianity to destroy the white races sense towards self preservation by turning the other cheek.
The Yarovaya Law, which purports to be a counter-terrorism and public safety measure, prohibits “religious gatherings in unregistered places,” restricts promoting religion on the internet, and makes it easier for Russian officials to deny entry into and departure from the country.

And since the Yarovaya Law places severe restrictions on evangelization (or “proselytizing” as the Russian government sees it), it’s not hard to see how a Baptist missionary might get into trouble.

The law defines “missionary work” as “the activity of a religious association, aimed at disseminating information about its beliefs among people who are not participants (members, followers) in that religious association, with the purpose of involving these people as participants (members, followers).”<<
Great news. Destroy the jewish invented bible. No more allowing the filth religion of christianity to destroy the white races sense towards self preservation by turning the other cheek.
calm down hitler
It’s not in the Bible, nor in Koran: Putin signs law exempting holy books from extremism checks
Published time: 23 Nov, 2015 23:12


© Max Rossi / Reuters
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law which bans the recognition of holy books as extremist materials following a scandalous law suit in the summer. The Bible, Koran, Tanakh and Kangyur have been included in the check-proof list.
“The Bible, the Koran, the Tanakh and the Kangyur… their contents and quotations cannot be recognized as extremist materials,” the amended national law says. The books contain holy texts for Russia’s four main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

The bill seeking an amendment to a federal law, ‘On Countering Extremism’, was tabled by Putin himself on October 14 and later it was adopted by both chambers of parliament.

It’s not in the Bible, nor in Koran: Putin signs law exempting holy books from extremism checks
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.


I'm thinking this is some fake liberal BS put out there, Putins is very Christian and believes in Christian values.
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.


Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the West, including the United States, for eschewing Christian values and opting instead for a “path to degradation.”

Vladimir Putin is a Christian Man
We American's should take this as a lesson as to how precious our freedom of religion is. The constitution is very important, it should be preserved and remembered for what it is - rather than the few progressive ideas it "stands in the way of" (gun control, free thought, etc.)
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.


I'm thinking this is some fake liberal BS put out there, Putins is very Christian and believes in Christian values.

See post 12. Putin made certain that there was an amendment to specifically protect all Holy Books. Including the Koran. 7% of the Russian population is Muslim.

“The Bible, the Koran, the Tanakh and the Kangyur… their contents and quotations cannot be recognized as extremist materials,” the amended national law says. The books contain holy texts for Russia’s four main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism."
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.

I don't believe it
It’s not in the Bible, nor in Koran: Putin signs law exempting holy books from extremism checks
Published time: 23 Nov, 2015 23:12


© Max Rossi / Reuters
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law which bans the recognition of holy books as extremist materials following a scandalous law suit in the summer. The Bible, Koran, Tanakh and Kangyur have been included in the check-proof list.
“The Bible, the Koran, the Tanakh and the Kangyur… their contents and quotations cannot be recognized as extremist materials,” the amended national law says. The books contain holy texts for Russia’s four main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

The bill seeking an amendment to a federal law, ‘On Countering Extremism’, was tabled by Putin himself on October 14 and later it was adopted by both chambers of parliament.

It’s not in the Bible, nor in Koran: Putin signs law exempting holy books from extremism checks

Here are the Russian proofs ( MSM) the Bibles were indeed destroyed.

Новости / 26 декабря, 22:03 | Суд во Владивостоке постановил уничтожить тиражи Библии в официальном переводе Русской православной церкви

The court order was issued December 20 following its consideration of the administrative case against the local Christian organization "Salvation Army." She was found guilty of violating the h. 3 tbsp. 5.26 of the Administrative Code ( "Implementation of the activities of a religious organization without its official full name, including the release or distribution in the framework of the missionary work of literature, printed, audio and video without marking with the specified name, or incomplete or deliberately false marking").

As a result of the court hearing the organization was fined 30 thousand. Rubles. Released as its unmarked literature, it was decided to destroy. Control over the execution of this decision is entrusted to the management of bailiffs for the Primorye Territory.

The text of the judgment is published to Facebook. His unveiled by Denis Snitsky on your page. "Confiscate and destroy literature: Bible ... Bible in English ... the holy Gospel ... a collection of spiritual songs", - stated in the text of the decision. According to the document, it is about 40 copies of the Bible, including four in English, one Gospel, 88 copies of Christian books, more than 50 collections of spiritual songs and other religious literature.

Во Владивостоке суд постановил уничтожить десятки экземпляров Библии и Евангелие

Dennis Snitskiy - Христианская страна, в которой ненавидят... | Facebook

Владивостокский суд постановил уничтожить Библию и Евангелие
Are Putin and his pocket ' courts' going insane? Destroying of the Holy Bible as a Terrorist Book. And this guy shall together with Trump new organize the world?And some western alt-right still believe Putin were a conservative? A 'conservative' who destroys the Holy Bible.At first Putin shall abolish all idiotic laws which prohibit a fair competition with official Russian Orthodox Church - as well-known a former KGB affiliate.

Trump shall demand from Putin the Freedom for other Christian churches to unrestricted work in Russia.The 'judge' who ordered destruction of the Holy Bible must be punished.

The Bible decided to destroy

Destruction is also subject to the gospel.

In Vladivostok the court decided on the confiscation and destruction of religious literature, including the Bible and the Holy gospel. It is reported Credo.Ru.

The destruction of the subject literature, which was distributed in Christian religious organization “salvation Army”. It is noteworthy that the Bible and the gospel, which must be destroyed are the so-called king James translation and are recognized by the Shrine is the largest religious organization in the country – ROC, as well as other Christians.

As follows from the materials of the case, the court Dec 2 asked the Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok, which refers to the inspection carried out in the premises of the religious organizations on November 23. According to these materials, the room was discovered literature, including the Scriptures, “without labeling religious organizations” .

In the reasoning of the court decision refers to the law on counteraction to terrorism. The organization was found guilty of committing an administrative offense and appointed punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. At the same time the judge assigned to Manage bailiffs in Primorye territory the verification of destruction of literature.

A court in Russia ordered the destruction of the Bible as a terrorist | true-news

As reported by local media to be destroyed belong to the religious organisation “salvation Army”. Literature “without marking religious organizations” was discovered during the inspection of the Prosecutor’s office in late November.

The Prosecutor of Leninsky district of Vladivostok has addressed in court on December 2, referring to the materials of previously conducted audits. Magistrate plot № 4 of the Leninsky district court in Vladivostok ordered the bailiffs to destroy the book, but a religious organization to pay a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In a decision issued by judge A. V. by Bakievym, stated that, according to the law on counteraction to terrorism should be to “seize and destroy the literature: the Bible, the Bible in English the Holy gospel, the collection of spiritual songs.”

The Bible and the gospel in the king James translation, to be destroyed, are recognized as sacred by most Christian organizations in the world, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

A ban on publication of religious organizations, literature and other materials without proper labeling adopted in the framework of the so-called “Spring package” last summer, said the TV channel “Rain”.

In Vladivostok will destroy the Bible by court - World News

Russian Orthodox Church do not allow its sheeple go to protestant competitors.

I don't believe it

Here is the Verdict of Court

Dennis Snitskiy - Христианская страна, в которой ненавидят... | Facebook

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