A Creation Story for Materialists

Max Power said:
I'm not saying anything for certain, I'm just open to the possibility that time is not simply a line with a beginning (and with or without an end).

So, for example, say the Universe ends in a big crunch, then starts all over again. It wouldn't mean we're heading backwards to a primitive time. We are heading forwards to a primitive time.

That theory would also raise the possibility of time travel would it not, and I don't mean just a few seconds of acceleration but actually going either fowards or backwards substantially depending on whether we could sustain speeds of greater than light for long periods of time, I think??
Max Power said:
I'm not saying anything for certain, I'm just open to the possibility that time is not simply a line with a beginning (and with or without an end).

So, for example, say the Universe ends in a big crunch, then starts all over again. It wouldn't mean we're heading backwards to a primitive time. We are heading forwards to a primitive time.

how about this.....

what leads you to belive that we are moving in a forword direction? we have defined the direction we are going as forword.....but it is possible that if viewed from another perspective were are in fact going backward
manu1959 said:
how about this.....

what leads you to belive that we are moving in a forword direction? we have defined the direction we are going as forword.....but it is possible that if viewed from another perspective were are in fact going backward

I think we are in a position to define it as forwards, and if at any point in the future we determine how to travel backwards, we will define that as such.

Bonnie said:
That theory would also raise the possibility of time travel would it not, and I don't mean just a few seconds of acceleration but actually going either fowards or backwards substantially depending on whether we could sustain speeds of greater than light for long periods of time, I think??
Isn't time travel considered possible even if time is "linear?"
Max Power said:
I think we are in a position to define it as forwards, and if at any point in the future we determine how to travel backwards, we will define that as such.

Point was....if others defined what you were doing would they say you are moving forward or backward....society as a whole has defined progress as forward....one could argue that we are moving away from where we should be and therefore are moving backwards

Max Power said:
Isn't time travel considered possible even if time is linear.

you travel through time every day
Max..Isn't time travel considered possible even if time is "linear?"

I suppose theoretically anything is possible, but if we could travel back in time and somehow change the course of future events that could result in eliminating the course of actions that let to the time travel in the first place, so maybe we should, if we ever can create a wormhole large enough, think about maybe just moving foward.
Bonnie said:
I suppose theoretically anything is possible, but if we could travel back in time and somehow change the course of future events that could result in eliminating the course of actions that let to the time travel in the first place, so maybe we should, if we ever can create a wormhole large enough, think about maybe just moving foward.

Ahh, a paradox.

IIRC, most physicists believe that travelling back in time would branch into a separate timeline (a la what Doc drew on the chalkboard in Back to the Future 2).
Max Power said:
Ahh, a paradox.

IIRC, most physicists believe that travelling back in time would branch into a separate timeline (a la what Doc drew on the chalkboard in Back to the Future 2).

hey Mack----I gotta machine here that's gonna take you traveling thru time---get on in. :rotflmao:
SpidermanTuba said:
Any scientific line of thinking will always lead to unanswered questions. There is no final answer, no ultimate truth that science will achieve.

Right--that's why religions speak of a realm that is not of this world.
dilloduck said:
hey Mack----I gotta machine here that's gonna take you traveling thru time---get on in. :rotflmao:

I'll bet you don't even have a DeLorean
Bonnie said:
I suppose theoretically anything is possible, but if we could travel back in time and somehow change the course of future events that could result in eliminating the course of actions that let to the time travel in the first place, so maybe we should, if we ever can create a wormhole large enough, think about maybe just moving foward.

OK they already did this on Star Trek and it was a real bummer. Dr. McCoy's girlfriend died anyway. So drop it.
Nuc said:
OK they already did this on Star Trek and it was a real bummer. Dr. McCoy's girlfriend died anyway. So drop it.

Didn't mean to stir up bad memories Nuc lol but if you replay the episode backwards she lives right ?
Bonnie said:
It is quite peaceful, and its never too late!!
Never too late indeed... although there are way too many questions that religion doesn't have adequate answers for (IMO). Perhaps one day I'll stop caring about wanting all the answers...but I hope not.
dilloduck said:
Right--that's why religions speak of a realm that is not of this world.

If it is not "...Of this world...", then what relevance does it have to this world?

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