A Crime to Remember...the speck murders....what would you do?

we are constantly told that these things never happen

When are we told this? Don't be a jackass.

You must not read the anti gunners when they post here....they keep telling us that neither they nor their family members have ever been victims of crime so that means that crimes don't actually happen so no one needs to carry a gun...you should read their delusional posts.....
we are constantly told that these things never happen

When are we told this? Don't be a jackass.

You must not read the anti gunners when they post here....they keep telling us that neither they nor their family members have ever been victims of crime so that means that crimes don't actually happen so no one needs to carry a gun...you should read their delusional posts.....

No. Anti-gunners may say that nobody needs a gun, but nobody has ever said that crimes against them never happen. Your argument would make much more sense without the bullshit hyperbole.
Your question is retarded. Why would nurses be carrying in a dormitory in the middle of the night in the 1960's? To protect themselves from a man who would go on to grow titties in jail, and blow other inmates? How did those nurses not see it coming?

Hmmmm...seems to me you failed to answer the question....

If you had the chance to go back in time and give one or more of those nurses a gun, would you?
we are constantly told that these things never happen

When are we told this? Don't be a jackass.

You must not read the anti gunners when they post here....they keep telling us that neither they nor their family members have ever been victims of crime so that means that crimes don't actually happen so no one needs to carry a gun...you should read their delusional posts.....

No. Anti-gunners may say that nobody needs a gun, but nobody has ever said that crimes against them never happen. Your argument would make much more sense without the bullshit hyperbole.

Dude...or Dudette......you don't debate the anti gunners...several of them have told me that exact thing....over and over again...
Your question is retarded. Why would nurses be carrying in a dormitory in the middle of the night in the 1960's? To protect themselves from a man who would go on to grow titties in jail, and blow other inmates? How did those nurses not see it coming?

Hmmmm...seems to me you failed to answer the question....

If you had the chance to go back in time and give one or more of those nurses a gun, would you?

If I had the chance to go back in time I would give those nurses a gun, knife, crowbar, lead pipe... anything. Speck was armed with a knife, and managed to hold them all hostage.
You guys are asking the WRONG QUESTION.

It's NOT about "would you give the women a gun"??

The real question or statement is....."Isn't it wonderful that Richard Speck DIDN'T HAVE a gun but only a knife...so he only killed 8 instead of however many he would have killed had he had a gun!"

So you see guys....the lack of guns didn't prevent those 8 from being raped and butchered....it kept the body count low!! Yay liberalism!!!!
Your question is retarded. Why would nurses be carrying in a dormitory in the middle of the night in the 1960's? To protect themselves from a man who would go on to grow titties in jail, and blow other inmates? How did those nurses not see it coming?

Hmmmm...seems to me you failed to answer the question....

If you had the chance to go back in time and give one or more of those nurses a gun, would you?

If I had the chance to go back in time I would give those nurses a gun, knife, crowbar, lead pipe... anything. Speck was armed with a knife, and managed to hold them all hostage.

Yep....and that is why they call a gun the great equalizer.....
You guys are asking the WRONG QUESTION.

It's NOT about "would you give the women a gun"??

The real question or statement is....."Isn't it wonderful that Richard Speck DIDN'T HAVE a gun but only a knife...so he only killed 8 instead of however many he would have killed had he had a gun!"

So you see guys....the lack of guns didn't prevent those 8 from being raped and butchered....it kept the body count low!! Yay liberalism!!!!

yes...I agree....giving the nurses a gun would have just made the situation worse...right?

Sure...he raped them, he tortured them horribly and then he stabbed some of them to death and smashed in the heads of the others....but at least he didn't use a gun.....
This also reminds me of every time a liberal whines when a cop shoots someone who is armed with a knife or screwdriver or box cutter....as if sharp objects aren't deadly.
You guys are asking the WRONG QUESTION.

It's NOT about "would you give the women a gun"??

The real question or statement is....."Isn't it wonderful that Richard Speck DIDN'T HAVE a gun but only a knife...so he only killed 8 instead of however many he would have killed had he had a gun!"

So you see guys....the lack of guns didn't prevent those 8 from being raped and butchered....it kept the body count low!! Yay liberalism!!!!

yes...I agree....giving the nurses a gun would have just made the situation worse...right?

Sure...he raped them, he tortured them horribly and then he stabbed some of them to death and smashed in the heads of the others....but at least he didn't use a gun.....

Haha right. See....Speck would've then taken the gun and killed more people.

Thankfully no gun existed so he only killed 8.
we are constantly told that these things never happen

When are we told this? Don't be a jackass.

You must not read the anti gunners when they post here....they keep telling us that neither they nor their family members have ever been victims of crime so that means that crimes don't actually happen so no one needs to carry a gun...you should read their delusional posts.....

No. Anti-gunners may say that nobody needs a gun, but nobody has ever said that crimes against them never happen. Your argument would make much more sense without the bullshit hyperbole.

Dude...or Dudette......you don't debate the anti gunners...several of them have told me that exact thing....over and over again...

We post on a political message board. I've heard every argument from anti-gunners. Nobody has said violent crimes never happen.
Libs will never answer this honestly.

They are THINKING that while tragic....preventing these women from having guns is necessary in the grand scheme of keeping guns out of bad guys hands.
I am not a drone----in the course of my professional life I have seen ----a few times----mothers lying on the floor of the hospital emergency room SCREAMING------
over a child dead from ---------another kid who FOUND DAD's gun and decided to play
with it. Laws requiring safe storage are NOT ENOUGH----there have to be a whole lot of innovative safety mechanisms BUILT into the damned things. PS----I am a mother-----my baby was normal. My brother is an engineer ----with a baby of the same age------when my kid was still crawling (approximately 10 months) --dear brother brought me a packsge of brightly colored plastic PLUGS to make the wall
sockets "baby safe" -------my little genius watched me secure all the wall sockets------
within the hour he CRAWLED TO THE WALL------accomplished an IMPRESSIVE digiti pollicis to digiti indicis opposition upon the small plastic plug and played pulling it out and pushing it back in-----whilst giggling. Prior to the installation of the FAIL SAVE BABY SAFETY DEVICES---he had never evinced an interest in the wall sockets. --------the moral to that story is ---------THOSE BABY BRAINS ARE VERY CREATIVE----they can overcome the adult mind every time. ------very very very FAIL SAFE .........ways to keep the toddlers and their little fingers OFF THE GUNS---------that little button safety is not even close.----- For the record----
my genius engineer brother refused to believe that my kid managed to play with
the socket plugs
Speck is a better case for capital punishment than gun control. I cannot believe that any true justice system would let a scumbag like that live the rest of his unnatural life.
for the record-----a 10 month old is not SUPPOSED to be in possession of the kind of motor control necessary to play with the specially designed socket plugs-------nor the
hand eye coordination. Always remember------those MILE STONE THINGYS----
are just statistical. -------with all his hand eye control----my genius did not actually WALK until 14 months (moms are supposed to start worrying at one year)
Speck is a better case for capital punishment than gun control. I cannot believe that any true justice system would let a scumbag like that live the rest of his unnatural life.

he does seem to be a candidate for the compost heap------I kinda agree that
"THE CHAIR" should not be completely discarded

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