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Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Banned from FacePalm- er, my bad, Facebook

I don’t use Social Media much myself, but others obviously do, and blocking all our website content from access to the 1.7 billion Facebook users seems a pretty drastic step. So it’s quite reasonable to wonder why, and especially why now?

From the very first, the motto of our publication has been A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media, and I think we have fulfilled that pledge, publishing many thousands of articles and posts on an enormous range of extraordinarily controversial and even forbidden topics, notably including my own American Pravda series

Makes you wonder who IS running the FacePalm society.
We Are a New Board at Facebook. Here’s What We’ll Decide.

From the comments

Yet another bureaucracy to launder Facebook/Instagram’s censorship of the ZOG issue, and give it an imprimatur of authenticity. Basically, they’re weighing authentic free speech for kosher compliance, and will grant it a “pluralist” kosher seal, or not.

Ironic that history’s most tenacious racists (the fake-Jew, Hebrew fascists and their partners in crime) have set themselves up as judge, jury and executioner on the question of “hate.” I guess it’s appropriate, given that they know how to project hate more than anyone, and how to sneak through hateful, murderous wars of aggression that serve their gang, and then blame them on the “Deplorable” majority if they go bad.

They basically pull some variation of this same modus operandi in every nation they infest.

Who are the knuckle-draggers stupid, greedy and psychotic enough to get into bed with the “liberal” chosenites and “conservative” Hebrew fascists? That’s the nest of vipers coalition where you’ll find the real hate. But they’ll scapegoat anyone who speaks out against them. What else would one expect from a soulless organization of sociopaths?

And this
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Never had a facebook or twitter ...nope nope nope

Anything good on Twitter gets passed around all over the interwebs anyway

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