'A Dark Moment' In US History

Shouldn't be....He's a serial fuck-up, who can't see traitors in his midst.....There are dozens of reasons to scoff at him as the principle-free, dilettante windbag that he is....When all is cut and dried, he's still a federal supremacist.

I look forward to chatting with you about this as his second term draws to a satisfying end.

No doubt, it'll be an interesting conversation.
As usual with you, you are yet,again, putting Trump above tbe law….next up excuse number 3,823 on why Trump is innocent
You are aware that a “defense” isn’t an “excuse.” Aren’t you?
and it is all yet another witch hunt

From what we know so far, it is.
as he calls on his cult to demonstrate.
Demonstrations are also legal.

By Golly, I love America.
You have a crime family in charge of the country, and you think Trump is the problem?
Lol, just more empty words. We get convictions you get hot air. Lol, how many people around Trump have been convicted? Now how many around Biden have been convicted?
For a non-Trumpster he sure seems to support him a lot.
As I have noted uncountable times, opposing deranged freaks like you doesn't make anyone a Trumpster by default....You moonbats have dragged the Overton window so far to the left that saying something positive about JFK makes a guy like me get acccued of being a Nazi.

I bet you're on psychotropics, aren't ya?
You have a crime family in charge of the country, and you think Trump is the problem?

Well at least Biden doesn't summon up fictitious nicknames for his cabinet.

Like Kamala "Heels Up" Harris.

Or Pete Butt Edge Edge

It's exactly like the holocaust, and worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 with a dash of the Civil War.

And now we're about to have another Great Depression.

I don't mean to be an insufferable nerd........BUT:

Your sentence structure is just fucking awful.

And you don't seem to know the language.

Lemme guess: Ilegal hire?
Lol, here comes the retard calling himself a critic. Good stuff. So retard are you gonna grab a pitchfork and head to New York? Or are you another all show and no go guy? Tell me there is a go guy amongst you. The whole lot of ya are nothing but hot air. Another impotent little man with insults that don't work. Good stuff and good laughs.
As usual with you, you are yet,again, putting Trump above tbe law….next up excuse number 3,823 on why Trump is innocent and it is all yet another witch hunt as he calls on his cult to demonstrate.

The fact thay a George Soros acolyte DA is ILLEGALLY attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance case with their 'star witness' being a proven Trump-hating 2-time perjuror / 1 time convicted perjuror, YEAH, I am pointing out that this is ANOTHER in a long line of 'We've got got him THIS TIME' witch hunts that have been going on 611 1/2 years by proven criminal, traitorous Democrats.

I look forward to chatting with you about this as his second term draws to a satisfying end.

No doubt, it'll be an interesting conversation.
You'll need to get through at least five states where stuffing ballot boxes is SOP.

Good luck with that.
Lol, here comes the retard calling himself a critic. Good stuff. So retard are you gonna grab a pitchfork and head to New York? Or are you another all show and no go guy? Tell me there is a go guy amongst you. The whole lot of ya are nothing but hot air. Another impotent little man with insults that don't work. Good stuff and good laughs.

Pearl Jam?

Not a fan.

And you're a little old for that, aintcha?
The fact thay a George Soros acolyte DA is ILLEGALLY attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance case with their 'star witness' being a proven Trump-hating 2-time perjuror / 1 time convicted perjuror, YEAH, I am pointing out that this is ANOTHER in a long line of 'We've got got him THIS TIME' witch hunts that have been going on 611 1/2 years by proven criminal, traitorous Democrats.

The fact you bring in Soros pretty much relegates your argument to the whackadoodle rubbish bin.
If Trump broke the law he should answer for it... meanwhile if anyone thinks the Biden's are not up to illegal China shit up to their ears? You're definitely a partisan asshat

Yes, if Trump broke the law he should have to answet it; however, a local DA does not have the authority to prosecute a FEDERAL campaign finance casE.

If there was a truly 'equal justice' system instead of a criminal Democrat partisan weaponized Justic System there would already be a long list of Democrats sitting in jail right now.
Pearl Jam?

Not a fan.

And you're a little old for that, aintcha?
Lol, losers change subjects. At least you are one of the few that got the reference. So back to the subject. You gunna pick up your pitchfork and let that fat loser ruin your life and send you to jail? Or are you just gunna continue to run your mouth?

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