'A Dark Moment' In US History

Empty words? Try watching something other than CNN. There are bank statements that show over a million dollars in payments to MULTIPLE Biden family members from Chinese nationals.
Ya remind me how many convictions has your propaganda achieved? Empty word with no results.
Empty words? Try watching something other than CNN. There are bank statements that show over a million dollars in payments to MULTIPLE Biden family members from Chinese nationals.

CNN is too sophisticated for evenflow. He gets his news from some comedian on the Daily Show.
A total grammatical train wreck.

Hire a publicist.
Don't need to. I am not writing an article for a publication. I am just showing you what a retard you are. If you think I am going to spell check for a turd like you then you are mistaken. The fact remains the same retards like you will end up in jail for Trumps ego. A fact you can not change. I will Laugh at every one of them.
I'm shocked.

This is my shocked face.
I am sure it looks a lot like the face you make before Trump inserts his cock into your mouth. Again losers change the subject. Get back on track here attention deficit disorder. Tell me about this protest down I. TRUMP land. What does your retarded ass think that is going to accomplish? Maybe Trumpy boy comes out and give ya a reach around while he gives to you up the ass?
I am sure it looks a lot like the face you make before Trump inserts his cock into your mouth. Again losers change the subject. Get back on track here attention deficit disorder. Tell me about this protest down I. TRUMP land. What does your retarded ass think that is going to accomplish? Maybe Trumpy boy comes out and give ya a reach around while he gives to you up the ass?

Does the FBI not have English instructors?
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

They don't care anymore.........they think they have enough control and power to do this and not have to worry about the consequences......they are no longer playing the game of win some/lose some elections......
An America-hating foreign Socialist George Soros-funded Da is attempting to do what Hillary, Obama, Biden, Mueller, Comey, Wray, Brennan, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, the Democrat Party, and the criminally partisan weaponized NSA, CIA, DOJ, ATF, DHS have been trying ... and failing ... to do for more than half a decade...

All of this proves how Democrats have already turned this country into a corrupt, criminal, Authoritarian 3rd World Nation.

Demo rats have undeniably, through violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, widespread crime and selling out to.enemies like China and Russia, illegally spying on Americans, censoring and silencing them while spreading disinformation and propaganda, surrendering our sovereignty and national security...

...and by criminally using federal, US agencies to eliminate political opponents.

The US created by our Founding Fathers is no more, as Democrats wipe their asses with and / or ignore the Constitution and law if they pose a roadblock to the their fascist authoritarian policies / agenda.
what really matters is what the grand jury does, and votes on indictments or charges.
The grand jury system is used to remove bias, making the funding of DA irrelevant.
Who has been arrested?
The truth is we are not the nation of George Floyd but the nation of Jessie Smollett. Police abuse of course rears its head however the games many people play like Smollett is massive in numbers. And it gives rise to a terrible reputation.
It always is a “witch-hunt“ with Trump…

He could shoot a person in broad daylight and…

witch hunt.

Of course they are (unless your a leftist in Florida). But we all know what happened the last time Trump ramped up a mob.

Me too!

I don't. I'm done. Happy? Proud?

That's first.

Second you don't even realize what you say when you stupidly parrot the line about "the rule of law". It means nothing in the banana republic formerly known as the USA. If I drive 2 miles over the speed limit I have broken "the rule of law", and if my last name is Trump you totalitarian lot would have me in prison for it. OTOH if I'm a (D) then I can get away with anything and everything and my consequences are nil.

We all can see it. Pretending it isn't so just makes you look thick-headed.
George Soros acolytes won't even hold rapists, pedophiles, and murderers let alone do so after adking for a bail amount, but I have heard quite a few Demo rats demanding Trump be held without bail for a MISDEMEANOR!


As I said, Democrats are going to try to milk this BS.
I don't. I'm done. Happy? Proud?

That's first.

Second you don't even realize what you say when you stupidly parrot the line about "the rule of law". It means nothing in the banana republic formerly known as the USA. If I drive 2 miles over the speed limit I have broken "the rule of law", and if my last name is Trump you totalitarian lot would have me in prison for it. OTOH if I'm a (D) then I can get away with anything and everything and my consequences are nil.

We all can see it. Pretending it isn't so just makes you look thick-headed.
You (as in Trump supporters) consistently place Trump above the law and condone actions that in any normal democratic society in normal times would promote public anger, demonstrations, and a turning of support.

  • using the power of the presidency to extort foreign leader to “find dirt” on a personal political rival.

  • refusing to to turn over power peacefully when he lost an election

  • using the power of the presidency to extort state officials to “find more votes” or overturn election results.

  • refusing to put is businesses into a blind trust or disinvest thus, at best, creating the appearance of multiple conflicts of interest, and at worst? Enriching his businesses of the presidency.

Not criminal exactly but certainly not ethical:

Using the power of presidency to personally punish those who criticize him, who stood up against wrong doing, etc.

Nepotism, family members operating in official capacities, allowing a family member who is part of his business to sit in on high level meetings or take on “portfolios” they stand to profit from (and have).

In every instance it gets excused and any criticism blamed on “TDS”. The condoning if not outright support of these things is exactly what turns us into the banana republic your trying claim we are and it has exposed the fragility of a system that ultimately depends on the good will of honorable people to maintain.

But but but Biden. Biden is neither here nor there. You would have similarly gone after anyone who won and wasn’t Trump.

Should Biden’s finances be scrutinized? If there is evidence of wrong doing or questionable actions supported by evidence, absolutely. The same goes for his family members.

What you don’t see is the continuous defense of everything Biden does. Hunter Biden? Same thing. He is currently under investigation.

And you wonder why Trumpism is called a cult.
Lol it's a great day in America. Trump goes to incite violence on what ever social media the fat loser uses today and more retard Republicans will wind up in jail over it. Trumps little ego gets stroked and I get to laugh at the idiots whose lives get ruined following a con man like Trump. Life is good.
It was a great six months in America when the Negroes rioted, burned, murdered and looting in 200 American cities while the Democrats supported them, wasn't it?

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