'A Dark Moment' In US History

"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

But it's ok when the sitting president asks foreign leaders to open criminal investigations into their political rivals, right, con?
Lol, I don't need Trump in jail to be happy. All the retards that go to jail for him is awesome. If he does go to jail I sure hope he has access to a computer so he can continue to lead more of you to the pit. Otherwise I am probably happier with him on the block. You gunna raise a pitchfork for him this time? Lol, I sure hope so! Probably not though you are all show and no go.
No, but I'm sure antifa will.
"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.
Oh, really ------ ya think?

Well, it USED to be un-American; now it's the main tactic of the Democratic Party. Like the Nazi Party after the Reichstag burned and they had an excuse. Put everybody in jail or concentration camps, even Social Democrats, unless they fled to Paris to hide out.
It doesn't matter if you aren't a Democrat, because it's easily-recognizable that your standards, morals, and political ideology is perfectly aligned with theirs. I could put you and they and the same basket, and none of you would be discernible from the other.
It's REMARKABLE how many plain and obvious Leftists here are pretending to be (big mystery, big mystery, they never say) something else that they won't tell.

I don't mean to be an insufferable nerd........BUT:

Your sentence structure is just fucking awful.

And you don't seem to know the language.

Lemme guess: Ilegal hire?
Interesting. He sounds like a Russkie to me. Certainly he's not an American. They say in the news that Putin hired a lot of Russkie's to stir up trouble before the last election, and here comes another election, and here come the paid posters.
Yeah, if I were a Democrat Troll I would hate for people to point out how Democrats have joined forces with America-hating socialist George Soros to use our government to eliminate their political opponents, too.
Seems to be all true about Soros, according to major news sources I read. He is one malign guy.
Don't need to. I am not writing an article for a publication. I am just showing you what a retard you are. If you think I am going to spell check for a turd like you then you are mistaken. The fact remains the same retards like you will end up in jail for Trumps ego. A fact you can not change. I will Laugh at every one of them.
Look at the bolded text: total Russkie. They're like Data, can't use contractions.
Retaliation. Quite right, too.

They do it, we do it bigger. I suppose I won't get it, because we're mostly not as indecent as they are, but I am definitely in favor of doing unto them back at 'em.
Playing ignorant will only make you look silly.

Seven years ago Trump promised to do what you are outraged about now. You’re not retaliating. You instigated.
Playing ignorant will only make you look silly.

Seven years ago Trump promised to do what you are outraged about now. You’re not retaliating. You instigated.
Nonsense. Never happened. No "promise," no deed.

If they do arrest Trump Tuesday, THEN it will have happened and you types will have done it. Destroying a political opponent by arresting him. I think Democrats are the worst of Third World political criminals.
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Nonsense. Never happened. No "promise," no deed.

If they do arrest Trump Tuesday, THEN it will have happened and you types will have done it. Destroying a political opponentsby arresting him. I think Democrats are the worst of Third World political criminals.
Trump ran on a platform of sending his political enemies to jail.

That happened.

His supporters loved it.
Trump ran on a platform of sending his political enemies to jail.

That happened.

His supporters loved it.
I was there, you know. It was all reported. Do you think we don't remember???

Trump never said anything about sending his political opponents to jail!!

His hundreds of cheering supporters did chant "Lock her up!" but that was just high spirits and please note, he never did lock her up. Though he was president.

Now they are going to lock him up. Because they are evil.

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