'A Dark Moment' In US History

I was there, you know. It was all reported. Do you think we don't remember???

Trump never said anything about sending his political opponents to jail!!

His hundreds of cheering supporters did chant "Lock her up!" but that was just high spirits and please note, he never did lock her up. Though he was president.

Now they are going to lock him up. Because they are evil.
He literally said Clinton would be in jail.

I was there too. It wasn’t “high spirits”. His supporters literally thought he’d do it.

You’re rewriting history.
He literally said Clinton would be in jail.

I was there too. It wasn’t “high spirits”. His supporters literally thought he’d do it.

You’re rewriting history.
I admit I never watch pretzeldent debates. Ever. The last one I saw was Reagan/Carter. So I don't know about that!
Trump ran on a platform of sending his political enemies to jail.
False. Intoning a campaign phrase isn’t the same as making it a part of his platform.
That happened.
No. It didn’t.
His supporters loved it.
Many of his supporters were amused by the rallying cry. Almost all knew that it would never happen. Unlike Trump, Shrillary probably deserves to be charged.
I admit I never watch pretzeldent debates. Ever. The last one I saw was Reagan/Carter. So I don't know about that!
Your ignorance doesn’t convince anyone who does pay attention.

Trump campaigned on this, but now it’s the worst thing that ever happened.
For the record, I don’t know everything about this case but everything I do know leads me to believe it’s probably a mistake to charge him. It doesn’t seem likely they’ll get a conviction to me.
Your ignorance doesn’t convince anyone who does pay attention.

Trump campaigned on this, but now it’s the worst thing that ever happened.
The reason it's the worst thing:

Because Trump didn't say it and didn't mean it and didn't do it ----------

But you guys are apparently actually planning to arrest a president on Tuesday. I think that's pretty awful. About the worst degradation of this country ever.
For the record, I don’t know everything about this case but everything I do know leads me to believe it’s probably a mistake to charge him. It doesn’t seem likely they’ll get a conviction to me.
I've been averting my eyes from this "case" ---- but the Dems want me to look closely at it. I hope that's all they are up to; I'm afraid they'll actually do it and that would be so wrong. To put someone in jail so they can't run for president!

What have they done to my country.
The reason it's the worst thing:

Because Trump didn't say it and didn't mean it and didn't do it ----------

But you guys are apparently actually planning to arrest a president on Tuesday. I think that's pretty awful. About the worst degradation of this country ever.
That doesn’t absolve his supporters who did mean it and wanted it to happen.

These are the supporters making threads and are outraged.
It is possible.

Please link me to either some written documentation where Trump instructed his lawyer to make these payments, because he was worried about how this would reflect on his election prospects, or some leaked recording of the same.


I would have to say, this is your unsubstantiated opinion, backed by nothing but TDS.
Well, first, if you weren't thinking about it like that, then it is just a kneejerk reaction to cover that ass....Either way, I don't believe you...

Second, Because you think he is a criminal, and label him as such, regardless of "innocent until proven guilty", Doesn't make it so.....

Third, our Justice system has been corrupted, by ideological judges, if not outright cowards...So, there's that...
I never said he was guilty. He’s either guilty or not. Either way he gets a huge benefit of the doubt in court so what the fuck are you worried about? My guess is, just like the election, even if Trump loses you’ll think he won. Morons. All trump supporters.
1. Never happened. Foreign leaders to "find dirt"
It is on record.

2. He did say peacefully, and there was a protest. I thought the Left loved them some protests?

In a five or more page speech, one phrase mentioned “Peacefully”…one, in a sea of less than peaceful verbiage.

3. Well, in light of the massive cheating.....and yes, I do believe that. How could I not? What can be trusted these days, esp from the government?

You believe everything Trump tells you? Even when his own administration and closest allies admitted there was no evidence of massive fraud?

4. He didn't even take a salary during the presidency.
A nice populist move to give him good publicity wasn’t it?…but but he didn’t even take a salary! So what?

Despite pandemic losses his business made 2.4 billion dollars. What is a measly $400,000 a year? His son in law walked a way with lucrative Saudi financing to save his family business.

You are obsessed with Trump while turning a blind on how all the govt alphabet agencies persecute those who disagree with them politically. That's exponentially more dangerous than a person who's not even president anymore, but you're blind to it. Of course.

And…just like that, you’ve proven my point.
A lie and a projection in the same sentence. Well done, hack.
I was there, you know. It was all reported. Do you think we don't remember???

Trump never said anything about sending his political opponents to jail!!

You may have been there, but you clearly don't remember...

So 50% chance this is a big deal conviction huh? Yikes. Not good odds that you’d expect on a former President. Dude must be really dirty.

If Trump broke law he should answer

Your problem is I'm no Trump fan.

There's absolutely no doubt in my mind the Bidens are up to their necks in shit.

You and every other leftist asshole on here want to ignore that

It is on record.

In a five or more page speech, one phrase mentioned “Peacefully”…one, in a sea of less than peaceful verbiage.

You believe everything Trump tells you? Even when his own administration and closest allies admitted there was no evidence of massive fraud?

A nice populist move to give him good publicity wasn’t it?…but but he didn’t even take a salary! So what?

Despite pandemic losses his business made 2.4 billion dollars. What is a measly $400,000 a year? His son in law walked a way with lucrative Saudi financing to save his family business.

And…just like that, you’ve proven my point.


How quaint, Coyote the Moderator believes the alphabet agencies are just as pure as the driven snow.

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