'A Dark Moment' In US History

"It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals.

If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul - and rightly so."

This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself

View attachment 767071

Well said...'nuff said.

The difference being John Kerry didn't commit crimes.
You (as in Trump supporters) consistently place Trump above the law and condone actions that in any normal democratic society in normal times would promote public anger, demonstrations, and a turning of support.

  • using the power of the presidency to extort foreign leader to “find dirt” on a personal political rival.

  • refusing to to turn over power peacefully when he lost an election

  • using the power of the presidency to extort state officials to “find more votes” or overturn election results.

  • refusing to put is businesses into a blind trust or disinvest thus, at best, creating the appearance of multiple conflicts of interest, and at worst? Enriching his businesses of the presidency.

Not criminal exactly but certainly not ethical:

Using the power of presidency to personally punish those who criticize him, who stood up against wrong doing, etc.

Nepotism, family members operating in official capacities, allowing a family member who is part of his business to sit in on high level meetings or take on “portfolios” they stand to profit from (and have).

In every instance it gets excused and any criticism blamed on “TDS”. The condoning if not outright support of these things is exactly what turns us into the banana republic your trying claim we are and it has exposed the fragility of a system that ultimately depends on the good will of honorable people to maintain.

But but but Biden. Biden is neither here nor there. You would have similarly gone after anyone who won and wasn’t Trump.

Should Biden’s finances be scrutinized? If there is evidence of wrong doing or questionable actions supported by evidence, absolutely. The same goes for his family members.

What you don’t see is the continuous defense of everything Biden does. Hunter Biden? Same thing. He is currently under investigation.

And you wonder why Trumpism is called a cult.

1. Never happened. Foreign leaders to "find dirt"
2. He did say peacefully, and there was a protest. I thought the Left loved them some protests?
3. Well, in light of the massive cheating.....and yes, I do believe that. How could I not? What can be trusted these days, esp from the government?
4. He didn't even take a salary during the presidency.

You are obsessed with Trump while turning a blind on how all the govt alphabet agencies persecute those who disagree with them politically. That's exponentially more dangerous than a person who's not even president anymore, but you're blind to it. Of course.
It was a great six months in America when the Negroes rioted, burned, murdered and looting in 200 American cities while the Democrats supported them, wasn't it?

Utter bullshit. Most of the BLM protests were peaceful. The violence occurred when police and counter-protesters became confrontational, basically begging for a fight. There were, of course, some looters and street criminals who took advantage of the distraction. But crime is crime. Had nothing to do with the protests. Some of the vandalism was tied to right wing extremists purporting to be protesters.
Utter bullshit. Most of the BLM protests were peaceful. The violence occurred when police and counter-protesters became confrontational, basically begging for a fight. There were, of course, some looters and street criminals who took advantage of the distraction. But crime is crime. Had nothing to do with the protests. Some of the vandalism was tied to right wing extremists purporting to be protesters.
An even darker time in American history is when the fucking shithead Democrats used the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats, in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal the 2020 Presidential election. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
An even darker time in American history is when the fucking shithead Democrats used the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats, in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal the 2020 Presidential election. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

You had your chance to argue that in court, and you failed. Your dictator lost the election. Time to turn the page, loser.
Utter bullshit. Most of the BLM protests were peaceful. The violence occurred when police and counter-protesters became confrontational, basically begging for a fight. There were, of course, some looters and street criminals who took advantage of the distraction. But crime is crime. Had nothing to do with the protests. Some of the vandalism was tied to right wing extremists purporting to be protesters.
That is laughable…
You (as in Trump supporters) consistently place Trump above the law and condone actions that in any normal democratic society in normal times would promote public anger, demonstrations, and a turning of support.

Its ironic ... and pathetic ... how you (as in Democrats) continuously violate both Constitution and Rule of Law in the enforcement of your (as in Democrat-created) criminally partisan 2-tiered justice system while you (as in Democrats, snowflakes, and f*tard liberal sheep) simultaneously falsely accuse others of being who YOU (as in Democrats, snowflakes, and f*tard liberal sheep) are and of having done and of doing what you (Democrats) do.

It is a proven CONSTANT seen many times each day on this board.

Your dictator lost the election. Time to turn the page, loser.

Actually the'dictator' - who violates both Constitution and Rule of Law to impose the Democrat agenda and failed policies - is in the WH.

Actually Biden is more like a political monkey / puppet installed as President of a corrupt, criminal 3rd world nation.
Guys it’s pretty simple. He either embezzled campaign funds for personal payoffs or he didn’t. We’ll see the charge and evidence. If he’s not guilty he won’t be convicted and there is a 67% chance that if he is guilty he’ll get off. This is the legal system for the wealthy and connected.
Guys it’s pretty simple. He either embezzled campaign funds for personal payoffs or he didn’t. We’ll see the charge and evidence. If he’s not guilty he won’t be convicted and there is a 67% chance that if he is guilty he’ll get off. This is the legal system for the wealthy and connected.
Already working on the excuse when this clown show fails I see…
Guys it’s pretty simple. He either embezzled campaign funds for personal payoffs or he didn’t. We’ll see the charge and evidence. If he’s not guilty he won’t be convicted and there is a 67% chance that if he is guilty he’ll get off. This is the legal system for the wealthy and connected.
Looks like there's a lot in the legal pipeline, so all this conjecture and predicting based on nothing will be going on for quite a while.

What matters is what happens in an actual court, where people are held accountable for their words. Then we'll see. This shit is noise.

But it'll be interesting! :popcorn:
Already working on the excuse when this clown show fails I see…
Meh. I was not thinking about it like that. Just that the freak out from the right is either to protect a criminal or because they believe the Justice system can’t protect innocent rich white people. Both are ridiculous.
They're now entirely transactional when it comes to the rule of law.


As the current President has been firmly proven to be the compromised head of an international, treasonous crime syndicate involved in influence peddling, classified info peddling, foreign leader extortion, money laundering, international sabotage, drug / human / child / sex trafficking....Who has and continuously violates both Constitution and Law to impose / carry out the Democrat criminal / authoritarian agenda and failed polices ... and who is protected by equally criminally partisan agencies of the US govt...

You seriously do not realize how hypocritical and STUPID you sound when you make comments like the above..

Meh. I was not thinking about it like that. Just that the freak out from the right is either to protect a criminal or because they believe the Justice system can’t protect innocent rich white people. Both are ridiculous.
Well, first, if you weren't thinking about it like that, then it is just a kneejerk reaction to cover that ass....Either way, I don't believe you...

Second, Because you think he is a criminal, and label him as such, regardless of "innocent until proven guilty", Doesn't make it so.....

Third, our Justice system has been corrupted, by ideological judges, if not outright cowards...So, there's that...

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