
Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby strategy' human-shields en-masse genocidal Hamas Jihadofascist regime sent it's allies in South African government to file at ICJ.


On July 25, 2014 racist Francesca Albanese (who recycled antisemitic tropes in 2014 [TOI, 14.12.22; UNWatch, 6.2.23], her husband worked for Palestinian Authority [UNWatch, 31.5.22] and in 2023 had justified Arab Palestinian Islamofascistic Oct 7 atrocities [NRO, 12.2.24]), uttered the PallyWeid G slur, by pushing dishonest sloppy "historian" [Camera, 20.10.05] inventor of fake quotes [Camera, 24.2.12] and bigot [ADL, 14.5.07] Ilan Pappe's garbage.


On 27 March, 2024, the US' State Department denounced Albanese's antisemitic record and rejected her genocide-lie.
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Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby strategy' human-shields en-masse genocidal Hamas Jihadofascist regime sent it's allies in South African government to file at ICJ.


On July 25, 2014 racist Francesca Albanese (who recycled antisemitic tropes in 2014 [TOI, 14.12.22; UNWatch, 6.2.23], her husband worked for Palestinian Authority [UNWatch, 31.5.22] and in 2023 had justified Arab Palestinian Oct 7 atrocities [NRO, 12.2.24]), uttered the PallyWeid G slur, by pushing dishonest sloppy "historian" [Camera, 20.10.05] inventor of fake quotes [Camera, 24.2.12] and bigot [ADL, 14.5.07] Ilan Pappe's garbage.

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On 27 March, 2024, the US' State Department denounced Albanese's antisemitic record and rejected her genocide-lie.
Francesca Albanese is all the rage on Italian TV as an anti-Israel pundit, but she is hiding her conflict of interest.
Francesco Giubilei
— November 9, 2023
Israel, Hamas and the Rules of War
Nov. 17, 2023.

To the Editor:

Re “What I Believe as a Historian of Genocide,” by Omer Bartov (Opinion guest essay, nytimes.com, Nov. 10):

Mr. Bartov, a Holocaust scholar, warns that Israel is very likely committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza that can devolve into genocide. To show “genocidal intent,” he cites furious Israeli statements made immediately after Oct. 7.

But these do not reflect actual Israeli policies toward civilians. Israel’s targets are military: Hamas’s soldiers, tunnels, headquarters and weapons stocks. By placing military targets in and under civilian structures, it is Hamas that violates laws of war.

The 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention mentions demonstrable intent to destroy a national, racial or religious group. Mr. Bartov is mute about Israel’s hundreds of phone calls to Gazans warning them to leave buildings in which Hamas fighters were located. Israel has urged civilians to evacuate to the south to escape battle. A government intent on genocide would do the opposite.

A cease-fire now would leave Hamas’s leadership and its massive tunnel structures intact. Hamas would declare victory and prepare for the next round of killing. Mr. Bartov’s article and the demonstrations around the world accusing Israel of genocide would, intentionally or not, have the effect of consigning Israel to live next to a terrorist state committed to its destruction. No state in the world would accept such a situation.

Norman J.W. Goda
Jeffrey Herf
Mr. Goda is a professor of Holocaust studies at the Center for Jewish Studies, University of Florida. Mr. Herf is professor emeritus of history at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Lobgtime Israelophobe - Sari Bashi folowing her racist-Arab Omar Shaktir footsteps


HRW published report claiming war crimes in IDF attack on "Engineer's Building" which they claim killed 106 civilians. The only evidence they show that it was not a military target is that Gazans they spoke to told them it was not. HRW does not quote any actual military experts.
Apr 4, 2024

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