A Declaration of War?

Illegal action by an alleged President/

I'd be careful with what you say. The title of your post could get you locked up for a long time.
Playtime is over. People have had 4-5 months to get vaxxed.

"Many" may point that out. Doesnt mean they are correct. That is the court to decide.

Even though you've been vaxxed, I like how you attempt to twist this attempt to save lives into some plot to destroy freedom. Serious question. What is wrong with you?
I happen to believe this should be a free nation where people have the right to decide if they wish to take a brand new vaccine that may have long side effects we are obviously unaware of. I have also aware of previous vaccines that were rushed and the problems that resulted later.

I got the 1976 Swine Flu shot along with my wife. Later she developed some heart rhythm problems and wore a heart recorder for a week or so. The doctor told her he suspected the problem may have been caused by the swine flu shot.

Plus during the Gulf War the military administered an Anthrax vaccine. That didn’t work out well either.

History can and does repeat itself.

If this vaccine was so great and problem free you would suspect most nurses would be happy to get it.

Yet you still think it's possible to prove something that doesnt exist.
I didn't say that, numbnut, YOU did. Every time you claimed that the election fraud was totally baseless and debunked! If the proof of that doesn't exist, then HOW DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT?! And if you haven't seen anything which shows all the fraud claims baseless and demonstrably debunked, then why aren't you concerned as I am about the election and so damned sure it was the most aboveboard election in history? Don't take a genius (far from it) to see that these are extraordinary claims that demand proof before acceptance!

Every single article on the home page of the website is satire.
Really? Why would I be looking at the home page? Did the OP direct anyone to the home page? Do you go to the home page of every link on the web of every thread you read? Boy, you sure have an awful lot of free, empty TIME on your hands! Suddenly you are an EXPERT on some website that me and most normal people have never even heard of or looked at before! Maybe you spend so much time on it is because it is full of garbage. Let's guess who here actually has a life. :auiqs.jpg:

Satire sites dont issue disclaimers ahead of each article. That kinda ruins the joke.
I never said I was an expert on satire sites, I'd be embarrassed to make that my claim to fame, but in my experience as a writer, I make my satires satirical enough that it is obviously recognizable as a satire and not just plain fake news. It sounds to me as if a "satire site" is really just a code word for a leftwing fake news site that spews garbage out in the hope that it will be picked up and misread by others as legit so that little dickless morons like you then point and gawk at how "stupid" the reader is for falling for your tricks, all the while putting a tiny disclaimer hidden somewhere that you can go back to and say: See? Just a satire site!

But under its legal statement which is here Legal Statements - Delaware Ohio News they say the following: Disclaimer All stories herein are parodies (satire, fiction, fake, not real) of people and/or actual events.
See? What did I tell you. Little dickless pricks like you write crap on "satire sites" spewing out garbage that looks credible in every way so that when people take it as it was made to appear, you can gawk at them to make up for when you were a little boy and no one in your family or school liked you and you grew up to be a pathetic little progressive! :itsok:

But the one significant thing here is that if this was all fake news, Joe Biddum is such a total fucked-up HORSE'S ASS that

In a court of law you have to prove something happened

Great, then prove that all the election fraud claims were all DEBUNKED and BASELESS.

WHEN did that happen?

HOW did they determine that?

WHO were the people involved?

WHERE can I go to read their detailed report?

Because if you can't provide that much while going around telling everyone how silly anyone is for doubting the veracity of the election after the crap you people said and did when Trump was elected, that just makes you one more pathetic, two-bit lying motherfucker without a leg to stand on.

Beside the content giving it away for the average dope, look a the bottom of Page 1.
Where does the content give it away? Point out EXACTLY where that happens! Is that at the same place where you bought into every leftwing story that Trump was a misogynist, a xenophobe, a racist, a dictator seeking word domination, a murderer, and dangerously insane?

I see. So in other words, never take anything seriously the Left writes after reading 8,000 words saying very believable stuff about Joe Biddum without first looking for or going to the ABOUT US section assuming you even have the interest or time if they have one and LOOK to see if they tell the reader that their site is nothing but a useless fake news website with made up stories written by pathetic idiots like you?!
Really? For what exactly?

Your title is "a declaration of war" and then you you say "Illegal action by an alleged President/"

Could be construed as you're declaring war on the president and government because you don't like what's happening.

Basically, if this isn't what you meant, you should write it more clearly.
Your title is "a declaration of war" and then you you say "Illegal action by an alleged President/"

Could be construed as you're declaring war on the president and government because you don't like what's happening.

Basically, if this isn't what you meant, you should write it more clearly.
Embarrassingly, our law enforcement has to monitor this chatter and is the one body tasked with taking it seriously. So they have to read idiot blathering like the OP (which I am sure they can tell is vapid rambling) and waste our time and money. But they can see the trends in the chatter, hot air as it may be.
And in other news CBS maintains the story on the documents relating to the service of President Bush in the National Guard is accurate.

The story is true even if it is fake. Remember that one? Who knew the RW would turn to Rather as an example.
Great, then prove that all the election fraud claims were all DEBUNKED and BASELESS.

WHEN did that happen?

HOW did they determine that?

WHO were the people involved?

WHERE can I go to read their detailed report?

Because if you can't provide that much while going around telling everyone how silly anyone is for doubting the veracity of the election after the crap you people said and did when Trump was elected, that just makes you one more pathetic, two-bit lying motherfucker without a leg to stand on.

What are you babbling about now?

We arent done yet making fun of you for getting duped by a satire website and then arguing about it.
I didn't say that, numbnut, YOU did. Every time you claimed that the election fraud was totally baseless and debunked! If the proof of that doesn't exist, then HOW DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT?! And if you haven't seen anything which shows all the fraud claims baseless and demonstrably debunked, then why aren't you concerned as I am about the election and so damned sure it was the most aboveboard election in history? Don't take a genius (far from it) to see that these are extraordinary claims that demand proof before acceptance!

Really? Why would I be looking at the home page? Did the OP direct anyone to the home page? Do you go to the home page of every link on the web of every thread you read? Boy, you sure have an awful lot of free, empty TIME on your hands! Suddenly you are an EXPERT on some website that me and most normal people have never even heard of or looked at before! Maybe you spend so much time on it is because it is full of garbage. Let's guess who here actually has a life. :auiqs.jpg:

I never said I was an expert on satire sites, I'd be embarrassed to make that my claim to fame, but in my experience as a writer, I make my satires satirical enough that it is obviously recognizable as a satire and not just plain fake news. It sounds to me as if a "satire site" is really just a code word for a leftwing fake news site that spews garbage out in the hope that it will be picked up and misread by others as legit so that little dickless morons like you then point and gawk at how "stupid" the reader is for falling for your tricks, all the while putting a tiny disclaimer hidden somewhere that you can go back to and say: See? Just a satire site!

See? What did I tell you. Little dickless pricks like you write crap on "satire sites" spewing out garbage that looks credible in every way so that when people take it as it was made to appear, you can gawk at them to make up for when you were a little boy and no one in your family or school liked you and you grew up to be a pathetic little progressive! :itsok:

But the one significant thing here is that if this was all fake news, Joe Biddum is such a total fucked-up HORSE'S ASS that

Are you done making a fool out of yourself? Because if you arent, we'll be here to make fun of you.

All these wacky posts just confirms how unhinged you are. You've lost it! LOL!

You got duped by the satire site, now baby is angry. It's HILARIOUS!
Your title is "a declaration of war" and then you you say "Illegal action by an alleged President/"

Could be construed as you're declaring war on the president and government because you don't like what's happening.

Basically, if this isn't what you meant, you should write it more clearly.
Him getting locked up by the FBI over a story on a satire website would be so funny!
What are you babbling about now?

john doe. Haven't you ever learned about capitalization? Don't they teach that by the 5th grade in your corner of the farm? What kind of sock hick moniker is that, are you too ashamed of yourself to use anything better? Maybe you need a toe tag so that someone can iactually dentify which slab you are on.
Are you done making a fool out of yourself?
The only fool here chump is the one always looking you in a mirror. :1peleas: Another leftwing asshole idiot arrested adolescent reject from an Asperger's class who thinks he's cute playing grade school games thinking he can actually win arguments by evading questions, trying to change the topics while trying to insult the other party.

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