A Declaration of War?

Illegal action by an alleged President/

Illegal action by an alleged President/
Beginning November 1st, any veteran seeking medical care at a VA facility must have had at least one shot of the vaccine to receive services under their medical benefits package.
Those termites are really whispering sweet nothings to you. This thread is about a satire piece on President Biden that someone thought was a true story. I wonder if it will appear on Faux New sometime soon.
The thread is about whatever we want to make it about. And right now it's a bout you midget tyrants trying to go all Hitler on Freedom Loving People all over the world.
The dummy you responded to doesnt even have enough sense to be embarrassed.

Look Marge! Another slobheel who still thinks Joe Biddum really was honestly and fairly elected!
View attachment 538779Look Marge! Another slobheel who still thinks Joe Biddum really was honestly and fairly elected! View attachment 538781

But anyway you thought this article was real. And on top of that you were arguing about it, which makes you even dumber than the rest of the dum dum's responding to it as if it were real. And you are still questioning the 2020 election results like the idiot that you are.

But I do have a question for you. Are there any circumstances in which trump would lose an election in which you wouldnt say it was dishonest or unfair?
The thread is about whatever we want to make it about. And right now it's a bout you midget tyrants trying to go all Hitler on Freedom Loving People all over the world.

A letter from a previous prez.

When my father died, I moved back home and worked those fields with my own two hands to keep it afloat. It was a hard job, but it was so rewarding. It wasn’t just a business—it was the place I called home. Letting go of the family farm was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I did it because the American people asked me to. I did it for their sake, without enthusiasm, but also without hesitation.

Boy, times sure have changed, haven’t they? I couldn’t help but notice that the current occupant of the White House owns more than 500 companies, has business interests across the Middle East and Asia, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars to banks he is now responsible for regulating. It seems a touch unfair that a bigger fuss was made about my little peanut operation than all his office towers, hotels, and golf courses combined. All I had was a farm, you know? A small, precious farm.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what life would be like if I still had my peanut farm. I miss it so much. I miss feeling the sun on my face. I miss the earth in my hands. Sometimes, I’d go out to the fields before dawn. I’d watch the sun come up, watch it cast golden light on my plants, row by row. It was so calm; so quiet. Those were some of the best days of my life. It sure would’ve been nice to live out the rest of my years there, but I had to do what was right. I suppose only some of us have to.

God, I loved that peanut farm!

And where were my conflicts of interest, exactly? Seriously, do enlighten me, America, because I honestly have no idea. Did you worry I might be cutting deals in back rooms with the peanut butter lobby? Or that I might be too busy at harvest time to focus on the economy or the Middle East? Apparently, you did, and almost obsessively. Meanwhile, your new president holds a lease from the federal government to operate a $200 million hotel six blocks from the White House. I mean, come on!

A letter from a previous prez.

When my father died, I moved back home and worked those fields with my own two hands to keep it afloat. It was a hard job, but it was so rewarding. It wasn’t just a business—it was the place I called home. Letting go of the family farm was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I did it because the American people asked me to. I did it for their sake, without enthusiasm, but also without hesitation.

Boy, times sure have changed, haven’t they? I couldn’t help but notice that the current occupant of the White House owns more than 500 companies, has business interests across the Middle East and Asia, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars to banks he is now responsible for regulating. It seems a touch unfair that a bigger fuss was made about my little peanut operation than all his office towers, hotels, and golf courses combined. All I had was a farm, you know? A small, precious farm.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what life would be like if I still had my peanut farm. I miss it so much. I miss feeling the sun on my face. I miss the earth in my hands. Sometimes, I’d go out to the fields before dawn. I’d watch the sun come up, watch it cast golden light on my plants, row by row. It was so calm; so quiet. Those were some of the best days of my life. It sure would’ve been nice to live out the rest of my years there, but I had to do what was right. I suppose only some of us have to.

God, I loved that peanut farm!

And where were my conflicts of interest, exactly? Seriously, do enlighten me, America, because I honestly have no idea. Did you worry I might be cutting deals in back rooms with the peanut butter lobby? Or that I might be too busy at harvest time to focus on the economy or the Middle East? Apparently, you did, and almost obsessively. Meanwhile, your new president holds a lease from the federal government to operate a $200 million hotel six blocks from the White House. I mean, come on!

So you quote one of the worst presidents in US History that Biden is competing with for worst president in US History?

LMAO. That is a major fail.
But anyway you thought this article was real.
You haven't shown us anything at all that it isn't. Show us where it isn't.

And you are still questioning the 2020 election results like the idiot that you are.
Because schmucks like you can't show us where it has ever been shown that the fraud charges are baseless or have ever been all debunked! Still waiting! :21:

Are there any circumstances in which trump would lose an election in which you wouldnt say it was dishonest or unfair?
Absolutely. All it would take is any normal election where people get up, vote, the polls close that night, we count a few overseas votes, etc., and come to a clear decision in an ordinary time frame without all kinds of state law violations or 10,000 conflicting eyewitness accounts, affidavits, testimony, video, and documentation that the election was anything but conducted aboveboard in an accountable way.

The election fraud isn't about Trump winning or losing, it is about ELECTION FRAUD, stupid. And all these people and organizations have already admitted that they bust a nut bending over backwards secretly working in the background quietly to make sure that Trump couldn't possibly win. That is textbook fraud. You know, like you tried for three years to prove Russia did.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png
You haven't shown us anything at all that it isn't. Show us where it isn't.

Because schmucks like you can't show us where it has ever been shown that the fraud charges are baseless or have ever been all debunked! Still waiting! :21:

Absolutely. All it would take is any normal election where people get up, vote, the polls close that night, we count a few overseas votes, etc., and come to a clear decision in an ordinary time frame without all kinds of state law violations or 10,000 conflicting eyewitness accounts, affidavits, testimony, video, and documentation that the election was anything but conducted aboveboard in an accountable way.

The election fraud isn't about Trump winning or losing, it is about ELECTION FRAUD, stupid. And all these people and organizations have already admitted that they bust a nut bending over backwards secretly working in the background quietly to make sure that Trump couldn't possibly win. That is textbook fraud. You know, like you tried for three years to prove Russia did.

View attachment 538795
You haven't shown us anything at all that it isn't. Show us where it isn't.
This is absolutely great. You're still arguing with me whether an article on a well known satire site is real or not. Just admit you forwarded this to all your trumpanzee buddies and played it off like it is real.

A satire site by nature only prints satire. That's why it is a satire website.

But just so you know, it's impossible for me to prove something doesnt exist. That is logic 101. But you wouldnt know anything about being able to think logically now would you? The onus is on you to prove something exists. So please show us all where biden issued this order. You cant. Because it doesnt exist.

PS Biden beat Trump.
You're still arguing with me whether an article on a well known satire site is real or not.
Because you've yet to show how it is a satire site much less well known! Maybe you spend a lot of time there reading fake news called satire? Sorry, I don't have your free time to waste.

Just admit you forwarded this to all your trumpanzee buddies and played it off like it is real.
Sure, just as soon as you admit how much you like to suck dick.

A satire site by nature only prints satire. That's why it is a satire website.
Great. Now show us where it identifies itself OR the article as satire.

But just so you know, it's impossible for me to prove something doesnt exist. That is logic 101.
But when you declare something BASELESS 10,000 times and DEBUNKED 10,000 times, you have already committed yourself to an irrevocable position and stated that you are prepared to back it up with proof. Try going into court before a judge telling him or her that the accusations against you are baseless and have been debunked, and the judge will ask you the same question:
  1. What PROOF do you have to support your claim it is baseless.
  2. WHO debunked the charges, HOW, and WHEN.
All questions that all of you toadies refuse to answer! Refuse because you CAN'T because none of the fraud claims have ever been proven wrong.

But you wouldnt know anything about being able to think logically now would you?
Sorry, I just taught logic and boolean algebra for years. Shall we go toe to toe to see who knows more about truth tables and axiomatic tautologies? What can you tell me about Modus Tollens?

So please show us all where biden issued this order.
It says so right in bold faced print in the article. Since you make the claim that the article is just a ruse, the onus is on YOU to prove it so, cupcake.
Sorry, I just taught logic and boolean algebra for years. Shall we go toe to toe to see who know more about truth tables and axiomatic tautologies? What can you tell me about Modus Tollens?
Yet you still think it's possible to prove something that doesnt exist. You got me. I cant prove Biden didnt issue this order. LOL!

This is great. I hope you keep going. Every single article on the home page of the website is satire. Yet you are still questioning whether it is a satire website. Satire sites dont issue disclaimers ahead of each article. That kinda ruins the joke.

But under its legal statement which is here Legal Statements - Delaware Ohio News they say the following:



All stories herein are parodies (satire, fiction, fake, not real) of people and/or actual events. All names are made up (unless used in a parody of public figures) and any similarity is purely coincidental."

Man, you are stupid.
Try going into court before a judge telling him or her that the accusations against you are baseless and have been debunked, and the judge will ask you the same question:
In a court of law you have to prove something happened, not prove something didnt happen (hint that isnt possible).
Great. Now show us where it identifies itself OR the article as satire.
Beside the content giving it away for the average dope, look a the bottom of Page 1.

Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.

With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

Don't believe us? Read our Legal Statements.
If I've said it once I'll say it again.....you people always come to wacky conclusions. I stated "the nazi's killed mentally ill people" and automatically you come to the conclusion that I think all jews were mentally ill. Serious question, how do you survive on a day to day basis?

The Nazi's killed mentally ill people that is a fact. They also killed gays, blacks, and gypsies. Why you question whether I think all 6 million Jews that died were mentally ill is unbelievable. Now you'll probably question whether I think if all 6 million people the Nazi's killed were mentally ill, gay, black, gypsy Jews.

Either you're trolling me or you are stupid.
Why you question whether I think all 6 million Jews that died were mentally ill is unbelievable.

Nothing is unbelievable when it comes to authoritarian leftists.
I never once called the unvaccinated mentally ill. I called anti-vaxxers mentally ill. I also never even suggested killing anyone. I suggested giving mental help to these people. Big difference, dummy.

Who are 'anti-vaxers' in your warped mind, anyone that does not want the covid shot?
Who are 'anti-vaxers' in your warped mind, anyone that does not want the covid shot?
That should be pretty obvious. But since you are an idiot, an anti-vaxxer is anyone that believes vaccines dont work or that creates some unfounded conspiracy theory about vaccines to further their anti-vax stance.

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