A Declaration of War?

If I've said it once I'll say it again.....you people always come to wacky conclusions. I stated "the nazi's killed mentally ill people" and automatically you come to the conclusion that I think all jews were mentally ill. Serious question, how do you survive on a day to day basis?

The Nazi's killed mentally ill people that is a fact. They also killed gays, blacks, and gypsies. Why you question whether I think all 6 million Jews that died were mentally ill is unbelievable. Now you'll probably question whether I think if all 6 million people the Nazi's killed were mentally ill, gay, black, gypsy Jews.

Either you're trolling me or you are stupid.
Just remember, Nazi Germany was once The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany until THE NAZIS took advantage of a Crisis and then began rigging elections and gained control of The Government and then implemented their Fascist Nazi Policies.

Good people can be manipulated in to doing very bad things if the right pressure and propaganda is applied against them.

And they usually do it "for the greater good" even though that is a manufactured lie, and nothing but propaganda.
You call the unvaccinated mentally ill.....so I can only assume you want to kill us too, just like a DemNazi.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.
I never once called the unvaccinated mentally ill. I called anti-vaxxers mentally ill. I also never even suggested killing anyone. I suggested giving mental help to these people. Big difference, dummy.
I don't recall that condition being part of what anyone signs up for when they agree to join the military. You are guaranteed VA care for serving your country. Except now that Joe is in office.

Joe is losing his patience.

I wonder what people will do when vets start DYING because Joe cut off their healthcare! Will Joe deny a vet a life saving heart or brain operation?

And how long do you think the Left will feel comfortable saying he deserves it, a war hero in a wheelchair deserves to die for choosing not to get a vaccine because of some claimed hypothetical unproven risk?

Once these vets start dying because of Joe, there will be nothing hypothetical about their murder.

Just too bad that son Hunter isn't under VA care and a non-vaxxer. I'd love to see Joe cut his boy off and make him die!
Hey dummy. This article was posted from a satire website.
I never once called the unvaccinated mentally ill. I called anti-vaxxers mentally ill. I also never even suggested killing anyone. I suggested giving mental help to these people. Big difference, dummy.
Semantics. Jew, Gypsy, Undesirables....they are all the same in the end when it comes time to send them to "The Wellness Centers"

They had Psychologists and Drs. in The Concentration Camps, so you gonna help me like that?
Just remember, Nazi Germany was once The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany until THE NAZIS took advantage of a Crisis and then began rigging elections and gained control of The Government and then implemented their Fascist Nazi Policies.

Good people can be manipulated in to doing very bad things if the right pressure and propaganda is applied against them.

And they usually do it "for the greater good" even though that is a manufactured lie, and nothing but propaganda.
You're the last person I'd listen to for a history lesson, psycho.
You're the last person I'd listen to for a history lesson, psycho.
Sure because I am insane and belong in a "Wellness Camp" right DemNazi?

I can't even be trusted to take my meds, right?

I probably need to be quarantined in a re-education camp, or locked in my home under house arrest. I am too dangerous and too much of a threat to be free, right DemNazi?






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The Trump crazies get to eat crow on this gag!

Shame on all of you!

best wishes from Canada for a speedy recovery from your embarrassment!
Sure because I am insane and belong in a "Wellness Camp" right DemNazi?

I can't even be trusted to take my meds, right?

I probably need to be quarantined in a re-education camp, or locked in my home under house arrest. I am too dangerous and too much of a threat to be free, right DemNazi?






The more you post, the more you prove my point.
Hey dummy. This article was posted from a satire website.

Hey syphilitic cornhole dingleberry: Show me where it says anything about satire on the website or in this thread? Do you see this thread under political satire, moron? Maybe that's why you go by an anonymous moniker, because besides being a sock, everything you say really is that dumb?
The more you post, the more you prove my point.
It's you that is proving how lost, clueless and morally depraved you are.

There is a fix for that.

His name is Jesus.

He is coming again, but so is the coming tyranny, oppression, and tribulation before He returns.

You can join in on it, or repent and be saved from it.
Hey syphilitic cornhole dingleberry: Show me where it says anything about satire on the website or in this thread? Do you see this thread under political satire, moron? Maybe that's why you go by an anonymous moniker, because besides being a sock, everything you say really is that dumb?
Looks like you're going to be the last one to get it!
Hey syphilitic cornhole dingleberry: Show me where it says anything about satire on the website or in this thread? Do you see this thread under political satire, moron? Maybe that's why you go by an anonymous moniker, because besides being a sock, everything you say really is that dumb?
Someone has to tell you this is satire? Delawareohionews.com is a satire site. Look at their home page. Some "headlines" on the site include

Bishop Sycamore To Scrimmage Cincinnati Bengals Next Week​

Smithsonian Selects Columbus for Museum of Alcoholism and Shootouts​

What's even better is that you are arguing whether this is satire or not. LOL!
You bought what Fauci and Faux Xiden are selling so that makes you the bigger fool.
Those termites are really whispering sweet nothings to you. This thread is about a satire piece on President Biden that someone thought was a true story. I wonder if it will appear on Faux New sometime soon.
Someone has to tell you this is satire? Delawareohionews.com is a satire site. Look at their home page. Some "headlines" on the site include

Bishop Sycamore To Scrimmage Cincinnati Bengals Next Week​

Smithsonian Selects Columbus for Museum of Alcoholism and Shootouts​

What's even better is that you are arguing whether this is satire or not. LOL!

A war started by the Trumpers was narrowly avoided.

9 out of ten of them finally get it and the other one can't find his gun.

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