A Declaration of War?

Illegal action by an alleged President/

Fake News.
This claim appeared to stem from an article on Delaware Ohio News that claimed the president instructed the VA to stop providing healthcare benefits to unvaccinated veterans as part of his push to encourage inoculations.

While it was true Biden outlined sweeping vaccine requirements in a speech on Sept. 9, those remarks did not include withholding Vet benefits.

Additionally, there is no evidence for the claim in his Sept. 9 presidential order requiring vaccinations for all federal workers. No federal document substantiated the theory that the White House directed the VA to change its system for awarding healthcare benefits based on recipients’ vaccination status.
Where does the content give it away? Point out EXACTLY where that happens! Is that at the same place where you bought into every leftwing story that Trump was a misogynist, a xenophobe, a racist, a dictator seeking word domination, a murderer, and dangerously insane?

I see. So in other words, never take anything seriously the Left writes after reading 8,000 words saying very believable stuff about Joe Biddum without first looking for or going to the ABOUT US section assuming you even have the interest or time if they have one and LOOK to see if they tell the reader that their site is nothing but a useless fake news website with made up stories written by pathetic idiots like you?!

So they got you, and you were mad that it wasn't true?

Per usual, everyone is laughing at toobfreak. What an idiot.
Forgot to take your meds again? You said:

In a court of law you have to prove something happened
Now, both the media and politicians have told us 10,000 times that all of the election fraud allegations are both totally BASELESS and have all been debunked! Now prove to us that those things happened! Not that the Left just SAYS they happened.
  • WHEN were the allegations debunked?
  • HOW were they debunked?
  • WHERE were they debunked?
  • WHO debunked them?
  • And where can we read their findings, showing that all the claims were found baseless?
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So they got you, and you were mad that it wasn't true?
No one got me you idiot and who ever said I was mad? The thread was based on a very credible story that no one has any hard time believing about Bidden. I'd hardly be celebrating that. Especially when you can't even show anyone that it really is fake news.

But glad to know that you revel in fake news. You pumped it out in droves these past four years. Whadda chump.

Illegal action by an alleged President/
Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in months...

No such thing ever happened...


Lying Rumpian kokksukkers...
Forgot to take your meds again? You said:

Now, both the media and politicians have told us 10,000 times that all of the election fraud allegations are both totally BASELESS and have all been debunked! Now prove to us that those things happened! Not that the Left just SAYS they happened.
  • WHEN were the allegations debunked?
  • HOW were they debunked?
  • WHERE were they debunked?
  • WHO debunked them?
  • And where can we read their findings, showing that all the claims were found baseless?
Hey stupid.

The OP was quoting a SATIRE piece

You keep punking yourselves.
The thread was based on a very credible story

The claim in the story was by an executive order which can be confirmed or debunked in a matter of a click or two. (Not to forget, the illegally of such an order also makes story absurd.)

Most victims of a con scheme want the con to be true. They just get sucked in, like pigeons.
Your title is "a declaration of war" and then you you say "Illegal action by an alleged President/"

Could be construed as you're declaring war on the president and government because you don't like what's happening.

Basically, if this isn't what you meant, you should write it more clearly.

A Declaration of War?

In English "?" is used when asking a question. I was and am asking if Biden was declaring war against veterans or the American citizenship in general. He is the one talking trash; not me.
The claim in the story was by an executive order which can be confirmed or debunked in a matter of a click or two.
Good. From now on we will have you click or two on every link here and vette each thread as credible or not.

We know that no fact-check site ever lies. :smoke:

the illegally of such an order also makes story absurd.
That makes virtually everything the Left and Biddum's federal government does these days absurd.
The claim in the story was by an executive order which can be confirmed or debunked in a matter of a click or two. (Not to forget, the illegally of such an order also makes story absurd.)

Most victims of a con scheme want the con to be true. They just get sucked in, like pigeons.
The story is no more absurd than Biden's assertion that he has some kind of right to dictate the healthcare of individual American. His demands on private employers are equally illegal and absurd. Nobody died and made him King of America.
The story is no more absurd than Biden's assertion that he has some kind of right to dictate the healthcare of individual American. His demands on private employers are equally illegal and absurd. Nobody died and made him King of America.

Taking away benefits from vets who served the nation is an absurd notion on many different levels. Protecting the pubic from a grave danger is not.

"Congress does have the power to veto the mandate—but DiPippa said he doesn’t think they will. The courts could also put a stop to it.

“If they do, it's going to be on the grounds that the law that authorizes the department of labor to protect workers from grave risks, doesn't include requiring them to get vaccinated.”

The mandate has to be written and go through at least 30 days of public comment before it could go into effect."

Taking away benefits from vets who served the nation is an absurd notion on many different levels. Protecting the pubic from a grave danger is not.

"Congress does have the power to veto the mandate—but DiPippa said he doesn’t think they will. The courts could also put a stop to it.

“If they do, it's going to be on the grounds that the law that authorizes the department of labor to protect workers from grave risks, doesn't include requiring them to get vaccinated.”

The mandate has to be written and go through at least 30 days of public comment before it could go into effect."

The President is NOT given the authority to make law and these attempted mandates carry the force of law as dictated. Employers are being threatened with fines without the option of defending themselves in court against any charge of wrong doing. Unconstitutional. Biden is usurping the authority of Congress to make law. Also unconstitutional. No proof has been presented that the mandates protect anybody from anything so whining about "grave risks" is just silly. It's absurd to think the US Supreme Court would ever endorse these blatant attempts at tyranny.
The President is NOT given the authority to make law and these attempted mandates carry the force of law as dictated. Employers are being threatened with fines without the option of defending themselves in court against any charge of wrong doing. Unconstitutional. Biden is usurping the authority of Congress to make law. Also unconstitutional. No proof has been presented that the mandates protect anybody from anything so whining about "grave risks" is just silly. It's absurd to think the US Supreme Court would ever endorse these blatant attempts at tyranny.


Can the federal government require private companies to vaccinate their employees?


Gostin and Peck both said yes, the federal government can legally require private company employees to get the COVID vaccine, and there's legal precedent in the Supreme Court.
Peck cited the 1905 Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, when a man fought to be exempt from a state-mandated smallpox vaccine. In a 7-2 decision, the court upheld that he could be required to get vaccinated during the ongoing epidemic.
"[The court said] this was an exercise of the state's authority to address the public health, and it was fully within their power to do so," Peck explained. "He claimed that there were religious reasons, there were just general liberty reasons, they rejected them all."
Peck and Gostin both also cited the Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) Act of 1970 as a legal standard for enacting these requirements. The act allows the Department of Labor to put in place standards for workplace health and safety that companies operating in the U.S. must follow.
Meanwhile, Burrus disagreed, saying the president doesn’t have the constitutional power to force a business to require vaccines, and called creating an OSHA rule to mandate vaccines "a stretch."
"[If] you have black mold in your office, OSHA might have jurisdiction over that," Burrus said. "Can they make you get a needle stuck into your arm? Those are the kind of lines that we draw on constitutional law, and I think a lot of judges will draw that line."
So without a consensus among experts, we can’t verify an answer on this right now. Both Peck and Burrus agreed that we're likely to see this one fought out in the courts.


Illegal action by an alleged President/
Jesus H. November 2022 can't get here soon enough. This is the most disgusting thing I've heard so far.
The only fool here chump is the one always looking you in a mirror. :1peleas: Another leftwing asshole idiot arrested adolescent reject from an Asperger's class who thinks he's cute playing grade school games thinking he can actually win arguments by evading questions, trying to change the topics while trying to insult the other party.
I'm thinking of posting an article from a satire website just so you'll argue again that it's real. That was hilarious.
Forgot to take your meds again? You said:

Now, both the media and politicians have told us 10,000 times that all of the election fraud allegations are both totally BASELESS and have all been debunked! Now prove to us that those things happened! Not that the Left just SAYS they happened.
  • WHEN were the allegations debunked?
  • HOW were they debunked?
  • WHERE were they debunked?
  • WHO debunked them?
  • And where can we read their findings, showing that all the claims were found baseless?
You must be a slow learner. For the 3rd time, I can't prove something doesnt exist. In this case, I cant prove election fraud doesnt exist. Again, in a court of law or for that matter just having a discussion like this, one has to prove something exists or that something happened. For someone claiming to be so smart, you'd think this would be a fairly simple concept.

I'm not going to keep going round and round with you nut job. In addition to your many other psychological problems, evidently you have control issue problems. LOL thinking you're going to get me to go on some wild goose chase trying to proved something didnt happen. See thats how you try to keep this going...."just prove to me it never happened". Nobody can do that. That's why you're always going to be unsatisfied. If you think election fraud happened, file a fucking lawsuit you dumb animal and quit acting like you belong in a psycho ward.

EDIT: I'm trying to help you....read this about the logical fallacy of non-existence. It will take you 5 minutes Proving Non-Existence
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