A Declaration of War?

The burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or proposition.

So you again admit that the burden of proof is on you. You and the leftist media all made the assertion as early as just a few days after the election and since that all of the fraud charges were BASELESS! And that they had all been DEBUNKED. I heard it and read it over and over and over and over and over again.

These are processes of investigation, research, evaluation and conclusion.

Where is the documentation about when and where this investigation happened and who reached the conclusions?

And don't say the courts because there was far too much the courts never allowed and never heard, and the debunked claims started coming out BEFORE THE COURT CASES EVEN BEGAN!
If you have fraudlent ballots in the original count, how is recounting the same fraudulent ballots going to change?
The recount looks to see if the ballots were fraudulent. Actually what they do is they take a sample size and from that deduce if there was any fraud.
The recount looks to see if the ballots were fraudulent. Actually what they do is they take a sample size and from that deduce if there was any fraud.

Ah, so they don't even count all of the ballots....Just a sample as you say, and the same workers that may have perpetuated the fraud in the first place select those ballots to count, as a sample....Sounds all on the up and up to me....
So you again admit that the burden of proof is on you
For the last fucking time I cant assert a negative and try to prove it because that is impossible. But just because I cant disprove a negative, doesnt mean that the positive (in this case voter fraud) occurred. Get that through your fucking thick skull.
I'm not making the assertion, dumbass.

You don't assert that the fraud was baseless and debunked? You've seen no evidence to support it? Then you are a fraud yourself and just don't know.

The evidence of fraud is like a mountain. The size and scope of it is irrefutable, it has taken literally months here just covering it all, even as the audited states still fight and scratch trying to block them and Dominion and Smartmatic do all they can to scare away investigations into the workings of their machines.
Ah, so they don't even count all of the ballots....Just a sample as you say, and the same workers that may have perpetuated the fraud in the first place select those ballots to count, as a sample....Sounds all on the up and up to me....
Election Recounts

Every state does it differently. So I plead ignorance on this and was recalling how a specific state was looking for fraud. So you can either believe me or actually read up on it.
You don't assert that the fraud was baseless and debunked?
You are, once again, trying to switch the burden of proof to me. I asserted nothing. You didnt read those posts I made about burden of proof and proving a negative, did you?
Jackass, all I've asked you to do is prove a positive. A positive that the left have waved in our faces for nearly ELEVEN MONTHS as UNDISPUTED FACT.

Where is it?
Why are you asking me to prove anything? I didnt make an assertion.
Election Recounts

Every state does it differently. So I plead ignorance on this and was recalling how a specific state was looking for fraud. So you can either believe me or actually read up on it.
Well, if I were to read up on anything it wouldn't be from Wiki....A site where anyone can edit the entry....

I am replying to what you wrote, and now you are pleading ignorance as a way to deflect from what I posted because you really can't back the claim that a recount, (sample, or not) is NOT a way of rooting out fraud when the same ballots that were initially counted are simply counted again by the same people that most likely skewed the count in the first place.

You wouldn't accept a corrupt organization investigating themselves would you?
Well, if I were to read up on anything it wouldn't be from Wiki....A site where anyone can edit the entry....

I am replying to what you wrote, and now you are pleading ignorance as a way to deflect from what I posted because you really can't back the claim that a recount, (sample, or not) is NOT a way of rooting out fraud when the same ballots that were initially counted are simply counted again by the same people that most likely skewed the count in the first place.

You wouldn't accept a corrupt organization investigating themselves would you?
So your assertion is that in all 50 states, every state dept in charge of tallying the votes is corrupt. Interesting.

And no, I'm not deflecting. I really dont know all the procedures that go into a voting recount. You can believe that or not I dont care.

The states make the laws regarding how vote recounts are done. Maybe you should call your state rep and give them your expert advice on how they should proceed with election recounts. I'm sure they will be all ears.
So your assertion is that in all 50 states, every state dept in charge of tallying the votes is corrupt. Interesting.

And no, I'm not deflecting. I really dont know all the procedures that go into a voting recount. You can believe that or not I dont care.

The states make the laws regarding how vote recounts are done. Maybe you should call your state rep and give them your expert advice on how they should proceed with election recounts. I'm sure they will be all ears.
What I am saying is that recounts are utterly useless where suspected fraud is in play...An audit is what should happen...

Recounts of susupected fraudulent ballots by the same people that are suspected of perpetuating the fraud in the first place, sample or not, is just a ploy to distract from actually looking at the veracity of the ballots...
How do I know that massive voter fraud didnt happen? Because nobody proved it DID happen.
Unproven either way. But also no believable investigation conducted to provide proof either way. Makes people wonder why and tend to believe the worst. I want proof that the election was conducted fairly. Failing that leaves people to fall back on common sense for what they believe. In the end it is not the courts that need to be convinced but the American people if we are to have a Nation of the people, by the people, for the people. For the most part MSM has become a propaganda machine that only sometimes-apparently by accident- reports any actual fact. Why should we believe that the reports of the election are anything more than another batch of fake news? All the people are hearing is "Biden won because we say so". That ain't good enough.
So your assertion is that in all 50 states, every state dept in charge of tallying the votes is corrupt. Interesting.

And no, I'm not deflecting. I really dont know all the procedures that go into a voting recount. You can believe that or not I dont care.

The states make the laws regarding how vote recounts are done. Maybe you should call your state rep and give them your expert advice on how they should proceed with election recounts. I'm sure they will be all ears.
What it is is that Progs at a greater percentage are lazy and under qualified people who prove it by their voting. And it is a disgrace to any person who works diligently and hard to earn a living for his/her family and has to pay more in taxes. You do not understand this. Even if a person earns a bit less then a Prog.
no believable investigation
According to you.

I want proof that the election was conducted fairly
What other previous Presidential election did you demand this? So your assumption is that elections are conducted unfairly? You see how already in CA Elder is claiming voter fraud even before the election is completed? This is what every single election that repubs lose is going to look like from here on out.

In the end it is not the courts that need to be convinced but the American people
So you want mob rule.

Why should we believe that the reports of the election are anything more than another batch of fake news?
You realize this isnt by accident you think all the news is fake, the elections are fake, and Covid vaccinations are fake, right? It's been pounded into your brain for years. You might not be old enough, but this all started with Rush Limbaugh decades ago. And now you are the result. I guess for me I just need to realize that from here on out this is the way things are going to be.

All the people are hearing is "Biden won because we say so". That ain't good enough.
So for 232 years it was good enough, but now it isnt. Why do you think that is?
and has to pay more in taxes.
The 24th amendment banned poll taxes.
But if you're saying those that only "pay more in taxes" should vote, what if the people making that amendment cut you out from voting because you didnt pay enough in taxes according to them? You wouldnt have a problem with that I guess.
According to you.

What other previous Presidential election did you demand this? So your assumption is that elections are conducted unfairly? You see how already in CA Elder is claiming voter fraud even before the election is completed? This is what every single election that repubs lose is going to look like from here on out.

What other previous Presidential election did you demand this? So your assumption is that elections are conducted unfairly? You see how already in CA Elder is claiming voter fraud even before the election is completed? This is what every single election that repubs lose is going to look like from here on out

You realize this isnt by accident you think all the news is fake, the elections are fake, and Covid vaccinations are fake, right? It's been pounded into your brain for years. You might not be old enough, but this all started with Rush Limbaugh decades ago. And now you are the result. I guess for me I just need to realize that from here on out this is the way things are going to be.

So for 232 years it was good enough, but now it isnt. Why do you think that is?
What other previous Presidential election did you demand this? So your assumption is that elections are conducted unfairly? You see how already in CA Elder is claiming voter fraud even before the election is completed? This is what every single election that repubs lose is going to look like from here on out.

I am forced to assume that election was indeed bogus. But, yes, I believe only election reform with the installation of a system that will reliably tabulate and record the votes of qualified American citizens, and only qualified American citizens will be absolutely necessary for Americans to regain faith in elections. But why would a deliberately bogus government allow that to happen? Might spoil their fun.

You realize this isnt by accident you think all the news is fake, the elections are fake, and Covid vaccinations are fake, right? It's been pounded into your brain for years. You might not be old enough, but this all started with Rush Limbaugh decades ago. And now you are the result. I guess for me I just need to realize that from here on out this is the way things are going to be.

I am 73 years old and believe I am more able to think for myself than you appear to be and always have been. I've been brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh? Now who's into conspiracies? But you don't think you've been brain washed by the left wing?

I guess for me I just need to realize that from here on out this is the way things are going to be.
I doubt it. Change is the one thing that is certain and I strongly suspect that-for better or worse-America will change greatly in the near future just as it has in the recent past.

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