A Declaration of War?

Illegal action by an alleged President/
Never happened
I am forced to assume that election was indeed bogus
The election hasnt even happened yet. Who or what is forcing you?

But, yes, I believe only election reform with the installation of a system that will reliably tabulate and record the votes of qualified American citizens, and only qualified American citizens will be absolutely necessary for Americans to regain faith in elections.
So when did elections become unreliable?

and only qualified American citizens
So you want to solve a problem that doesnt exist. Show me where there is massive illegal voter fraud.

I've been brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh? Now who's into conspiracies?
It is a fact Rush Limbaugh has sown distrust in American government. And you have obviously been indoctrinated. How do I know this? I read what you wrote.

Change is the one thing that is certain and I strongly suspect that-for better or worse-America will change greatly in the near future just as it has in the recent past.
So you mean people like you wont continue to question election results with absolutely no evidence? I doubt it, but thanks at least for trying to give me hope.
The story was a parody. A joke. Not a very good one, but a US Congresswoman should have the sense to check a source before she tweets stupid shit.
You must be a slow learner. For the 3rd time, I can't prove something doesnt exist. In this case, I cant prove election fraud doesnt exist. Again, in a court of law or for that matter just having a discussion like this, one has to prove something exists or that something happened. For someone claiming to be so smart, you'd think this would be a fairly simple concept.

I'm not going to keep going round and round with you nut job. In addition to your many other psychological problems, evidently you have control issue problems. LOL thinking you're going to get me to go on some wild goose chase trying to proved something didnt happen. See thats how you try to keep this going...."just prove to me it never happened". Nobody can do that. That's why you're always going to be unsatisfied. If you think election fraud happened, file a fucking lawsuit you dumb animal and quit acting like you belong in a psycho ward.

EDIT: I'm trying to help you....read this about the logical fallacy of non-existence. It will take you 5 minutes Proving Non-Existence

Nice avoidance of the reality. It is not the duty of the Prosecutor to demonstrate a murder did not happen. It is the duty to prove it did, and who did it, and how.

Prove the Fraud happened. Tell us how it happened. And you have to account for all evidence.
Nice avoidance of the reality. It is not the duty of the Prosecutor to demonstrate a murder did not happen. It is the duty to prove it did, and who did it, and how.

Prove the Fraud happened. Tell us how it happened. And you have to account for all evidence.
Holy shit another dumbass. This time from the other side.

The prosecutor is the one asserting something happened ie a murder, a robbery, etc. so he has to prove it happened. Just like the trumpanzees need to prove voter fraud happened. We are agreeing, dummy.

I cant prove fraud didnt happen because I cant prove something that doesnt exist.
The election hasnt even happened yet. Who or what is forcing you?

So when did elections become unreliable?

So you want to solve a problem that doesnt exist. Show me where there is massive illegal voter fraud.

It is a fact Rush Limbaugh has sown distrust in American government. And you have obviously been indoctrinated. How do I know this? I read what you wrote.

So you mean people like you wont continue to question election results with absolutely no evidence? I doubt it, but thanks at least for trying to give me hope.
The election hasnt even happened yet. Who or what is forcing you?
My mistake, I thought you claimed Biden won the election.
The facts.
The election hasnt even happened yet. Who or what is forcing you?
My mistake, I thought you claimed Biden won the election.
The facts.
I was talking about the CA recall election and how Elder has claimed it's fraudulent even before the election has ended. Kinda like what trump did.

Biden did win the election. It must suck to live in a hyper-reality.
I was talking about the CA recall election and how Elder has claimed it's fraudulent even before the election has ended. Kinda like what trump did.

Biden did win the election. It must suck to live in a hyper-reality.
I was talking about the CA recall election...
But I wasn't.

It must suck to live in a hyper-reality.
I don't know maybe you'll tell us all about it.
I was talking about the CA recall election...
But I wasn't.

It must suck to live in a hyper-reality.
I don't know maybe you'll tell us all about it.
I'll bet you didnt used to be like this. I bet no matter who won the election dem or republican, you'd just go on with your life and accept it, good or bad. It's pretty sad what you've turned into. And pathetic.
I'll bet you didnt used to be like this. I bet no matter who won the election dem or republican, you'd just go on with your life and accept it, good or bad. It's pretty sad what you've turned into. And pathetic.
What's sad and pathetic is an American who uncritically believes everything traitors tell him to believe.
What's sad and pathetic is an American who uncritically believes everything traitors tell him to believe.
People are trying to undermine our democratic process by telling lies about it being fraudulent.

We don't believe those lies. The lies of traitors.
You are, once again, trying to switch the burden of proof to me. I asserted nothing.

IF YOU ASSERT THAT ALL OF THE TRUMP ELECTION CLAIMS WERE ALL BASELESS AND DEBUNKED, the exact wording used endlessly in the media since day one anytime the topic came up, then you are asserting something.

You are asserting that a concerted investigatory process took place with a resolution and conclusion! Otherwise, you could never assert in any court of law that something was "debunked." Being that the outcome of a 5 billion dollar national political race where an entire branch of the most powerful one of government is at stake in these things, one would assume that such investigatory processes are both mandated by the Fed to protect the integrity of the election, as well as thorough and completely documented as a matter of the public record.

Where is this record; I just want to see and read it too so I can be as SURE that Biden really won last year's election as YOU ALL ARE!
What's sad and pathetic is an American who uncritically believes everything traitors tell him to believe.
Yes, when election results are told to me, I believe them. Name one Presidential election that has had massive voter fraud. Trump was claiming voter fraud all the way back in the Iowa primary when he lost to I believe it was Cruz. He was developing a blueprint. And it works. And it will continue to be used. It's pretty tragic actually.

Occum's razor. Which is more likely....trump repeatedly lying to you about election fraud or there actually being election fraud when there hasnt been any in a Presidential election?
You are asserting that a concerted investigatory process took place with a resolution and conclusion!
No I'm not.

one would assume that such investigatory processes are both mandated by the Fed to protect the integrity of the election,
You're only saying this because Trump lost. If Trump won, you would have wanted a mandated investigation with no evidence of wrongdoing? I think not.
How do I know that massive voter fraud didnt happen? Because nobody proved it DID happen.

Wasn't it Al Capone they finally caught on grounds of tax evasion? Despite years of trying, they never could make a case of proof on racketeering or murder or any other charges, so obviously, none of those happen neither. :smoke:

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