A Declaration of War?

Can you provide any other links or background on this?

I don't see this story anywhere else. There are no links in the story linked in the OP.

Thanks in advance.
Wut?? You don't trust delawareohionews.com?

Good for you because, yeah, it's a fake QUOTE and it's fake news...

Biden stole it. Honest people know that.
You know as much or as little about this as I do. Feel free to research to your heart's content. Given the fact that my hard earned VA benefits are what's keeping me alive I sincerely hope that's bullshit. But I fear Biden may well be stupid enough to try this.
You started a thread on it. Shouldn't you check it out before you spread such bullshit?
I also conducted a search. The only thing I could find is that the VA is covered by the mandate that anyone working for a medical group receiving federal funds must get the vaccine. I can’t find anything about health benefits for Veterans being restricted.

So before I declare this more Conspiracy Theory, I am asking if you have links to alternate sources, and by that I mean something that doesn’t either draw from this or is not quoted by this.

Fox News would be all over this wouldn’t they? I can’t find a news story from them.

So where can we find more information on this?
If you're still having doubts about the veracity of this story, all you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of the article posted by the moronic OP...

Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.
With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

All the retarded OP had to do to see he was duped was to scroll down. The disclaimer is on the very page he linked. But sadly, he proves to be too ignorant to do even that.
If you're still having doubts about the veracity of this story, all you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of the article posted by the moronic OP...

Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.
With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

All the retarded OP had to do to see he was duped was to scroll down, but sadly, he proves to be too ignorant to do even that.

They want to believe. They want to believe the story is true. They want to believe that the Democrats are going full dictatorship. This means they are justified in supporting a RW dictatorship to counter the horrors of a LW dictatorship.

It is Germany in the 1930’s all over again.
Wrong. You are way off topic. This thread is about a reported attempt to coerce veterans by threatening to withhold benefits they have earned and many need to survive.
Uh, no. This thread is a scale to see how gullible rightards are to fall for any news they want to believe is true. And you tipped the scale big time with this thread.
Hey syphilitic cornhole dingleberry: Show me where it says anything about satire on the website or in this thread? Do you see this thread under political satire, moron? Maybe that's why you go by an anonymous moniker, because besides being a sock, everything you say really is that dumb?
Dumfuck, it says it on the link posted by the OP. :eusa_doh:
Because you've yet to show how it is a satire site much less well known! Maybe you spend a lot of time there reading fake news called satire? Sorry, I don't have your free time to waste.

Sure, just as soon as you admit how much you like to suck dick.

Great. Now show us where it identifies itself OR the article as satire.

But when you declare something BASELESS 10,000 times and DEBUNKED 10,000 times, you have already committed yourself to an irrevocable position and stated that you are prepared to back it up with proof. Try going into court before a judge telling him or her that the accusations against you are baseless and have been debunked, and the judge will ask you the same question:
  1. What PROOF do you have to support your claim it is baseless.
  2. WHO debunked the charges, HOW, and WHEN.
All questions that all of you toadies refuse to answer! Refuse because you CAN'T because none of the fraud claims have ever been proven wrong.

Sorry, I just taught logic and boolean algebra for years. Shall we go toe to toe to see who knows more about truth tables and axiomatic tautologies? What can you tell me about Modus Tollens?

It says so right in bold faced print in the article. Since you make the claim that the article is just a ruse, the onus is on YOU to prove it so, cupcake.


everything on this website is made up.

Thanks for confessing once again that you're retarded. Wasn't necessary, but thanks just the same.
If you're still having doubts about the veracity of this story, all you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of the article posted by the moronic OP...

Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.
With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

All the retarded OP had to do to see he was duped was to scroll down. The disclaimer is on the very page he linked. But sadly, he proves to be too ignorant to do even t

Neither of which either lends credibility to the fake news you posted in your OP or to the fact you're an imbecile who fell for such obvious fake news.
Uh, no. This thread is a scale to see how gullible rightards are to fall for any news they want to believe is true. And you tipped the scale big time with this thread.
Gullible leftards claim to believe Biden was legally elected. They believe what they want-or are told- to believe.
Gullible leftards claim to believe Biden was legally elected. They believe what they want-or are told- to believe.

Too rich... the flaming imbecile who couldn't determine a fake news article was fake news even though it stated it was fake news now professes the ability to determine an election was rigged even though he can't prove it was rigged.

I don't believe you could possibly be any dumber.
Neither of which either lends credibility to the fake news you posted in your OP or to the fact you're an imbecile who fell for such obvious fake news.
He didn't post it; I did. And what he was said to have ordered VA was only part of the report:
Beginning November 1, any veteran seeking medical care at a VA facility must have had at least one shot of the vaccine to receive services under their medical benefits package.

The executive order is one of several new rules to combat the Delta variant, including vaccine requirements for federal workers, large employers, and health care staff.

In a televised speech Thursday evening, the president called upon veterans to continue their service to the United States, saying their debt to the country must be paid in perpetuity.

“As with so many other things in our country, veterans are part of the problem when they should be part of the solution. We promised to take care of you in return for your service to this country. You promised us your life. Now it’s time to help us protect you before we let you die some other way because you failed to avoid dying a way we didn’t want you to. If this doesn’t make sense to you, have a little faith. There is great honor in doing what you’re told,” Biden said.

“You are willing to fight and die for your country. You are willing to take a bullet in the head for next to nothing. Get blown to bits over in Afghanistan. But you won’t let us pump some mRNA molecules into your arm?” the president continued. “It’s time to get real. Some of you are behaving like some real wise guys here, some real dummies. Wiseguy dumb-dumb boys, as my father used to say. Enough is enough. So sit down and get the dang shot. Do what we tell you to do and continue your service to this great country. Or go without your healthcare benefits. The choice is yours.”

Not very happy making to vets. If all it is libel why hasn't anyone made that charge?
Last edited:

Too rich... the flaming imbecile who couldn't determine a fake news article was fake news even though it stated it was fake news now professes the ability to determine an election was rigged even though he can't prove it was rigged.

I don't believe you could possibly be any dumber.
Get a clue dipspit, I am not required to prove my beliefs or opinions to anyone. Especially idjits who can't read.
He didn't post it; I did. And what he was said to have ordered VA was only part of the report:
Beginning November 1, any veteran seeking medical care at a VA facility must have had at least one shot of the vaccine to receive services under their medical benefits package.

The executive order is one of several new rules to combat the Delta variant, including vaccine requirements for federal workers, large employers, and health care staff.

In a televised speech Thursday evening, the president called upon veterans to continue their service to the United States, saying their debt to the country must be paid in perpetuity.

“As with so many other things in our country, veterans are part of the problem when they should be part of the solution. We promised to take care of you in return for your service to this country. You promised us your life. Now it’s time to help us protect you before we let you die some other way because you failed to avoid dying a way we didn’t want you to. If this doesn’t make sense to you, have a little faith. There is great honor in doing what you’re told,” Biden said.

“You are willing to fight and die for your country. You are willing to take a bullet in the head for next to nothing. Get blown to bits over in Afghanistan. But you won’t let us pump some mRNA molecules into your arm?” the president continued. “It’s time to get real. Some of you are behaving like some real wise guys here, some real dummies. Wiseguy dumb-dumb boys, as my father used to say. Enough is enough. So sit down and get the dang shot. Do what we tell you to do and continue your service to this great country. Or go without your healthcare benefits. The choice is yours.”

Not very happy making to vets. If it all it is libel why hasn't anyone made that charge?

Dumbfuck, I said you posted it. And had you kept reading, you would have read...


Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.

With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

You prove to be among the biggest dupes on this forum. G'head, tell me again how the election was stolen, Dupe.

Get a clue dipspit, I am not required to prove my beliefs or opinions to anyone. Especially idjits who can't read.
Translation: you won't prove it because you can't prove it because there is no such proof.

Who knows why you're not embarrassed to be such a raging dupe?

Dumbfuck, I said you posted it. And had you kept reading, you would have read...

Delaware Ohio News is an online news and content source dedicated to Delaware, Ohio. Founded in the year 1808, we strive to be Delaware's premier news source, second only to the illustrious Delaware Gazette. Although we were the first Delaware, Ohio newspaper, they remain the lords of Delaware news media. That's why we're suicidal and on so many drugs.
With all of that said, everything on this website is made up. Do not rely on anything said here.

You prove to be among the biggest dupes on this forum. G'head, tell me again how the election was stolen, Dupe.

Bullshit. You said that to Doc7505 in your post 292.
Translation: you won't prove it because you can't prove it because there is no such proof.

Who knows why you're not embarrassed to be such a raging dupe?
In the real world inability to provide proof does not mean it doesn't exist. Most people who can correctly count past 10 are well aware of that.

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