A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"

round em up, throw them on a bus, and ship em HOME .... I mean hell, that's all you've got to do.... End of problem

shit in pants

repeat entire process
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

Many of them are bringing the violence with them. Oh but, we don't want to talk about that huh?
I'm not denying that. But I'm also not denying the others. Talk about it all you want but it doesn't change the reality of what I posted.
And in case you're a little slow I'm ANTI illegal immigration. I'm just not dumb enough to think the solution to our problem is so simple.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

Let's see

Your way, spend hundreds of billions rounding up people and building a wall
My way, issue a piece of paper allowing them to work

I like my way better

Thats because you're stupid.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

Let's see

Your way, spend hundreds of billions rounding up people and building a wall
My way, issue a piece of paper allowing them to work

I like my way better

Could you please explain to us why dem/libs empathize and sympathize with criminals?

then explain why you dem/libs don't want the laws of the USA enforced.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal" ?

anxiously awaiting your answer
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?
Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on Earth. I don't see why people would want to just sit in a corner and starve to death. I have a thread that put everything together.
For the record I think Cruz nailed the topic when he said if politicians or journalists were the ones flooding our nation from Mexico & depressing their wages it would be a top priority.

I think as long as they didn't have brown skin and speak a funny language, nobody would care

There's that stupid I was referring to......
Amazing.. The same lowlife leftist pukes still here spewing and regurgitating the typical fascist sewage. Riddle me this.. According to liberals, We can't round up and deport 11 million illegals but we can go door to door , round up 500 million guns and confiscate them. NEVER EVER fall for the lies of the Fascist enemy.. It's all about power and nothing else.
For the record I think Cruz nailed the topic when he said if politicians or journalists were the ones flooding our nation from Mexico & depressing their wages it would be a top priority.

I think as long as they didn't have brown skin and speak a funny language, nobody would care

There's that stupid I was referring to......
Yup. Them competing for my jobs & depressing industry wages where they work in mass has NOTHING to do with skin tone. The dollars they take out of American workers hands is colorblind
I see it as an immediate cure for our economic situation. We are not going to create a lot of jobs in the near future so deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.
deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.

So you will now take a job working in the fields , dishwasher in a restaurant and mowing lawns at starvation wages?
I see it as an immediate cure for our economic situation. We are not going to create a lot of jobs in the near future so deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.
deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.

So you will now take a job working in the fields , dishwasher in a restaurant and mowing lawns at starvation wages?

Mowing lawns was historically a kids summer job,just like fast food is a kids job.
Why do you support illegals stealing our childrens jobs?
I see it as an immediate cure for our economic situation. We are not going to create a lot of jobs in the near future so deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.
deporting 11 million people will create 11 million new job openings.

So you will now take a job working in the fields , dishwasher in a restaurant and mowing lawns at starvation wages?

Mowing lawns was historically a kids summer job,just like fast food is a kids job.
Why do you support illegals stealing our childrens jobs?

Because his Masters told him to.. The useful idiots who support their Fascist leaders don't think for themselves.. they literally follow blindly every single thing their idiot leaders tell them to.. It's pathetic. lol
Kasich realizes how stupid it is to think you can round up 11 million people and throw them on the other side of an impenetrable wall

What impenetrable wall?
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Then why are you rounding up 11 million people?

Are they not here illegally?

They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper and allow them to work and pay taxes
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

Many of them are bringing the violence with them. Oh but, we don't want to talk about that huh?
I'm not denying that. But I'm also not denying the others. Talk about it all you want but it doesn't change the reality of what I posted.
And in case you're a little slow I'm ANTI illegal immigration. I'm just not dumb enough to think the solution to our problem is so simple.

It is simple. Deport them as they are identified. Hell, here in Texas you can go to just about any Home Depot store and find dozens of them each and every day just sitting outside.
What impenetrable wall?
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Then why are you rounding up 11 million people?

Are they not here illegally?

They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper and allow them to work and pay taxes
Hey Dummy.. they're ILLEGAL because they broke the f*cking law.. Don't thank me.
Amazing.. The same lowlife leftist pukes still here spewing and regurgitating the typical fascist sewage. Riddle me this.. According to liberals, We can't round up and deport 11 million illegals but we can go door to door , round up 500 million guns and confiscate them. NEVER EVER fall for the lies of the Fascist enemy.. It's all about power and nothing else.
Show me any Congressman advocating going door to door to round up guns ...nobody is that stupid

But we have Congressmen advocating rounding up 11 million people and yes, they are that stupid
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

Many of them are bringing the violence with them. Oh but, we don't want to talk about that huh?
I'm not denying that. But I'm also not denying the others. Talk about it all you want but it doesn't change the reality of what I posted.
And in case you're a little slow I'm ANTI illegal immigration. I'm just not dumb enough to think the solution to our problem is so simple.

It is simple. Deport them as they are identified. Hell, here in Texas you can go to just about any Home Depot store and find dozens of them each and every day just sitting outside.
Same here in downtown KC
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

That's why we need our military in Mexico and not in Syria.

Now there's something I could get behind.
Go in and clean up the cartels and the corrupt government and then hand it back to the people of mexico.
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Then why are you rounding up 11 million people?

Are they not here illegally?

They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper and allow them to work and pay taxes
Hey Dummy.. they're ILLEGAL because they broke the f*cking law.. Don't thank me.
The law against not having a piece of paper
Amazing.. The same lowlife leftist pukes still here spewing and regurgitating the typical fascist sewage. Riddle me this.. According to liberals, We can't round up and deport 11 million illegals but we can go door to door , round up 500 million guns and confiscate them. NEVER EVER fall for the lies of the Fascist enemy.. It's all about power and nothing else.
Show me any Congressman advocating going door to door to round up guns ...nobody is that stupid

But we have Congressmen advocating rounding up 11 million people and yes, they are that stupid
Let me guess, you FASCIST gun grabbing pricks are just going to politely ask for our weapons? LMAO Bwhahahaha You've gotten even dumber since I've been gone.. Who the hell knew that was even possible?
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

According to Neo-Cons, starving in America one ups starving anywhere else.
According to common sense struggling in America is better than dead on the streets of Mexico.

The colonists laid down their lives for freedom.
Why can't others in their own suppressed nations do the same?
Because they're not good old White Boys?

Thats what happens when your government confiscates guns.

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