A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"

Kasich has never had to deal with mass illegal immigration. I'm sure Ohio has very few.

Kasich made a total ass out of himself.
Kasich realizes how stupid it is to think you can round up 11 million people and throw them on the other side of an impenetrable wall

What impenetrable wall?
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!


Trump will never do that if he is elected president, anymore than Cruz will abolish the IRS, as he claimed.

You people are falling for your favorite brands of pie in the sky.
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!

Yes, this is the most awesome Trump thing EVER! He's praising Operation Wetback. This is going to be a huge issue for Latinos. Thank you Mr. Trump. :)

Border security is a huge issue among Hispanics. Most want tighter borders and the majority support building a fence along the southern border.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

How dare them support their families with money they have earned. What is that some kind of family values!?!?
Kasich has never had to deal with mass illegal immigration. I'm sure Ohio has very few.

Kasich made a total ass out of himself.
Kasich realizes how stupid it is to think you can round up 11 million people and throw them on the other side of an impenetrable wall

any sane human can sort out the impossible from the possible .... Kasich is the only sane human on the right, but he's a RINO in the eyes of insane humans on the right ...America won't elect an insane RW candidate ... sooooooooooooooooo
Can you imagine Kasich having the gall to tell the Emperor that he has no clothes!

Throw him out of the party
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

According to Neo-Cons, starving in America one ups starving anywhere else.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
This isn't the answer either, it's ignorant and unwarranted.

One is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Prior to such an adjudication, those undocumented are entitled to certain fundamental rights, such as the right to due process and equal protection of the law; to seek to deny undocumented immigrants access to shelter or education predicated solely on an unsubstantiated suspicion of being in the country absent authorization – because of who they are, their race or ethnicity, or their country of origin – would in fact be un-Constitutional.

talk about screwing with the simpletons little brain ... shame on you.

Kasich has never had to deal with mass illegal immigration. I'm sure Ohio has very few.

Kasich made a total ass out of himself.
Kasich realizes how stupid it is to think you can round up 11 million people and throw them on the other side of an impenetrable wall

What impenetrable wall?
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Then why are you rounding up 11 million people?
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?
Kasich made a total ass out of himself.
Kasich realizes how stupid it is to think you can round up 11 million people and throw them on the other side of an impenetrable wall

What impenetrable wall?
The one Trump is going to make the Mexicans pay for

It doesn't even exist yet and won't for quite some time. Get real.
Then why are you rounding up 11 million people?

Are they not here illegally?
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

That's why we need our military in Mexico and not in Syria.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

H1-Bs and other Business Visas do the same with their paychecks.

And that needs to stop.
You do realize that next to PEMEX money sent from immigrants is the largest part of the mexican economy.
Thats a shitload of money that should be in our economy not mexicos.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

According to Neo-Cons, starving in America one ups starving anywhere else.
According to common sense struggling in America is better than dead on the streets of Mexico.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
This isn't the answer either, it's ignorant and unwarranted.

One is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization.

Prior to such an adjudication, those undocumented are entitled to certain fundamental rights, such as the right to due process and equal protection of the law; to seek to deny undocumented immigrants access to shelter or education predicated solely on an unsubstantiated suspicion of being in the country absent authorization – because of who they are, their race or ethnicity, or their country of origin – would in fact be un-Constitutional.

Try sneaking into Mexico and see how you're treated. As you said it's not illegal until such a time as you are found guilty in a court of law.

We all know you are too much of a coward to try such a thing.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

Let's see

Your way, spend hundreds of billions rounding up people and building a wall
My way, issue a piece of paper allowing them to work

I like my way better
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

According to Neo-Cons, starving in America one ups starving anywhere else.
According to common sense struggling in America is better than dead on the streets of Mexico.

The colonists laid down their lives for freedom.
Why can't others in their own suppressed nations do the same?
Because they're not good old White Boys?
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
So you think they would accept living in the street, starving and their kids not getting an education?

Many of them are fleeing extremely violent drug gangs % corrupt police. Huddling 15 to a house here is better than dead in Mexico wouldn't you think?

Many of them are bringing the violence with them. Oh but, we don't want to talk about that huh?
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

Fuck that!!
They send their money to mexico when it should be Americans making and spending the money here in America.

How dare them support their families with money they have earned. What is that some kind of family values!?!?

So you dont give a shit about our economy here in America?
Think of all those tax dollars we dont get and the tax dollars we spend on immigrants.
We're getting fucked twice by these pieces of shit.
Cruz nailed it when he said that if the GOP becomes that party of amnesty (like the dems) they will lose.

a majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our border secure. Kasich and Bush are done.

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