A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"

Now, we have the population of Ohio spread all over the United States and we have to round them up.
How do we know which ones are from Ohio? Stop everyone and say ...show me your papers?
That's going to tick off a lot of innocent people who will go to the courts for protection
Then, you have to actually process them, prove they are from Ohio, arrange for transportation

Quite an endeavor to get rid of everyone from Ohio

Wouldn't it be easier to just let them stay?

NAFTA has a whole lot of trains loaded with cars and trucks going into Mexico every day down at Laredo. Put the illegals onboard and ship them out of here. We once moved all the Cherokee people out of her on the Trail of Tears.
Now that we are rounding up all the people of Ohio, what do we do when other Americans start to hide them? What do we do when a black market pops up providing fake documentation to make people from Ohio look like everyone else?

500,000 new Federal employees may not be enough for this job, we may need a million or more new employees

No, we won't need any more ICE or border control agents, ONCE they have their jobs cut out for them, instead of delivering illegals all over America!
Now, we have the population of Ohio spread all over the United States and we have to round them up.
How do we know which ones are from Ohio? Stop everyone and say ...show me your papers?
That's going to tick off a lot of innocent people who will go to the courts for protection
Then, you have to actually process them, prove they are from Ohio, arrange for transportation

Quite an endeavor to get rid of everyone from Ohio

Wouldn't it be easier to just let them stay?

NAFTA has a whole lot of trains loaded with cars and trucks going into Mexico every day down at Laredo. Put the illegals onboard and ship them out of here. We once moved all the Cherokee people out of her on the Trail of Tears.
Most of white America was for the removal of Native Americans, most of America today opposes mass round up and deportation.

Can't happen because the American people will not let it happen.
Just think of all the new federal employees we can bring in for roundup duty

How many to round up and process a population equal to that of the state of Ohio?

Just think of rounding up every citizen in the entire state of Ohio who does not want to leave. Quite an endeavor and almost as big a waste of money as building a stupid wall

We are so worried about being politically correct that illegals with crime records re-enter our Country. Many will get a license and the right to vote, healthcare. I find that to be a Big Wrong.
'A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"'

Yes, clearly defining the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity of many republicans and others on the right.

Clearly defining the fact that most on the right are wrong on the issue of immigration.

And clearly defining the importance of keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.
Now, we have the population of Ohio spread all over the United States and we have to round them up.
How do we know which ones are from Ohio? Stop everyone and say ...show me your papers?
That's going to tick off a lot of innocent people who will go to the courts for protection
Then, you have to actually process them, prove they are from Ohio, arrange for transportation

Quite an endeavor to get rid of everyone from Ohio

Wouldn't it be easier to just let them stay?

NAFTA has a whole lot of trains loaded with cars and trucks going into Mexico every day down at Laredo. Put the illegals onboard and ship them out of here. We once moved all the Cherokee people out of her on the Trail of Tears.
Most of white America was for the removal of Native Americans, most of America today opposes mass round up and deportation.

Can't happen because the American people will not let it happen.

Keep saying that, as we look at what the Manchurian muslim has done against the will of the people... You're demented!
I like the idea

Rounding up and deporting 11 million people who do not want to be deported will take at least 500,000 new federal employees to investigate, capture, detain, process and deport

It will be great for the employment rate
So much for the conservative notion of 'small government.'
'A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"'

Yes, clearly defining the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity of many republicans and others on the right.

Clearly defining the fact that most on the right are wrong on the issue of immigration.

And clearly defining the importance of keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

It is not just a republican thing anymore
Twitter will show you that many many left's are paying attention to Trump including myself a life long democrat.

Why doesn't someone on the left talk about America losing so much money from other countries stealing / poisoning us yet have strict rules for their own Country.
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!


Actually, Trump never said anything about deporting 11 million illegal immigrants.

Truth is a bitch huh?
Really????? You're stupidity can be fixed, it's not too late!

Oh so now you're not talking about what was said at the debate even though your OP was about the debate.

How convenient.

Did he say it, dumbass, or didn't he? Was their a specific that it had to have been said last night? Or are you this dumb on a regular basis?...Sorry, already answered that question.

Not during the debate of which your OP was referencing, dumbass!
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
No!Absolutely not!
We don't leave it up to THEM to decide if/when they want to go back.
In the interim they will commit crimes, gangs will continue unaffected and the illegals who stay will continue to be an underground problem.

Deport.All. Illegals.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.
Now that we are rounding up all the people of Ohio, what do we do when other Americans start to hide them? What do we do when a black market pops up providing fake documentation to make people from Ohio look like everyone else?

500,000 new Federal employees may not be enough for this job, we may need a million or more new employees

Now, why do we want to round up and deport 11 million people in the state of Ohio?

Well, some of them are rapists and murderers and are not very nice people. But most are peaceful and just want to work and raise their families

Isn't it better not to spend all that money and just let the people of Ohio stay like they have been doing?
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
No!Absolutely not!
We don't leave it up to THEM to decide if/when they want to go back.
In the interim they will commit crimes, gangs will continue unaffected and the illegals who stay will continue to be an underground problem.

Deport.All. Illegals.

I don't see that much of a problem. Elect Cruz and institute his flat tax plan. Abolish the corrupt IRS. You will now have thousands of displaced federal employees. Use them until you round up and deport all the illegals as ICE officers. Give them a 15 minute training program and turn them loose.
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.
I don't think they would go back. Mexico is a shithole. They may stop coming by such large numbers but I seriously doubt they will self deport. Imo that is just pie in the sky silliness
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

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