A Devil's Mathematical problem.

The French engaged in the slave trade and murdered native tribes in the New World for plunder and treasure just as England and Spain did for two hundred years. Black Africans were considered to be sub-human by the entire 18th century world so it's dishonest to compare the treatment of African slaves in America to the standard of living among French and Russian citizens under criminal monarchies.
Agree 100%.

In France and West Europe, peasants were not owned by anyone and could not be subject to physical abuse.

In Russia and East Europe, serfs were the property of their owners. They were subject to physical abuse. Nevertheless, Russian Serfs had 2.5 times lower work obligation then American Slaves.
People Who Act Like Wild Animals Need to Be Domesticated

Slavery was the only way to get lazy Afram dopeheads to work. Their work habits since forced racial work-quotas proved that. Thieving savages with no respect for other people's property deserve to become property.
Overt Racism is Evil which should have ended many decades ago.

Even most Conservatives distance themselves from Evil of overt Racism.
No excuse.
The aspires I know are very knowledgeable and intelligent.

Somehow it got fashionable to associate that mental illness with 'high IQ's', so now nutjobs run around claiming to be 'Aspies' these days, when all they really are is just dumbass sociopaths. It's a common 'lament' among pagans and commies and far right wing nutjobs.
Overt Racism is Evil which should have ended many decades ago.

Even most Conservatives distance themselves from Evil of overt Racism.
Two Wings of the Same Vulture. Carry On, Carrion.

Whites who are born rich deplore and fear all other Whites. The entitled Affluenzists are your Conservatives, Liberals, Commies, and Nazis. Following Social Darwinism, HeirHeads believe they have evolved into a separate and superior race. They shudder at the the thought of other Whites feeling superior to anybody or being proud of anything. Birth-Class Supremacy has conquered through mind-control humiliation.

Despite the fact that anti-racism has snob value, there's nothing automatically wrong with Racism. Good racism is part of the Survival Instinct. Bad racism, such as proven savages feeling they're superior or even equal to the evolved races, is part of the Death Wish.
Overt Racism should have been outside the bounds of normal Society decades ago.

In 1922, it was common.

PS. Covert Racism is also wrong.
Overt Racism should have been outside the bounds of normal Society decades ago.

In 1922, it was common.

PS. Covert Racism is also wrong.
There's Nothing Wrong With Turning Back the Clock If It's Connected to a Time Bomb

Whenever race traitors desperately need to stop debate cold, they resort to that simple-minded fallacy that whatever is new is advanced, as if there have never been decadent eras.
Whites who are born rich deplore and fear all other Whites. The entitled Affluenzists are your Conservatives, Liberals, Commies, and Nazis. Following Social Darwinism, HeirHeads believe they have evolved into a separate and superior race. They shudder at the the thought of other Whites feeling superior to anybody or being proud of anything.

That is indeed their mindset after a few years in private high schools and uni's like Stanford and Harvard. They are a little club and stay to themselves, mostly. And yes, racist dumbasses running around pretending to be 'anti-racist' is of course hilarious, as those buffoons are not only liars and hypocrites they are getting people killed.

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