A Disgrace

You've got nothing.

Jack, you're a disgrace. You never offered a thing here since you joined but empty, hollow claims. First you said the fraud was all debunked but you can never show us how, when or by who, then you claimed it was all killed in the courts except you started making that claim a mere three days after election day long before even the first court case had begun! Now you are telling us the 50-odd leftwing organizations hellbent on existing solely to swing elections to the democrats who even interviewed with a major publication to brag about it in print, means absolutely nothing!

  1. The democrats made an unprecedented effort going back into 2019 to quietly but radically change major election rules to their favor long before anyone heard of Covid.
  2. Then they claimed they were doing it BECAUSE of Covid, so people could stay home and vote!
  3. Then they said they were doing it because Trump was a dictator who needed stopped at any cost from stealing America, so THEY stole the election FROM him.
  4. Despite all that, Trump was winning by a clear victory until the wee hours when all the watchers were forced out of the buildings and "found" millions of paper ballots, nearly all for Biden putting him in the final lead.
  5. The election was quickly ordered a done deal and a closed case and ordered verboten to even bring it up much less question in all across Big-Tech-controlled social media. The president himself, STILL IN OFFCE was even silenced from speaking!
  6. A very predictable protest ensued at the Capitol over it which quickly turned ugly and even THAT was blamed solely on Trump!
Now, there are many ways of looking at this, but the one thing no credible, reasonable, intelligent, honest person can say is that--- forgetting all about Trump himself for the minute ---that the above events certainly and in accord with the research of the Carter-Baker Commission, undeniably must have created massive opportunities for people to cheat, and that Biden's campaign, lack of interest, and way he won despite losing key states always historically connected with the winning candidate plus the fact that republicans won heavy across the board in EVERY OTHER CATEGORY---

---that at the very least, the 2020 election would deserve a close examination and refutation by ANY party whose candidate lost! Not because of the party but for the future INTEGRITY OF THE ELECTIONS! Surely, had Trump won that way the Left would demand absolutely no less, and that if the election really WAS on the up and up and Biden really won as you say, that Democrats would be MORE THAN HAPPY to say: "Go ahead! Look all you'll want! You won't find anything and we are prepared to back up and justify anything!"

But instead Jack, you, the media and Washington all denied EVERYTHING from the start, just claimed the election was as clean as the driven snow with no way you could actually know that, and have fought tooth and nail ever since with everyone, every effort not to offer even the smallest of cooperation in any way!

Instead of even conceding that, yes, it was a VERY unusual election with an enormous amount of strange things worthy of suspicion or at least investigation and explanation, just to put the election behind us and assure the nation and people that all is good and we can move forward now with confidence in our election process for the future, instead, all you can come up with is:

"Nothing to see. You got nothing." As if YOU could PERSONALLY vouch for the outcome!

So you see Jack, if tens or hundreds of millions of people suspect the election and doubt Biden is the legitimate president, you only have YOURSELF and the rest of the democrats to blame because guilty or not, you ACTED like thieves running in the night with everything possible to hide, and now, the issue will NEVER EVER go away or be settled until every single rock is overturned and last blade of grass counted! Even if it take 100 years. Sooner or later the world will know the truth.
How is this a conspiracy? These are facts. The law was broken. No one believes your narrative and the Big Lie there was no fraud. You should move this thread back where it belongs. It shows how sloppily the election was run. The election should have never been certified.

Shove your fucking lying narrative.


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