A drop in US IQ elected Biden.

Biden provides a return to normalcy
Yea....a return to kissing China’s ass, returning to the Washington Establishment’s “endless wars” in the Middle East, and returning to allowing open borders to allow access to illegal cheap brown labor.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.

You think our economy doing better is an argument to enrich a peer competitor who is not very liberal....?


What do you think the Chinese will do with taht economic might exactly?

What ever happened to the Good ole Days when Conservatives supported free trade and opposed tariffs ?
Hmmm seems like your own ilk isn't China lovers either.

Yea even the liberals are done, everyone has moved against China

It's not even a debate anymore

You have to be totally incompetent to believe that we are not in a cold war with China
The price of fuel is rising globally.

Good news for Iran and Russia.

Both of whom have coincidentally bribed the fuck out of Quid Pro over the decades.

How many have died at the border?
What is the crisis? Too many brown people?

Really? That's the best lie your Reich could program you with?

Biden provides a return to normalcy
Yea....a return to kissing China’s ass, returning to the Washington Establishment’s “endless wars” in the Middle East, and returning to allowing open borders to allow access to illegal cheap brown labor.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.

You think our economy doing better is an argument to enrich a peer competitor who is not very liberal....?


What do you think the Chinese will do with taht economic might exactly?

What ever happened to the Good ole Days when Conservatives supported free trade and opposed tariffs ?
Those weren’t “conservatives”, those were RINOs. “Free trade” was usually a code word for selling out to China.

We "sold out" to china to try to hedge against the Soviets

The soviets are gone so don't malign people for what was at the time vaguely rational policy.

The problem was in 1990 no one had the stomach to cut ties even tho the Chinese served no purpose anymore.
America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world
The only people celebrating Xiden are the CCP, Iranian Regime, North Korea’s rocket man, and all the globalists and corporations who stand to profit off Chinese slave labor and cheap Latino labor.
Taiwan is pleased with Biden's stance on China.
We sanctioned China on their treatment of Uyghur muslims.
And Biden criticized their lack of democracy.
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.

By some measures IQ are/were raising, but on other measures slowing. One of the most basic IQ tests is actually a person's reaction time. Reaction time is remarkably slowing.

When you know longer solve basic problems beyond a phone call, a society of lazy thinking & action clouded by propaganda, what would you expect to happen?
Biden provides a return to normalcy
Yea....a return to kissing China’s ass, returning to the Washington Establishment’s “endless wars” in the Middle East, and returning to allowing open borders to allow access to illegal cheap brown labor.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.
Wrong. We’ve been in a “trade war” with China for over forty years, and we’ve been losing, until President Trump. He brought back a half million manufacturing jobs when the Hussein said he would need a magic wand to do that. The only thing “stable” about our trade with China was that they continuously took our jobs.

As for “rising prices”, we are seeing that now with gasoline prices and a housing bubble. Inflation is rampant under Biden already.
The American People LOST in Trumps ridiculous trade wars
Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.

The fuck it did.

The economy was doing so well in 2019 that your Reich and your CCP allies had to resort to biological warfare.
Trumps inept leadership during COVID led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a continuation of the economic shutdown
Biden provides a return to normalcy
Yea....a return to kissing China’s ass, returning to the Washington Establishment’s “endless wars” in the Middle East, and returning to allowing open borders to allow access to illegal cheap brown labor.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.
Wrong. We’ve been in a “trade war” with China for over forty years, and we’ve been losing, until President Trump. He brought back a half million manufacturing jobs when the Hussein said he would need a magic wand to do that. The only thing “stable” about our trade with China was that they continuously took our jobs.

As for “rising prices”, we are seeing that now with gasoline prices and a housing bubble. Inflation is rampant under Biden already.
The American People LOST in Trumps ridiculous trade wars

How much do you think containing a rising china will cost?

Your math is off

Again their impoverishment is our gain. As long as they hurt more than us we win. And a global exodus from China to avoid american tariffs sounds pretty good. Of course it will cost us something....

A price our plebs need to pay to avoid the trillions we would spend containing them.
Biden provides a return to normalcy
Yea....a return to kissing China’s ass, returning to the Washington Establishment’s “endless wars” in the Middle East, and returning to allowing open borders to allow access to illegal cheap brown labor.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.
Wrong. We’ve been in a “trade war” with China for over forty years, and we’ve been losing, until President Trump. He brought back a half million manufacturing jobs when the Hussein said he would need a magic wand to do that. The only thing “stable” about our trade with China was that they continuously took our jobs.

As for “rising prices”, we are seeing that now with gasoline prices and a housing bubble. Inflation is rampant under Biden already.
The American People LOST in Trumps ridiculous trade wars
So...you don't like China until a Republican does something about it, then you DO like China now that Dementia Joe is getting his payouts???
There is again no evidence for that

There is no special training regimen to raise IQ

It's all just random stimulus and genetics as far as we can tell. And of course avoiding things that lower your IQ like lead

This is a HIGHLY well researched topic. If we could really raise IQ's substantively America would be a much better place. Unfortunately if there is a way it's nothing you would imagine as conventional because we can't identify it.

Actually, there is huge evidence to support what I said.

In layman's terms;

And in peer reviewed studies.

By puberty, it's game over, but especially in the 4 to 8 year range the stimulation of the brain has a MASSIVE impact on IQ.
America had a “Brain Fart” when we elected Trump as our President.
It’s worth a shot, how bad can he be?

We found out when we expected him to lead us through the COVID Pandemic

We found out how dangerous he is when he threw a temper tantrum over losing and launched an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying Biden.
Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.

The fuck it did.

The economy was doing so well in 2019 that your Reich and your CCP allies had to resort to biological warfare.
Trumps inept leadership during COVID led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a continuation of the economic shutdown
And just where do
America had a “Brain Fart” when we elected Trump as our President.
It’s worth a shot, how bad can he be?

We found out when we expected him to lead us through the COVID Pandemic

We found out how dangerous he is when he threw a temper tantrum over losing and launched an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying Biden.
Whiner, whiner won't eat at a diner....without 3 facediapers...
Taiwan is pleased with Biden's stance on China.
We sanctioned China on their treatment of Uyghur muslims.
And Biden criticized their lack of democracy.

Yes, Quid Pro has largely kept the Trump policies on China in tact thus far. Credit where due.

Of course the idiot let China back into our power grid.

Our economy did better when we had stable relations with China and other economies.
Trumps trade wars led to shortages and increased prices.

The fuck it did.

The economy was doing so well in 2019 that your Reich and your CCP allies had to resort to biological warfare.
Trumps inept leadership during COVID led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a continuation of the economic shutdown
And just where do
America had a “Brain Fart” when we elected Trump as our President.
It’s worth a shot, how bad can he be?

We found out when we expected him to lead us through the COVID Pandemic

We found out how dangerous he is when he threw a temper tantrum over losing and launched an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying Biden.
Whiner, whiner won't eat at a diner....without 3 facediapers...
The American People thought otherwise
Trumps inept leadership during COVID led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a continuation of the economic shutdown

Troll moron.

Didn't we see a SURGE in deaths after Quid Pro stumbled into power. (yes)

I see that fuckwad Fauci is now lying that HE created warp speed, the Trump plan that brought us a vaccine in 8 months rather than the 5 years Fauci had claimed.

Thank GOD that Trump was president, or we would still be YEARS away from a vaccine.
Funny with Trump lies, narcissism, tantrums, and blaming the other guy before him, that you would expect people to be more tolerant of the man at the top. The bar has been set so low by Trump that it pretty much lying on the floor. No one is going to be able to limbo under that one.
America had a “Brain Fart” when we elected Trump as our President.
It’s worth a shot, how bad can he be?

We found out when we expected him to lead us through the COVID Pandemic

We found out how dangerous he is when he threw a temper tantrum over losing and launched an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying Biden.
That kind of reasoning is why Americans are leery of government brainwashing. All of your responses appear to be taken out of some handbook somewhere. They are entirely predictable.

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