A Dying Man's Last Words.......

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I listened to this man's testimony today and I believe every word of what he was shown. He gives this testimony on his death bed. It is an important message and one that I pray will speak to many hearts here tonight. To any who doubt what he says? Please ask yourself this question. What motive would he have? He is preparing to meet the LORD. He is a Christian. What possible motive would he have to risk eternity in hell by telling you a lie? There can be no motive. I believe his testimony to be true.

Listen to what he has to say here:

1,625,247 people have watched this video on youtube so far. I believe the LORD wanted to use this man to warn the world.
"... and I believe every word ..."

Uh, hon, not to put too sharp on a point on it but you always believe every word.

" ... What motive would he have?... "

You answered your own question:

" ... He is preparing to meet the LORD..."

As you said, he's a "Christian" so of course he would believe what reinforces that belief.

But that's okay. As I've said so often, whatever gets "you" through the night and if that made his death easier, its certainly not my place to criticize it.
I was speaking of what motive would he have to lie? I cannot see how it would be possible for him to tell a lie - to make up a story on his death bed, Luddley. I would think he would be very careful to only speak what he knew for sure that he had seen. Because as you reminded me of my own words......he was preparing to meet the LORD.

I noted that he was very brief in his words about the experience at end of video and once again I perceived that as an effort on his part not to add or take away from what he had seen.

On believing every word. I do believe people when they tell me some experience they have had and decide to share it. If I believe something that isn't true and it is something the LORD wants me to know, He'll have the Holy Spirit tell me what's what. Still, I am not going to call anyone a liar because I may have some small doubt - because I could be wrong. In the case of this elderly man who is on his death bed. I have no reason to doubt him. I believe he was being honest to the best of his ability.
At some point in time, everyone gets to have 'the moment'. I would not even pretend to know anything about it now.

I forgot about something. When I listened to his testimony. He said he saw the LORD in the midst of a cloud. When he said that - in the midst of a cloud, the Holy Spirit reminded me that this is how the LORD appears. Old Testament and New Testament both. In the midst of a cloud, it is in scripture over and over and over again.

I should do a study on it here one day.

Here are some verses that I can give you guys about the Lord in the midst of a cloud.

Exodus 13:11
Exodus 9:9
Exodus 40:38
Leviticus 16:2
Numbers 11.25
Deut. 31:15
1 Kings 8:11
Daniel 7:13
Matt. 17:4
Acts 1:11
1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17
Rev. 1:7
Rev. 14:15
Matt 24:29, 30, 331
and Rev. 1:10
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