A Farewell to Trumpist Media


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

all liberals have is trump trump trump...grow up and get a life, move out of your parents home and get a real job, you cant spend your entire life in college...its nothing but a daycare for overgrown two year olds...buy yourself a trumpybear and sleep with it instead of a hooker....you can do it...grow up, its painful but your parents will thank you and their bank account will thank you
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

Allah is a RINO's RINO.

Here is Ace of Spades retort to his leaving. It's towards the bottom

Reactions to Biden's Fascist Call to War Against His Political Enemies
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

From the OP:

And above all, thank you to Jon Garthwaite and Townhall Media, who stuck with me even as the GOP changed and I declined to change with it. At this point I must be the only strident critic of Donald Trump serving a pro-Trump populist readership across all of conservative media. And that’s been true *for years.* Since 2020, at least.
It was possible only because of Townhall’s sufferance, a show of integrity for which they don’t get enough credit. But I think all of us knew it couldn’t last. When you hire someone to run your hot-dog stand and he starts telling the customers that hot dogs are bad for them, that relationship won’t endure. Even if he’s right about the hot dogs
Thank you to my critics — the earnest ones, who weren’t just axe-grinding because I wouldn’t join a cult. I am not dishonest but am frequently stupid and you were right to call me on my moments of stupidity. Accountability is good. The right needs more of it from its own side, urgently. If the average populist slobberer had a few like you in their ear, we wouldn’t be in the fix we’re in.

Lastly, to those who spent the last seven years barking insults at me in the comments for not genuflecting to Trump, I’ll give you this: You’re not phonies. You believe what you say. We have that much in common. I respect honesty and paid you the respect of being honest. It would scandalize you to know how many of your heroes sound like you in public and like me in private. Audience capture has brought most of conservative media to ruin by making it predictable and shrill.
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

What a sissy assed good bye.
the left hasn't killed Conservative media or Trumpsupporting media. Indeed....they made it stronger. LOOOLOLOLOLOO
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

Shoot, I thought you were going to report that Adolf Biden had outlawed all media that is not friendly to the Reich.

No doubt that will be soon.
Allahpundit announced that he is leaving the conservative site Hot Air.

What is the right’s ’cause’ at this point? What cause does the Republican Party presently serve? It has no meaningful policy agenda. It literally has no platform.

The closest thing it has to a cause is justifying abuses of state power to own the libs and defending whatever Trump’s latest boorish or corrupt thought-fart happens to be.

Imagine being a propagandist for a cause as impoverished as that. Many don’t need to imagine.”

Never heard of him/them
I stopped reading Hot Air because of Allah Pundit. He is a Bushie - 100% He was angry when Jeb! lost.

I'm sure he can join the Lincoln Project.

Going to the Dispatch, another RINO production.

He's actually more left than a Bushie, he just won't admit it.

He would be perfectly happy with the country going down in flames due to progressive policies as long as Trump burned first.
the left hasn't killed Conservative media or Trumpsupporting media. Indeed....they made it stronger. LOOOLOLOLOLOO

In fact the left has made conservative media more reputable than the DNC stenographers of the MSM. The NY Times has no credibility left, Bezos Amazon.Com Post is a joke. CNN is going broke and firing the most absurd of their hatemongers in an attempt to redirect as actual news.

Meanwhile Blaze TV has grown 17,000% - Breitbart scoops the NY Times on the Warrant, Townhall Media has greater revenue than the Bezos Blog - Washington Post..
Going to the Dispatch, another RINO production.

He's actually more left than a Bushie, he just won't admit it.

He would be perfectly happy with the country going down in flames due to progressive policies as long as Trump burned first.

Isn't the Dispatch run by the Lincoln Project? David French, Jonah Goldberg, those folk not allowed within a thousand feet of an elementary school...
The Most amazing thing happened this morning....the end of 'trumpist media'. .............LOL

now you got Trump supporters to deal with.

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