A Favored Dick Of The Democrats

my take away from the site.

After the tax cuts expire, taxes rise. Film at 11.

My take:

Donald Trump thinks he will be reelected to the presidency.

After that, the left retakes the White House.

A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

The wealthy walk away with what they want and the taxpayers are carrying the bulk of the multi TRILLION dollar debt we've amassed. We really need a third party or an internal rebellion. Politics as usual isn't going to fix the inevitable.
Who should take the blame for the 10 TRILLION DOLLARS added to our debt under the reign of Obama and Friends?

The estimated debt increase to be attributed to the new tax bill is 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS in 10 YEARS! Obama and Friends managed to add the $10T in 8 years.

If the economy growth rate improves by a mere 0.2% as a result of the new tax bill, there will be NO ADDITION to the debt.

You are full of shit.
My take:

Donald Trump thinks he will be reelected to the presidency.

After that, the left retakes the White House.

A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

The wealthy walk away with what they want and the taxpayers are carrying the bulk of the multi TRILLION dollar debt we've amassed. We really need a third party or an internal rebellion. Politics as usual isn't going to fix the inevitable.

A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

If the Democrats don't extend the tax cuts, who should be blamed?

You would be presuming that the Ds control both Houses of Congress and the presidency.

Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

my take away from the site.

After the tax cuts expire, taxes rise. Film at 11.

My take:

Donald Trump thinks he will be reelected to the presidency.

After that, the left retakes the White House.

A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

The wealthy walk away with what they want and the taxpayers are carrying the bulk of the multi TRILLION dollar debt we've amassed. We really need a third party or an internal rebellion. Politics as usual isn't going to fix the inevitable.
Who should take the blame for the 10 TRILLION DOLLARS added to our debt under the reign of Obama and Friends?

The estimated debt increase to be attributed to the new tax bill is 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS in 10 YEARS! Obama and Friends managed to add the $10T in 8 years.

If the economy growth rate improves by a mere 0.2% as a result of the new tax bill, there will be NO ADDITION to the debt.

You are full of shit.

No, I am never full of shit. My bowels work fine. It's a fact that Obama added more to the federal deficit than all the other previous presidents combined! That is indisputable. The Dems want socialism now; the Republicans will accept it over time.
A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

If the Democrats don't extend the tax cuts, who should be blamed?

You would be presuming that the Ds control both Houses of Congress and the presidency.

Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.
constructive criticism
A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

If the Democrats don't extend the tax cuts, who should be blamed?

You would be presuming that the Ds control both Houses of Congress and the presidency.

Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.
You would be presuming that the Ds control both Houses of Congress and the presidency.

Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.
constructive criticism

It's all semantics and most people aren't net nazis. If you understood the message, that's what is most important.
You would be presuming that the Ds control both Houses of Congress and the presidency.

Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.
Nobody is stopping the Dems from introducing tax legislation now.
I'll bet if they wanted to make the middle class cuts deeper and permanent, they'd
get more Republican votes than Dem votes.

The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?
The Democrats want socialism. The Republicans like Trump want socialism... slightly different versions and the Republicans want to do it on the installment plan.

The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.
This clown is one of the most annoying people out there, approaching even Luis Gutierrez level. If he's so unhappy, why doesn't he stop annoying people and just leave?

Also, isn't it time to do away with dual-citizenship?

Jorge Ramos Says He’s Now Having the ‘Worst Time’ of His Life in U.S.

My responses are taking us away from the topic.

If Jorge Ramos has dual citizenship, then the U.S. should eliminate it. No man can serve two masters. Therefore, no person can have two loyalties. And, just because Trump calls a news conference, does not require him to take questions from those he does not want to interact with. Of course, that is a point foreign to many Americans since many (most?) people think that just because they want to engage you in conversation, you are obligated to oblige them.

Still, Ramos is right when pointing out that the bulk of Americans want to talk trash, but not back it up. The right is getting notorious for being cowards with no ethical standards. I'm ashamed of them on that point.
The Democrats want socialism.

And higher taxes. The Republicans want lower taxes.

The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.
The Republicans gave you the unconstitutional income tax and the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.) They are as addicted to global socialism as the Dems are.

the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.
the so - called Federal Reserve System (that is neither federal or a reserve.)

Tell me more.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


One does not expect Democrat Party adherents to add - nor contribute in any way. Merely ro subtract, yea, to steal!

my take away from the site.

After the tax cuts expire, taxes rise. Film at 11.

My take:

Donald Trump thinks he will be reelected to the presidency.

After that, the left retakes the White House.

A year into that term, the tax cuts for the people have expired and begin to rise very rapidly. The Dem in office takes the blame.

The wealthy walk away with what they want and the taxpayers are carrying the bulk of the multi TRILLION dollar debt we've amassed. We really need a third party or an internal rebellion. Politics as usual isn't going to fix the inevitable.

I agree, that is why I voted third party, I am not going to support either the Democrats or Republicans, it will only produce more of the same.

I also look for the tax cuts to become permanent, it would be political suicide to let the cut’s expire.

That will tell you more than I can do in 100 posts.

Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13
Can't you distill the nuttery down to a paragraph or two?

Created by the Federal government.....why aren't they federal?
Over $4 trillion in assets, why don't they have a reserve?

If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

Why is a video about the IRS proof of your claims about the Federal Reserve?
If it's worth knowing, it's worth learning.

That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

Why is a video about the IRS proof of your claims about the Federal Reserve?

The video explains it. The subject is not relevant to the topic. It would take you less time to watch it than argue about it. And they do a much better job explaining it than I can.

If it's such a nutbag video, maybe you'd be better served to move on and find something more worthwhile to discuss.
That's why I won't waste any time on the video you posted.

You have an equal right to ignore your own education. Ignorance is bliss. Not much more I can add.

I'm free to ignore nutbag videos? Thank you!!!

Not much more I can add.


"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

Why is a video about the IRS proof of your claims about the Federal Reserve?

The video explains it. The subject is not relevant to the topic. It would take you less time to watch it than argue about it. And they do a much better job explaining it than I can.

If it's such a nutbag video, maybe you'd be better served to move on and find something more worthwhile to discuss.

A video that says the owners of the Fed are secret......is a nutbag video.

The subject is not relevant to the topic.

Then why did you say the Federal Reserve isn't federal and has no reserve.?

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