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A Few Of My Most Unfavorite Things About Obama


Jul 27, 2012
It gets kind of old to argue the many oddities surrounding Obama with those who inexplicably disregard all the other oddities about this guy except the one issue at hand.
Sure it's nice to stay on topic but for a group of people who have on these very boards prided themselves in their ability to "multi-task", it seems strange to me that each time a new question about who Obama really is and what he's really about comes up, all those other items are ignored entirely.
With that in mind, I've decided to list just a few items that when considered as a whole paint an...interesting picture of the man who has spent millions to keep much of his past hidden from his employers. So, with no further ado and in no particular order, here are a few things off the top of my head that tend to bug me about our current president.

  • Candidate Obama refused to wear the flag lapel pin that most other politicians began wearing after 911 (Since beginning his '12 campaign he has changed that position)
  • Obama left out the words "by our creator" when reciting the portion of the Declaration of Independence that has always included those words
  • During the Democrat primaries in Iowa, candidate Obama refused to place his hand over his heart while the national anthem was sung
  • Obama's publishers apparently got things RIDICULOUSLY wrong in printing and distributing an author bio stating he had been born in Kenya
  • Obama has chosen NOT to recognize the National Day of Prayer but did hold a national prayer gathering of Muslims on September 25, 2009
  • On Good Friday of last year, Obama released a statement recognizing Earth Day while neglecting to make any mention whatsoever of Good Friday
  • Obama has ordered military families that Bibles are not welcome while visiting wounded soldiers in federal medical facilities
  • Obama trusted his family's spiritual growth to an anti-American racist "pastor" for 20 years
  • Obama kicked off his presidential run in the home of a convicted domestic terrorist
  • Senator Obama, in one of the few votes he cast as a Senator, voted to keep executives from making "recess appointments" when congress was not actually in recess - Of course President Obama had made the very appointments he voted to prohibit
  • Obama kicked off his term with his "apology tour" and in a stunning display of ignorance which was surly perceived as weakness and submission, was photographed bowing to world dictators
  • Obama's appalling treatment of the leader of our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth
  • Obama's referring to his political opposition as "enemies" while addressing a group of Hispanics
  • His public disparagement of the USSC during his SOTU address
  • His "you didn't build that" comment
  • His blatant contempt for the one news network who attempts to hold him to account for his actions and statements
  • His belief that "bankrupting" the coal industry is a good approach to energy independence
  • His statement that he's in the top 3 greatest US presidents of all time (and he calls the rest of us arrogant)
  • His book "Dreams From My Father" (Had this pile of anti-American propaganda been written by a conservative he'd have been run out of Washington if not the nation)
  • His ties to Communist activist and former Soviet spy Frank Marshall Davis
  • The astounding level of difficulty he had in producing a birth certificate
  • His statement and clear belief that HE is "the one we have been waiting for"
  • His belief, as implied by his claim he would "fundamentally change" America that America was somehow fundamentally wrong
  • His incessant rhetoric about everyone paying their "fair share" while NEVER even attempting to define what that might be

You know, I could go on for quite some time listing these issues but you get the idea.
The point is this man needs to be considered not at face value of the issue at hand but as a whole of his character and actions. When one does so, it's difficult to understand how we ever got here.

Que the paid deflectors and excuse makers, but do me a favor and while you're making those excuses, try to give me just one all inclusive excuse if you don't mind. ;)

Oh, and uh sorry for the absence of supporting links. I figure this post is long enough as it is. But test me if you like. Search any of the items in my short and far from complete list you disagree with and see if you don't find shit tons of evidence to back up the claim.
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  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #3
Thanks for proving that you're a world class idiot. That's some really dumb and distorted shit.

Come on Duhkhota, you're totally letting me down.
Tell you what drone, you tell me which of my points is distorted and I'll remove it.
Maybe I'll replace it with Obama's incessant demands for increased federal revenue or the Solyndra or Fast and Furious scandals. Or maybe the hella classy beer summit he hosted after making a racist douche of himself.

I'll work with ya as I've come to know your commitment to cold hard facts.
Thanks for proving that you're a world class idiot. That's some really dumb and distorted shit.

Come on Duhkhota, you're totally letting me down.
Tell you what drone, you tell me which of my points is distorted and I'll remove it.
Maybe I'll replace it with Obama's incessant demands for increased federal revenue or the Solyndra or Fast and Furious scandals. Or maybe the hella classy beer summit he hosted after making a racist douche of himself.

I'll work with ya as I've come to know your commitment to cold hard facts.

You couldn't qualify for the Special Olympics.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5
Thanks for proving that you're a world class idiot. That's some really dumb and distorted shit.

Come on Duhkhota, you're totally letting me down.
Tell you what drone, you tell me which of my points is distorted and I'll remove it.
Maybe I'll replace it with Obama's incessant demands for increased federal revenue or the Solyndra or Fast and Furious scandals. Or maybe the hella classy beer summit he hosted after making a racist douche of himself.

I'll work with ya as I've come to know your commitment to cold hard facts.

You couldn't qualify for the Special Olympics.

And yet you're the one with the retarded posts.
It's astounding that you never catch what you're about to do to yourself before hitting the "submit reply" button.
Yeah! What's inaccurate?

I wonder if any of our resident Romney/Ryan supporters can find anything in that list that might be less than accurate? How about "questionable"?

Anyone? Is it even worth the time?
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It gets kind of old to argue the many oddities surrounding Obama with those who inexplicably disregard all the other oddities about this guy except the one issue at hand.
Sure it's nice to stay on topic but for a group of people who have on these very boards prided themselves in their ability to "multi-task", it seems strange to me that each time a new question about who Obama really is and what he's really about comes up, all those other items are ignored entirely.
With that in mind, I've decided to list just a few items that when considered as a whole paint an...interesting picture of the man who has spent millions to keep much of his past hidden from his employers. So, with no further ado and in no particular order, here are a few things off the top of my head that tend to bug me about our current president.

  • Candidate Obama refused to wear the flag lapel pin that most other politicians began wearing after 911 (Since beginning his '12 campaign he has changed that position)

  • Obama left out the words "by our creator" when reciting the portion of the Declaration of Independence that has always included those words

  • During the Democrat primaries in Iowa, candidate Obama refused to place his hand over his heart while the national anthem was sung

  • Obama's publishers apparently got things RIDICULOUSLY wrong in printing and distributing an author bio stating he had been born in Kenya

  • Obama has chosen NOT to recognize the National Day of Prayer but did hold a national prayer gathering of Muslims on September 25, 2009

  • On Good Friday of last year, Obama released a statement recognizing Earth Day while neglecting to make any mention whatsoever of Good Friday

  • Obama has ordered military families that Bibles are not welcome while visiting wounded soldiers in federal medical facilities

  • Obama trusted his family's spiritual growth to an anti-American racist "pastor" for 20 years

  • Obama kicked off his presidential run in the home of a convicted domestic terrorist

  • Senator Obama, in one of the few votes he cast as a Senator, voted to keep executives from making "recess appointments" when congress was not actually in recess - Of course President Obama had made the very appointments he voted to prohibit

  • Obama kicked off his term with his "apology tour" and in a stunning display of ignorance which was surly perceived as weakness and submission, was photographed bowing to world dictators

  • Obama's appalling treatment of the leader of our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth

  • Obama's referring to his political opposition as "enemies" while addressing a group of Hispanics

  • His public disparagement of the USSC during his SOTU address

  • His "you didn't build that" comment

  • His blatant contempt for the one news network who attempts to hold him to account for his actions and statements

  • His belief that "bankrupting" the coal industry is a good approach to energy independence

  • His statement that he's in the top 3 greatest US presidents of all time (and he calls the rest of us arrogant)

  • His book "Dreams From My Father" (Had this pile of anti-American propaganda been written by a conservative he'd have been run out of Washington if not the nation)

  • His ties to Communist activist and former Soviet spy Frank Marshall Davis

  • The astounding level of difficulty he had in producing a birth certificate

  • His statement and clear belief that HE is "the one we have been waiting for"

  • His belief, as implied by his claim he would "fundamentally change" America that America was somehow fundamentally wrong

  • His incessant rhetoric about everyone paying their "fair share" while NEVER even attempting to define what that might be

You know, I could go on for quite some time listing these issues but you get the idea.
The point is this man needs to be considered not at face value of the issue at hand but as a whole of his character and actions. When one does so, it's difficult to understand how we ever got here.

Que the paid deflectors and excuse makers, but do me a favor and while you're making those excuses, try to give me just one all inclusive excuse if you don't mind. ;)

Oh, and uh sorry for the absence of supporting links. I figure this post is long enough as it is. But test me if you like. Search any of the items in my short and far from complete list you disagree with and see if you don't find shit tons of evidence to back up the claim.
This is OBVIOUSLY a CUT and PASTE??? you are suppose to give a link for a Cut and Paste....or was this from a mass email?
Thanks for proving that you're a world class idiot. That's some really dumb and distorted shit.

A typical liberal response.

We should not be too hard on liberals. They get all their information from liberal sources so they do not know what the truth is. When confronted with the truth, they resort to personal attacks.

It is very likely most of them do not know that the list is accurate.
  • Candidate Obama refused to wear the flag lapel pin that most other politicians began wearing after 911 (Since beginning his '12 campaign he has changed that position)

Actually it appears he changed his position back in 2008.

He's been wearing one for a while (this is his inauguration pic)


  • Obama left out the words "by our creator" when reciting the portion of the Declaration of Independence that has always included those words
If this is big on your list, you need a hobby of some sort.

  • During the Democrat primaries in Iowa, candidate Obama refused to place his hand over his heart while the national anthem was sung

Been to a baseball or football game? Take a look at the crowd and see the variations in the show of respect while the National Anthem is being played.

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner . "I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

She pointed out that "the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."

  • Obama's publishers apparently got things RIDICULOUSLY wrong in printing and distributing an author bio stating he had been born in Kenya

The Literary Agent admitted the mistake was his. His statement:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

  • Obama has chosen NOT to recognize the National Day of Prayer but did hold a national prayer gathering of Muslims on September 25, 2009

Not true. The President has made the annual proclamations of the NDoP, just has not chosen to host a service. George W Bush was the only President to host one every year. Saint Reagan only hosted one, Clinton none.

  • On Good Friday of last year, Obama released a statement recognizing Earth Day while neglecting to make any mention whatsoever of Good Friday

:lol: I'm sorry, some of these are just too silly.
  • Obama has ordered military families that Bibles are not welcome while visiting wounded soldiers in federal medical facilities

You'll have to post a link for this one. Can't find reference to it anywhere. Probably because it came from your fourth point of contact.
  • Obama trusted his family's spiritual growth to an anti-American racist "pastor" for 20 years

Not anti American and you've got your definition of racism wrong. Stating that the white race has oppressed your race for centuries is not the same as saying your race is superior to others.
  • Obama kicked off his presidential run in the home of a convicted domestic terrorist

LIE: In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn "hosted a political coming out party for a young Barack Obama."(Sean Hannity, Hannity's America, October 5, 2008, "Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism")

TRUTH: This was an event for Alice Palmer, not a "coming-out party" for Obama. Obama was invited by Palmer to the event.

Over Two Dozen Lies Refuted About Ayers And Obama

  • Senator Obama, in one of the few votes he cast as a Senator, voted to keep executives from making "recess appointments" when congress was not actually in recess - Of course President Obama had made the very appointments he voted to prohibit

Can't find reference. Link please.
  • Obama kicked off his term with his "apology tour" and in a stunning display of ignorance which was surly perceived as weakness and submission, was photographed bowing to world dictators

You do realize that earned Romney a "Pants on Fire" from Politifact, right?
  • Obama's appalling treatment of the leader of our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth

Care to be more specific?
  • Obama's referring to his political opposition as "enemies" while addressing a group of Hispanics

I agree that was over the top and unnecessary language...which the President apologized for.
  • His public disparagement of the USSC during his SOTU address

You mean his calling them out for the very unpopular Citizen's United ruling?
  • His "you didn't build that" comment

See, this is really funny because he didn't say that. He was not talking about small business, but the infrastructure needed to support that small business. You KNOW this, but are intentionally perpetrating lies. Why?
  • His blatant contempt for the one news network who attempts to hold him to account for his actions and statements

Ah, a Foxbot...should have known...

  • His belief that "bankrupting" the coal industry is a good approach to energy independence

He's not...

Romney Blasts Obama Coal Policy in State With Rising Production

Figures show W.Va. coal jobs up under Obama
  • His statement that he's in the top 3 greatest US presidents of all time (and he calls the rest of us arrogant)

He didn't say that. God, this is tiring...

This is what he said:

“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any President with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln,” Obama told CBS correspondent Steve Kroft.​

And I would add that his statement was a collective "our", not speaking about himself personally.

And he's right. The legislative accomplishments, before the GOP took over the House were pretty stellar (Affordable Care, DADT, Lilly Ledbetter and on and on)...and even former Sec of State Condalizza Rice, couldn't disagree with any policy decisions President Obama has made.

  • His book "Dreams From My Father" (Had this pile of anti-American propaganda been written by a conservative he'd have been run out of Washington if not the nation)

For example? You've read it, naturally? What precisely did you find "Anti-American"?
  • His ties to Communist activist and former Soviet spy Frank Marshall Davis

I thought he'd run out of silly...I was wrong. Links, links, links?

  • The astounding level of difficulty he had in producing a birth certificate

Nope...one was produced when he was just a candidate. His short form BC...exactly like the one Mittens produced. He then produced his long form BC to make the buffoon Donald Trump look like a chump. Funny that Romney hasn't done the same with Reid and his tax returns eh?
  • His statement and clear belief that HE is "the one we have been waiting for"

Nope, didn't say that either.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. ~ Barack Obama

  • His belief, as implied by his claim he would "fundamentally change" America that America was somehow fundamentally wrong

Um, we have a pretty long laundry list of things that were and still are "fundamentally wrong" with America. I love my country, just as I love my kids, unconditionally...that doesn't mean I can't see faults. I think we can and will do better. Do you?
  • His incessant rhetoric about everyone paying their "fair share" while NEVER even attempting to define what that might be
Actually, he has been pretty good about explaining his policies. He wants to raise taxes on the top earning Americans by about 3 or 4%...the same levels they were paying under Clinton. We aren't talking Eisenhower, JFK or even Reagan levels...just Clinton. (when we had that pesky surplus George Bush got rid of)

Whew...I'm worn out...gotta go play Skyrim after that.
It gets kind of old to argue the many oddities surrounding Obama with those who inexplicably disregard all the other oddities about this guy except the one issue at hand.
Sure it's nice to stay on topic but for a group of people who have on these very boards prided themselves in their ability to "multi-task", it seems strange to me that each time a new question about who Obama really is and what he's really about comes up, all those other items are ignored entirely.
With that in mind, I've decided to list just a few items that when considered as a whole paint an...interesting picture of the man who has spent millions to keep much of his past hidden from his employers. So, with no further ado and in no particular order, here are a few things off the top of my head that tend to bug me about our current president.

  • Candidate Obama refused to wear the flag lapel pin that most other politicians began wearing after 911 (Since beginning his '12 campaign he has changed that position)

  • Obama left out the words "by our creator" when reciting the portion of the Declaration of Independence that has always included those words

  • During the Democrat primaries in Iowa, candidate Obama refused to place his hand over his heart while the national anthem was sung

  • Obama's publishers apparently got things RIDICULOUSLY wrong in printing and distributing an author bio stating he had been born in Kenya

  • Obama has chosen NOT to recognize the National Day of Prayer but did hold a national prayer gathering of Muslims on September 25, 2009

  • On Good Friday of last year, Obama released a statement recognizing Earth Day while neglecting to make any mention whatsoever of Good Friday

  • Obama has ordered military families that Bibles are not welcome while visiting wounded soldiers in federal medical facilities

  • Obama trusted his family's spiritual growth to an anti-American racist "pastor" for 20 years

  • Obama kicked off his presidential run in the home of a convicted domestic terrorist

  • Senator Obama, in one of the few votes he cast as a Senator, voted to keep executives from making "recess appointments" when congress was not actually in recess - Of course President Obama had made the very appointments he voted to prohibit

  • Obama kicked off his term with his "apology tour" and in a stunning display of ignorance which was surly perceived as weakness and submission, was photographed bowing to world dictators

  • Obama's appalling treatment of the leader of our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth

  • Obama's referring to his political opposition as "enemies" while addressing a group of Hispanics

  • His public disparagement of the USSC during his SOTU address

  • His "you didn't build that" comment

  • His blatant contempt for the one news network who attempts to hold him to account for his actions and statements

  • His belief that "bankrupting" the coal industry is a good approach to energy independence

  • His statement that he's in the top 3 greatest US presidents of all time (and he calls the rest of us arrogant)

  • His book "Dreams From My Father" (Had this pile of anti-American propaganda been written by a conservative he'd have been run out of Washington if not the nation)

  • His ties to Communist activist and former Soviet spy Frank Marshall Davis

  • The astounding level of difficulty he had in producing a birth certificate

  • His statement and clear belief that HE is "the one we have been waiting for"

  • His belief, as implied by his claim he would "fundamentally change" America that America was somehow fundamentally wrong

  • His incessant rhetoric about everyone paying their "fair share" while NEVER even attempting to define what that might be

You know, I could go on for quite some time listing these issues but you get the idea.
The point is this man needs to be considered not at face value of the issue at hand but as a whole of his character and actions. When one does so, it's difficult to understand how we ever got here.

Que the paid deflectors and excuse makers, but do me a favor and while you're making those excuses, try to give me just one all inclusive excuse if you don't mind. ;)

Oh, and uh sorry for the absence of supporting links. I figure this post is long enough as it is. But test me if you like. Search any of the items in my short and far from complete list you disagree with and see if you don't find shit tons of evidence to back up the claim.
This is OBVIOUSLY a CUT and PASTE??? you are suppose to give a link for a Cut and Paste....or was this from a mass email?

This is so totally NOT a cut and paste.
Is it so incredible to you that I might take issue with each of the easily verifiable facts listed among MANY others?
  • Candidate Obama refused to wear the flag lapel pin that most other politicians began wearing after 911 (Since beginning his '12 campaign he has changed that position)

Actually it appears he changed his position back in 2008.

He's been wearing one for a while (this is his inauguration pic)


So why did he bother explaining why he chose NOT to wear the pin?
Obama No flag pin for him - YouTube
  • Obama left out the words "by our creator" when reciting the portion of the Declaration of Independence that has always included those words
If this is big on your list, you need a hobby of some sort.
This is one of the items on my list. Don't give a shit? Then make your own list.
  • During the Democrat primaries in Iowa, candidate Obama refused to place his hand over his heart while the national anthem was sung

Been to a baseball or football game? Take a look at the crowd and see the variations in the show of respect while the National Anthem is being played.

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner . "I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

She pointed out that "the tune of the Star-Spangled Banner was originally a drinking song. If they can put the words to the tune of a rousing drinking song, to quibble over whether you put your hand over your heart is really ridiculous."
Sorry but I simply expect a bit more from a man who at the time wanted to lead the nation. The vid for this one is easy enough to find and shows Obama as the odd man out amongst all the other candidates. Speaks for itself and bugs the hell out of me. I'm glad you're good with it. On second thought, I'm NOT sorry for my expectations of our president despite Obama's incessant attempts to lower them.
  • Obama's publishers apparently got things RIDICULOUSLY wrong in printing and distributing an author bio stating he had been born in Kenya

The Literary Agent admitted the mistake was his. His statement:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

Fact checking ? So where did this "error" come from? Odd isn't it that Kenya KEEPS coming up and each time it's a "mistake" to be written off as nothing more.
  • Obama has chosen NOT to recognize the National Day of Prayer but did hold a national prayer gathering of Muslims on September 25, 2009

Not true. The President has made the annual proclamations of the NDoP, just has not chosen to host a service. George W Bush was the only President to host one every year. Saint Reagan only hosted one, Clinton none.

Annual proclamations, though they receive virtually no recognition, would be fine with me if it weren't for the item in this point you ignored.

  • On Good Friday of last year, Obama released a statement recognizing Earth Day while neglecting to make any mention whatsoever of Good Friday

:lol: I'm sorry, some of these are just too silly.

  • Laugh all you like. As stated, THIS is ONE of the issues I take with the man just as I'm sure you took issue with all those decades he chose not to support gay marriage. :lol:
  • Obama has ordered military families that Bibles are not welcome while visiting wounded soldiers in federal medical facilities

You'll have to post a link for this one. Can't find reference to it anywhere. Probably because it came from your fourth point of contact.

  • HERE is a link that talks about the ban and then the pentagon's retreating from the ban. Your claim that you couldn't find anything is stunning as my cat could have reasoned a search phrase that would have produced millions of hits.
  • Obama trusted his family's spiritual growth to an anti-American racist "pastor" for 20 years

Not anti American and you've got your definition of racism wrong. Stating that the white race has oppressed your race for centuries is not the same as saying your race is superior to others.
You call Wright whatever you like. I tend to trust my own judgement based on the man's statements and associations. BTW, why did Obama throw Wright to the curb after a 20 plus year relationship and why has Wright since thrown Obama under the bus?
  • Obama kicked off his presidential run in the home of a convicted domestic terrorist

LIE: In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn "hosted a political coming out party for a young Barack Obama."(Sean Hannity, Hannity's America, October 5, 2008, "Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism")

TRUTH: This was an event for Alice Palmer, not a "coming-out party" for Obama. Obama was invited by Palmer to the event.

Over Two Dozen Lies Refuted About Ayers And Obama
So exactly WHERE do you draw the line if ever in regards to those our leaders chose to associate with? Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, the 911 hijackers?
  • Senator Obama, in one of the few votes he cast as a Senator, voted to keep executives from making "recess appointments" when congress was not actually in recess - Of course President Obama had made the very appointments he voted to prohibit

Can't find reference. Link please.

This is the kind of shit media matters tends to ignore so I don't fault you for missing it.

  • Obama kicked off his term with his "apology tour" and in a stunning display of ignorance which was surly perceived as weakness and submission, was photographed bowing to world dictators

You do realize that earned Romney a "Pants on Fire" from Politifact, right?
I couldn't possibly care less what Romney thinks of this issue. I didn't wait until the Republican primaries three years later to take offense. I know what he said and the pics of him bowing Chinese dictators and Saudi Kings are easy enough to find. I'm not your mama, learn how to use that machine in front of you.
  • Obama's appalling treatment of the leader of our closest ally in the most volatile region on earth
Care to be more specific?
You're kidding right?
Why am I even bothering as you clearly can't read?

  • Obama's referring to his political opposition as "enemies" while addressing a group of Hispanics

I agree that was over the top and unnecessary language...which the President apologized for.
  • His public disparagement of the USSC during his SOTU address

You mean his calling them out for the very unpopular Citizen's United ruling?

  • That's what I mean. Gold star for your sudden surge of understanding. Now I'm sure you found the incident hella classy but it was unbecoming imo.
  • His "you didn't build that" comment

See, this is really funny because he didn't say that. He was not talking about small business, but the infrastructure needed to support that small business. You KNOW this, but are intentionally perpetrating lies. Why?
“If you’ve got a business, you did not build that–somebody else made that happen,” Employ all the creative interpretation you like but it is what it is. And you're too dense to realize how you compromise your own intellect in attempting to twist it.
  • His blatant contempt for the one news network who attempts to hold him to account for his actions and statements

Ah, a Foxbot...should have known...
You should have skipped this one.

  • His belief that "bankrupting" the coal industry is a good approach to energy independence

He's not...

Romney Blasts Obama Coal Policy in State With Rising Production

Figures show W.Va. coal jobs up under Obama
“If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
And BTW coal production is up due to Obama's being good with our exporting it.
Demand for coal fuels U.S. exports

  • His statement that he's in the top 3 greatest US presidents of all time (and he calls the rest of us arrogant)

He didn't say that. God, this is tiring...

This is what he said:

“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any President with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln,” Obama told CBS correspondent Steve Kroft.​

And I would add that his statement was a collective "our", not speaking about himself personally.

And he's right. The legislative accomplishments, before the GOP took over the House were pretty stellar (Affordable Care, DADT, Lilly Ledbetter and on and on)...and even former Sec of State Condalizza Rice, couldn't disagree with any policy decisions President Obama has made.

Legislative and foreign policy matters make up the majority of what a president SHOULD be doing. Therefore, to say that he has done more than nearly all other presidents in those arenas could be easily interpreted as calling himself nearly the best at what presidents do. As to it being true, that's your opinion. Openly purchasing votes in order to force through the largest tax increase in American history and mandate the purchase of a product based strictly on an individual's being American sucks imo, and again, it's my list. ;)
  • His book "Dreams From My Father" (Had this pile of anti-American propaganda been written by a conservative he'd have been run out of Washington if not the nation)

For example? You've read it, naturally? What precisely did you find "Anti-American"?
As posted HERE over a month ago, I am reading it. You should do so yourself if you're so interested.
  • His ties to Communist activist and former Soviet spy Frank Marshall Davis

I thought he'd run out of silly...I was wrong. Links, links, links?
Barack Hussein Obama - Discover the Networks Not to mention a million other links, all of which you'll quickly disregard. However this one is worth checking out as it includes a comprehensive list of links and quotes in shedding some light on Obama and his motivations.

  • The astounding level of difficulty he had in producing a birth certificate

Nope...one was produced when he was just a candidate. His short form BC...exactly like the one Mittens produced. He then produced his long form BC to make the buffoon Donald Trump look like a chump. Funny that Romney hasn't done the same with Reid and his tax returns eh?
This has been an issue since he ran for Illinois state senator in '97. Over a decade to produce a document that you or I could procure within 30 days tops would seem to imply an astounding level of difficulty
  • His statement and clear belief that HE is "the one we have been waiting for"

Nope, didn't say that either.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. ~ Barack Obama
So HE is not that "other person"? Honestly, this one is based somewhat on interpretation but as the entire point of this thread implies, I'm inclined to take all things into account in making that interpretation.

  • His belief, as implied by his claim he would "fundamentally change" America that America was somehow fundamentally wrong

Um, we have a pretty long laundry list of things that were and still are "fundamentally wrong" with America. I love my country, just as I love my kids, unconditionally...that doesn't mean I can't see faults. I think we can and will do better. Do you?
"Change" is one thing. "Fundamental change" is another thing entirely as illustrated with his views toward redistribution(See Joe the Plumber for a quote as over three years of living it are clearly not enough to convince you), contempt for capitalism (the references are legion) and a punitive approach to regulation of American business (More new "major" regulations - those costing over $100 million since Carter)
  • His incessant rhetoric about everyone paying their "fair share" while NEVER even attempting to define what that might be
Actually, he has been pretty good about explaining his policies. He wants to raise taxes on the top earning Americans by about 3 or 4%...the same levels they were paying under Clinton. We aren't talking Eisenhower, JFK or even Reagan levels...just Clinton. (when we had that pesky surplus George Bush got rid of)

Please link to "a fair share" being a 3 to 4% increase. And what about the increased cost of all the new regs from above? Are those excluded from the wealthy's "fair share"?

Whew...I'm worn out...gotta go play Skyrim after that.

Hope you're a better gamer than refuter of facts and next time try and follow directions in giving one simply explanation for all if you don't mind. It'll save us both time not to mention cut down on post length. ;)

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