A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

This is such a feel good story that I'll post the highlights in the comments section. I'm so very proud of this young lady, especially since she spells out exactly what she did to obtain her goals and has created her own company to ensure other girls can do the same.

Class of 2022! All the way!
An American success story indeed. If you apply yourself and set goals, even if you miss you are better than you were. Great story, thanks for sharing it, we need many more of theses.
The graph is disingenuous since 25.9 percent of the students admitted for the 21-22 school year were Asian.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics

And your argument is disingenuous since white legacy students are let in regardless of decile.

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

It's not my argument. That graph was submitted in court in a case against Harvard for discrimination, in which Harvard was found to be discriminatory in their admissions practices. You seem to like that, and we all know what that makes you.
An American success story indeed. If you apply yourself and set goals, even if you miss you are better than you were. Great story, thanks for sharing it, we need many more of theses.
It's not a great story without publishing the academic credentials aka scores that got her admitted. If somebody is a whiz, people want to know what makes them so. Maybe a great academic feat or outstanding scores. But none of this is provided.
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Would she get in if she weren't black or woke?
Ivy League is extremely leftwing Marxist.
My son could have gotten into one or more of the Ivies had he applied, but declined because they were so far left. And he would have made it on merit alone.
UVa actively recruited him, but he turned them down. Same reason. Too leftwing.
I think when all eight Ivy League schools are accepting you plus several others, it has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with her brains, especially when she already is operating a business.
I think when all eight Ivy League schools are accepting you plus several others, it has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with her brains, especially when she already is operating a business.
Great. Let's see her scores. Let's see an example of her incredible intellectualy ability. This story lacks those. Why?
Yep. What the left should be doing is asking "What can we do to help blacks reach those high standards"? Instead of lowering the standards.

If blacks cant keep up then slow the pace
No, it was never implied. That is you just doing what the leftists in favor of racist admissions standards like to do - ascribe words and thoughts to others in order to fit your narrative that people in support of race-blind admissions standards are racist. (Think of the irony in that.)

I have already stated that if she were valedictorian, she indeed was likely among the one out of three blacks admitted to Harvard who would have gotten in even if she were…..shudder….white. Whether she would have gotten in if Asian, well….that would have more questionable.

But think how much better things would be if skin tone were not a factor, and Harvard wasn’t being racist in their admissions standards. None of these questions would arise.

I also have said that in addition to coming at the cost of whites and Asians, the Affirmative Action racism also comes at the cost of black students, including the girl discussed here, because everyone knows of Harvard’s racist policies. Without them, ALL black students at Harvard would be known to employers as having gotten in via merit, and not melanin content.

Time to abolish racism at the admissions office, and Harvard is among the worst offenders.
It was most definitely implied. By YOU, SEVERAL times. You even stated the same thing in this brief exchange that "there there will ALWAYS be doubt" concerning her qualifications. And you made that statement even AFTER it was pointed pointed out to you that she was a valedictorian.

The genuine irony here is that you have an interesting habit of declaring any form of disagreement with some of the obvious content of your statements as a
"leftist tactic, and a support of racist admissions policies". And THAT is a "tactic" that is usually attributed to someone who is so rabidly obsessed with an issue that they cannot separate their obsession from reality, and objectively take credible evidence that differs from their tainted view into consideration.

As far as what "you think" employers assume about Black students from Harvard, most prestigious employers conduct background checks and typically have HR personnel who actually review college transcripts, and administer their own testing, so the majority pf reputable employers have a thorough process for onboarding new associates, and that typically does not include "prejudging" them based on a schools admissions policies as you are implying.

Perhaps you should focus less on political agendas and more on how you word some of the statements that you make, because "what I'm doing" has nothing to do with being left, right nor center.
Great. Let's see her scores. Let's see an example of her incredible intellectualy ability. This story lacks those. Why?
Probably because it is no one’s business. Why do you need proof? She is a bright young girl who is applying herself and you are upset. That tells me more about you than her. Your attitude is very unchristian like.
All the author and publisher of the story had to do was publish her grades and scores. Then there wouldn't be any speculation as to her qualifications. But they don't do that, and we know the reason they don't.

The student is 17 years old, and therefore under the FERPA law, her parents consent is required to publish her school grades. The author and publisher could not "just publish" her grades and test scores without permission from her parents.

If I were her parents I would keep as much about her personal information as I could out of the news, until she was old enough to make her own decisions considering how crazy so many people are.

All the author and publisher of the story had to do was publish her grades and scores. Then there wouldn't be any speculation as to her qualifications. But they don't do that, and we know the reason they don't.
If this would have been a white person, would you need their scores. I don't believer your kid turned down the colleges, show me his scores and the letters turning down colleges.
All the author and publisher of the story had to do was publish her grades and scores. Then there wouldn't be any speculation as to her qualifications. But they don't do that, and we know the reason they don't.
Yes, and that was my point earlier. They intentionally did not disclose the grades and scores, undoubtedly per Harvard‘s instructions, because whites with higher grades and scores might bring a lawsuit - and Harvard is ALREADY on the SCOTUS docket for making race-based decisions.
It was most definitely implied. By YOU, SEVERAL times. You even stated the same thing in this brief exchange that "there there will ALWAYS be doubt" concerning her qualifications. And you made that statement even AFTER it was pointed pointed out to you that she was a valedictorian.

The genuine irony here is that you have an interesting habit of declaring any form of disagreement with some of the obvious content of your statements as a
"leftist tactic, and a support of racist admissions policies". And THAT is a "tactic" that is usually attributed to someone who is so rabidly obsessed with an issue that they cannot separate their obsession from reality, and objectively take credible evidence that differs from their tainted view into consideration.

As far as what "you think" employers assume about Black students from Harvard, most prestigious employers conduct background checks and typically have HR personnel who actually review college transcripts, and administer their own testing, so the majority pf reputable employers have a thorough process for onboarding new associates, and that typically does not include "prejudging" them based on a schools admissions policies as you are implying.

Perhaps you should focus less on political agendas and more on how you word some of the statements that you make, because "what I'm doing" has nothing to do with being left, right nor center.
No, you’re wrong - again. You are misinterpreting it because I am bringing up the wrong with racist admissions policies.

It is a fact that two out of three Black students admitted to Harvard would not have gotten in if they were white. Hence, MOST blacks would have been rejected, if not for racial bias by Harvard. That means that there will always be a question regarding any Black there, given the stats. It’s simply math.

If Harvard were biased toward redheads, and the majority of those attending would not have been admitted if they had brown hair, then employers interviewing a Harvard redhead would never know if she got in because of the color of her hair.

That is another reason to scrap racism in admissions. Without AA, everyone would know that anyone attending got in without their race being given an advantage.
Great. Let's see her scores. Let's see an example of her incredible intellectualy ability. This story lacks those. Why?
Yup. The article would have said, “A valedictorian with a 4.0 average and an SAT score of 1580…..” but it didn’t. That’s because she had obviously had less, and whites and Asians who were rejected with better grades and scores would sue.

If she had those grades and scores, the article would have said.
No, you’re wrong - again. You are misinterpreting it because I am bringing up the wrong with racist admissions policies.

It is a fact that two out of three Black students admitted to Harvard would not have gotten in if they were white. Hence, MOST blacks would have been rejected, if not for racial bias by Harvard. That means that there will always be a question regarding any Black there, given the stats. It’s simply math.

If Harvard were biased toward redheads, and the majority of those attending would not have been admitted if they had brown hair, then employers interviewing a Harvard redhead would never know if she got in because of the color of her hair.

That is another reason to scrap racism in admissions. Without AA, everyone would know that anyone attending got in without their race being given an advantage.

No I am NOT wrong. We are not even talking about the same things.

You continue to repeat yourself about Harvard's admissions policies in general, and I simply pointed out that IN SPITE of some obviously clear evidence in this INDIVIDUAL case, that she has the academic credentials to be there, and that YOU, instead prejudged her and assumed that she was more likely the beneficiary of an affirmative action admission at the expense of what was certain to be a more qualified White student.

And in spite of what you stated being clearly pointed out to you, you are still denying what you were obviously implying.

Either way, you're entitled to your perspective just like anyone else.

She has the opportunity, so speaking for myself I hope that she is successful, in spite of the doubt and scrutiny that she will be subject to from some.
Yep. What the left should be doing is asking "What can we do to help blacks reach those high standards"? Instead of lowering the standards.
The right needs to ask, "Why do we ignore the no standards for white legacy admissions to bitch only about blacks when the Asians we defend get Affirmatove Action admissions also?"
If this would have been a white person, would you need their scores. I don't believer your kid turned down the colleges, show me his scores and the letters turning down colleges.

Bullshit. The colleges got the scores. What a bunch of online right wing bigots think is irrelevant.
All the author and publisher of the story had to do was publish her grades and scores. Then there wouldn't be any speculation as to her qualifications. But they don't do that, and we know the reason they don't.
The author is not required to prove jack squat to you bigots.
Your mistake is thinking anyone here wants black people to fail

But we dont blame their shortcomings on whites which is heresy in lib la la land
The blame is supported by documented evidence.
It's not my argument. That graph was submitted in court in a case against Harvard for discrimination, in which Harvard was found to be discriminatory in their admissions practices. You seem to like that, and we all know what that makes you.
The district court ruled against SFFA. They found no discrimination.

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