A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

It's really amazing how you are an expert on everything. What I posted is from doing phone work in those neighborhoods and talking to business owners. What little insurance that was available was unaffordable and specifically excluded riot, insurrection, arson and theft coverage.
I'm not an expert on everything. Never said I was. But I have lived in the black community, know black people who have businesses and none of them seemed to have the problem you talk about. Things differ from state to state so the blanket you put on all black businesses because you made some phone calls is not accurate.
You are going to find all races in the drug trade. Retail dealers are the same race as their customers.
Try telling me what I don't know. Whites have generally controlled wholesale and distribution.
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The Contras weren't the US government, and the Cartels were strictly Latinos from either Cuba or Central America. Crack was cooked by black criminals looking to extend their profits by addicting their fellow blacks.
I know how crack was cooked, and I know how the coke got into black communities. The coke did not fly in on black airlines or black cargo planes. The way cocaine got there was documented and stories ran in major papers. Whites have long controlled drugs, alcohol and firearms.
Try telljng me what I don't know. Whites have generally controlled wholesale and distribution.
Not for decades. The Cocaine Wars drove whites out of the domestic drug trade. About the only part of the drug trade on trolled, even in part, by whites is the meth trade and outlaw bikers control that. Nobody competes with outlaw bikers for long. They don't care who they kill.
Not for decades. The Cocaine Wars drove whites out of the domestic drug trade. About the only part of the drug trade on trolled, even in part, by whites is the meth trade and outlaw bikers control that. Nobody competes with outlaw bikers for long. They don't care who they kill.
Of course not. Whites are as pure as a fresh snowfall, they are the epitome of sinless perfection.
Not one person on this thread has said that she got in because she was black
what does this mean then?

Mashmont said:

Would she get in if she weren't black or woke?

Ivy League is extremely leftwing Marxist.

My son could have gotten into one or more of the Ivies had he applied, but declined because they were so far left.

And he would have made it on merit alone.

UVa actively recruited him, but he turned them down. Same reason. Too leftwing.​
I know how crack was cooked, and I know how the coke got into black communities. The coke did not fly in on black airlines or black cargo planes. The way cocaine got there was documented and stories ran in major papers. Whites have long controlled drugs, alcohol and firearms.
That's all urban legends and has been disproven long ago. Most of the coke arrived in ships or aircraft owned by Latino Cartels, not whites. That's why the Cartels are so rich, powerful and ruthless today. The remainder was walked across the border on the backs of illegal aliens who paid the Cartel Coyotes for the "privilege " of being used as pack mules on their trip across the border.
Of course not. Whites are as pure as a fresh snowfall, they are the epitome of sinless perfection.
Of course not, but outside the outlaw bikers, most whites are smart enough to not try competing with people who will torture, rape and eventually kill your family in front of you before finally torturing you to death.
what does this mean then?

Mashmont said:

Would she get in if she weren't black or woke?​
Ivy League is extremely leftwing Marxist.​
My son could have gotten into one or more of the Ivies had he applied, but declined because they were so far left.​
And he would have made it on merit alone.​
UVa actively recruited him, but he turned them down. Same reason. Too leftwing.​
That the only reason she got in was because she was black. C'mon newsvine get with the program, we need to apply for our free black benefits just like every other black person. It's our fault we were slackers and didn't take advantage of our free race cards.

Perhaps Lizzard and mushmouth can give us the website and email address,to the U.S. Black Benefits Association.
That's all urban legends and has been disproven long ago. Most of the coke arrived in ships or aircraft owned by Latino Cartels, not whites. That's why the Cartels are so rich, powerful and ruthless today. The remainder was walked across the border on the backs of illegal aliens who paid the Cartel Coyotes for the "privilege " of being used as pack mules on their trip across the border.
Wrong. But you want to believe that.
Of course not, but outside the outlaw bikers, most whites are smart enough to not try competing with people who will torture, rape and eventually kill your family in front of you before finally torturing you to death.
Whites have been some of the people torturing, raping and killing families Then kill the person who watched their family die..
No, you’re wrong - again. You are misinterpreting it because I am bringing up the wrong with racist admissions policies.

It is a fact that two out of three Black students admitted to Harvard would not have gotten in if they were white. Hence, MOST blacks would have been rejected, if not for racial bias by Harvard. That means that there will always be a question regarding any Black there, given the stats. It’s simply math.

If Harvard were biased toward redheads, and the majority of those attending would not have been admitted if they had brown hair, then employers interviewing a Harvard redhead would never know if she got in because of the color of her hair.

That is another reason to scrap racism in admissions. Without AA, everyone would know that anyone attending got in without their race being given an advantage.
You know what you all are obviously overlooking? A person that successful, and even some not quite as successful as she but successful nonetheless, in all likelihood considers the questioning of her qualifications, capabilities, and intelligence to be quite laughable as the people raising questions about her recede in her rear view mirror.

YOUR doubts can't touch her therefore for all intents & purposes you don't even exist. So you all can mope and pout and stomp your feet all your want but the only thing you're accomplishing is showing the world your bitterness and envy, that you would attempt to crap all over the successes of a 17 year old girl as opposed to be happy for her.

She has a TRACK RECORD of successes that go back at least 3 or 4 years so her current success shouldn't be a surprise to anyone except apparently to those resentful of any advances in the lives of black people.

That's really sad.
You know what you all are obviously overlooking? A person that successful, and even some not quite as successful as she but successful nonetheless, in all likelihood considers the questioning of her qualifications, capabilities, and intelligence to be quite laughable as the people raising questions about her recede in her rear view mirror.

YOUR doubts can't touch her therefore for all intents & purposes you don't even exist. So you all can mope and pout and stomp your feet all your want but the only thing you're accomplishing is showing the world your bitterness and envy, that you would attempt to crap all over the successes of a 17 year old girl as opposed to be happy for her.

She has a TRACK RECORD of successes that go back at least 3 or 4 years so her current success shouldn't be a surprise to anyone except apparently to those resentful of any advances in the lives of black people.

That's really sad.

People who are dissing this young woman are losers who have lived their entire lives believing whiteness gave the right to everything who are mad that a 17 year old has already been more successful than they have even while they work to try stopping blacks.
Everyone on this board doesn't know a damn thing. The only people crying about my hatred of whites are white racists like you. White gentiles do not face the most racism and that's a fact. Posting some whiny bullshit from some white supremacist website is not evidence of discrimination against white gentiles. That's why you don't post the article.
I don't hate blacks. Just you, you bitter venomous old hag.
You keep reiterating that a black person could not possibly get in on merit, and that their acceptance means a non-black person with supposedly better academics was deprived of admission.

In other words, regardless of the accolades given by her teachers, she can’t possibly be academically qualified due to race.
You are so dishonest. That's not what she said at all.
I draw attention to a terrible problem that you and just about everyone else wants to ignore. I promote and donate to a good man Pastor Corey Brooks who has raised 10 million dollars to build a jobs/community center for Chicago Black Youth. I am glad that my Black Deaths Matters thread has 27K views because that means there are many thousands of people who know who Serenity Broughton was as well as the many other children murdered by drug/gang bangers I DOCUMENT. That is the point Newsvine, I am DOCUMENTING a horror that should not be in America. I know you are an intelligent woman. I also know you feel compelled to attack me because you are racially biased which is unfortunate. I'm not but I don't hold that against you. It's just the way you are.

And lastly, I don't know what Stormfront is, nor do I care. So What else have you got?
Letting you know how classless and in poor taste it is to use the death of an innocent child as cover for your agenda, whatever that may be, (what, getting sympathy from black people who don't know the things you say about black people on this message board) is not 'attacking' you.

If you're not a family friend, relative or someone whom the family has given their blessing to, then in light of your opinions and comments about black people here, yeah it makes you look on the pervy side having the photo of a young DEAD black girl as your avatar.

So how exactly does your documentation help reduce the loss of life of young black people? And why her, and not Tamir Rice or Trayvon Martin? What about Ahmaud Arbery or Sandra Bland?
You have shown that you are a racist. There is nothing bitter about me. You just can't face the truth.
Haha, but when I post the actual numbers, all you can do is call names. You are a waste of time and an embarrassment to humanity.

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