A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

What exactly is it that you do on behalf of black youth?

What's going to be embarrassing is U.S. Message Board letting you all be the reason it ends up on the government's radar or in one of it's databases that tracks hate groups and online harassment due to protected class status.

I mean, that is why you're proud of those what is it? 27K page views?

Stormfront 2.0 is nothing to aspire to.
I draw attention to a terrible problem that you and just about everyone else wants to ignore. I promote and donate to a good man Pastor Corey Brooks who has raised 10 million dollars to build a jobs/community center for Chicago Black Youth. I am glad that my Black Deaths Matters thread has 27K views because that means there are many thousands of people who know who Serenity Broughton was as well as the many other children murdered by drug/gang bangers I DOCUMENT. That is the point Newsvine, I am DOCUMENTING a horror that should not be in America. I know you are an intelligent woman. I also know you feel compelled to attack me because you are racially biased which is unfortunate. I'm not but I don't hold that against you. It's just the way you are.

And lastly, I don't know what Stormfront is, nor do I care. So What else have you got?
I draw attention to a terrible problem that you and just about everyone else wants to ignore. I promote and donate to a good man Pastor Corey Brooks who has raised 10 million dollars to build a jobs/community center for Chicago Black Youth. I am glad that my Black Deaths Matters thread has 27K views because that means there are many thousands of people who know who Serenity Broughton was as well as the many other children murdered by drug/gang bangers I DOCUMENT. That is the point Newsvine, I am DOCUMENTING a horror that should not be in America. I know you are an intelligent woman. I also know you feel compelled to attack me because you are racially biased which is unfortunate. I'm not but I don't hold that against you. It's just the way you are.

And lastly, I don't know what Stormfront is, nor do I care. So What else have you got?
You haven't drawn jack squat. Blacks have been working on this since Reagan put crack in our communities. Building a community center is not the answer. Building retail stores that provide jobs that teens can work to get started is the answer. The horror is the fact that you have decided that creating a thread highlighting deaths of children is doing something important.

You didn't give a fuck about Serenity when she was living. And you don't now. Pastor Brooks should take that 10 million and open a grocery store where he can employ teenagers at the cash registers, as sackers and shelf stockers. That's what's needed. But you have no clue because you are stuck on stupid talking about unwed births.
Exhibit A: David Hogg. Failed to get into four average universities. But after he becomes a marionette for the Marxist gun control movement, he gains admission to Harvard.
Jared Kushner. Poor grades. Gets into Harvard after daddys million dollar donation.

The fact is, you're just a sorryy --- white racist who can't bear the thought of a black kid getting into Harvard.
You haven't drawn jack squat. Blacks have been working on this since Reagan put crack in our communities. Building a community center is not the answer. Building retail stores that provide jobs that teens can work to get started is the answer. The horror is the fact that you have decided that creating a thread highlighting deaths of children is doing something important.

You didn't give a fuck about Serenity when she was living. And you don't now. Pastor Brooks should take that 10 million and open a grocery store where he can employ teenagers at the cash registers, as sackers and shelf stockers. That's what's needed. But you have no clue because you are stuck on stupid talking about unwed births.
Nobody put crack into your communities. The druggies just wanted a cheaper, better high than powdered cocaine.
You haven't drawn jack squat. Blacks have been working on this since Reagan put crack in our communities. Building a community center is not the answer. Building retail stores that provide jobs that teens can work to get started is the answer. The horror is the fact that you have decided that creating a thread highlighting deaths of children is doing something important.

You didn't give a fuck about Serenity when she was living. And you don't now. Pastor Brooks should take that 10 million and open a grocery store where he can employ teenagers at the cash registers, as sackers and shelf stockers. That's what's needed. But you have no clue because you are stuck on stupid talking about unwed births.
Good luck getting anyone to open retail stores in your communities when your people have a recent history of burning and looting the stores in your neighborhoods. Owners can’t get insurance so they open stores elsewhere.
Good luck getting anyone to open retail stores in your communities when your people have a recent history of burning and looting the stores in your neighborhoods. Owners can’t get insurance so they open stores elsewhere.
And as we saw this weekend white supremacists tried to start a riot then blame gays for doing it just like you were race hustled by your white race pimps in 2020. Owners can get insurance. Funny how you say what you do when white business owners have been known to burn down their own businesses to get insurance money.

So you have just broad brushed all black communities then wonder why you are called a racist.
Incorrect. Crack paid for the Contras in Nicaragua.
Wrong, the Contras were growing and smuggling coca base, not crack. The black retailers were cutting it and converting it to crack. Transporting coca base is far easier than the more bulky crack. The Cuban and Central American Cartels were importing the base into the USA. Whites had nothing to do with the drug trade in the eighties, the Cartels had either murdered them in the Coke Wars or driven them out of the business.
And as we saw this weekend white supremacists tried to start a riot then blame gays for doing it just like you were race hustled by your white race pimps in 2020. Owners can get insurance. Funny how you say what you do when white business owners have been known to burn down their own businesses to get insurance money.

So you have just broad brushed all black communities then wonder why you are called a racist.
You can’t get riot or theft insurance in black neighborhoods. That’s why there aren’t any retail stores that don’t charge sky-high prices to cover their risks In poor black neighborhoods.
Ha ha, yet you never made case against her at all it seems her achievements and skin color are why you got angry in the first place.

I stand by my statement that you got angry for no good reason which is sad because all she did was work hard to qualify at many institutes of learning which you are questioning without due cause and no evidence it is being done inappropriately.

I prefer to be positive and applaud her hard work and drive to succeed how can that be bad?
First of all, no one was "angry," least of all at her, as I explicitly stated. But I loathe the phoniness, the benevolent fraud of it all, the willingness to look the other way as a more deserving white Gentile loses a spot so she gets hers. There has been a huge increase in minorities, Asians, Latinos, blacks, and foreigners at Harvard, to take the most prominent example, over the last 30 years. There has even been a slight uptick in Jews, who were already over-represented by some 400 percent. (And by "over-represented" I'm not talking about their share of the general population, I'm talking about their share of high-achieving National Merit Scholar high school students.) ALL of the increase has come at the expense of white Christian students. ALL of it. I loathe all the weak-minded, happy-chirpy, eye-blinking stupid goyim applauding Janeequa's hard work and just completely indifferent to the fate of one of their own. This is why country has been taken away from us, and trust me, it is going to be very very bad for us. And you will be to blame with your "positive" pretend game.
All the colleges she applied to thinks she is qualified isn't that good enough for you?
Well, clearly it's good enough for play-a-long pretend boy. I'll bet you believe in the Miracle of the Two Airplanes, Three Skyscrapers, too, don't you? Fucking weak-minded, New York Times-reading, CNN-believing milquetoast. No wonder the Khazars just walked away with our country--weaklings like you.
First of all, no one was "angry," least of all at her, as I explicitly stated. But I loathe the phoniness, the benevolent fraud of it all, the willingness to look the other way as a more deserving white Gentile loses a spot so she gets hers. There has been a huge increase in minorities, Asians, Latinos, blacks, and foreigners at Harvard, to take the most prominent example, over the last 30 years. There has even been a slight uptick in Jews, who were already over-represented by some 400 percent. (And by "over-represented" I'm not talking about their share of the general population, I'm talking about their share of high-achieving National Merit Scholar high school students.) ALL of the increase has come at the expense of white Christian students. ALL of it. I loathe all the weak-minded, happy-chirpy, eye-blinking stupid goyim applauding Janeequa's hard work and just completely indifferent to the fate of one of their own. This is why country has been taken away from us, and trust me, it is going to be very very bad for us. And you will be to blame with your "positive" pretend game.

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, your rant is fact/evidence free and BORING!

You sure you are not a descendent of Archie Bunker?
Well, clearly it's good enough for play-a-long pretend boy. I'll bet you believe in the Miracle of the Two Airplanes, Three Skyscrapers, too, don't you? Fucking weak-minded, New York Times-reading, CNN-believing milquetoast. No wonder the Khazars just walked away with our country--weaklings like you.

You have descended into the insults but you are not angry or hateful.......

Yeah suuuure!!!

I am a Free Thinking INDEPENDENT

Wrong, the Contras were growing and smuggling coca base, not crack. The black retailers were cutting it and converting it to crack. Transporting coca base is far easier than the more bulky crack. The Cuban and Central American Cartels were importing the base into the USA. Whites had nothing to do with the drug trade in the eighties, the Cartels had either murdered them in the Coke Wars or driven them out of the business.
Like I said, the government put crack in our community. Whites were involved in the drug trad then and they are now.
You can’t get riot or theft insurance in black neighborhoods. That’s why there aren’t any retail stores that don’t charge sky-high prices to cover their risks In poor black neighborhoods.
That's funny, I had an insurance license and knew black businessmen who had such insurance. Because riots don't happen that often in black communities and statistics on theft and property crimes show that whites are more likely to commit such crimes. Therefore either actuaries are racists, or, they aren't correct with their tables.
That's funny, I had an insurance license and knew black businessmen who had such insurance. Because riots don't happen that often in black communities and statistics on theft and property crimes show that whites are more likely to commit such crimes. Therefore either actuaries are racists, or, they aren't correct with their tables.
It's really amazing how you are an expert on everything. What I posted is from doing phone work in those neighborhoods and talking to business owners. What little insurance that was available was unaffordable and specifically excluded riot, insurrection, arson and theft coverage.
Like I said, the government put crack in our community. Whites were involved in the drug trad then and they are now.
The Contras weren't the US government, and the Cartels were strictly Latinos from either Cuba or Central America. Crack was cooked by black criminals looking to extend their profits by addicting their fellow blacks.
Like I said, the government put crack in our community. Whites were involved in the drug trad then and they are now.
You are going to find all races in the drug trade. Retail dealers are the same race as their customers.

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