A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

What does what anyone believes have to do with fact? You're mistaken if you believe that black women are the demographic that has been most assisted by affirmative action. Instead it is white women although mentioning this seems to sting for some (like it's charity or something).
When shown that the belief in white superiority is nothing but psychosis you see this kind of foolishness.
Thank you for this. It shows the extreme degree to which blacks are favored for admissions, and the much more “lenient” standards applied to them in admissions decisions.

And just listen to these holier-than-thou liberals, claiming that people are racist and dumping on this black girl - and ignoring the fact that Harvard is one of the most egregious when it comes to race-based decisions to get in 3x as many blacks who would otherwise get in, if standards were applied equally.

And it also shows why affirmative action should be abolished. Besides being racist and depriving better scoring whites of spots they have earned, it quite naturally raises the question as to whether any individual black student got in because of her skin color. Once AA is eliminated, then we will know that ALL students, black and white, got in on the basis of their scholastic record, and not melanin content.
No. You won’t. Because grades and test scores alone have NEVER been the sole basis.
Because someone else better qualified probably paid the price, because he was white (or Asian). I’m sure thousands of white valedictorians with perfect GPAs applied to Harvard, and were rejected.

Time to take race out of the admissions decision entirely. Then we would all know she deserved her acceptance.
You don’t know that.
You don’t know that.
Of course I know that. Didn’t you see that chart the other posted just posted? The difference in admissions standards applied to blacks and whites is HUGE.

We just need to make admissions race-blind, and then it will all be good,
Of course I know that. Didn’t you see that chart the other posted just posted? The difference in admissions standards applied to blacks and whites is HUGE.

We just need to make admissions race-blind, and then it will all be good,
You have absolutely zero knowledge that this young woman was admitted on race not merit.

The young lady was accepted by every ivy league school and 7 more on top of that.

She was simply better.
It is hard to make tbe argument that ALL those schools admitted her just because she was black, and trying to make that argue just gets ugly.
Graduation isn’t based on race.
So what? Think of the whites who were never given a chance to graduate because their spot was given to a lower-scoring black. Totally unfair.

Besides, in the program I worked in, we of course knew who got in via “black standards,” and these kids required a lot of handholding and tutoring, for the most part. The one out of three blacks who got in under the “white standards” required no extra help, and kept up with their higher scoring white peers with no trouble.
You have absolutely zero knowledge that this young woman was admitted on race not merit.
Yeah, every Ivy league school decided to accept her only because she is black.
You have absolutely zero knowledge that this young woman was admitted on race not merit.
But if Harvard didn’t have racist policies favoring blacks, there would be no question about it. Because they do, and have admitted that most of the black students they admit wouldn’t get in if white, it’s a reasonable doubt.

Time to abolish racist AA policies.
It is hard to make tbe argument that ALL those schools admitted her just because she was black, and trying to make that argue just gets ugly.
Yes it is but as you see, Lisa is such a racist that she can't fathom a black person who could actually do this.
So what? Think of the whites who were never given a chance to graduate because their spot was given to a lower-scoring black. Totally unfair.

Besides, in the program I worked in, we of course knew who got in via “black standards,” and these kids required a lot of handholding and tutoring, for the most part. The one out of three blacks who got in under the “white standards” required no extra help, and kept up with their higher scoring white peers with no trouble.
And I can say similar for many first generation college students here…they struggled more because, even if they were at tbe top of their respective classes, the schools weren’t great and they lacked the academic support at home…BUT they made it. So that extra tutoring and hand holding? Well worth it.
But if Harvard didn’t have racist policies favoring blacks, there would be no question about it. Because they do, and have admitted that most of the black students they admit wouldn’t get in if white, it’s a reasonable doubt.

Time to abolish racist AA policies.
Okay. Forget Harvard. There are a dozen other schools that accepted her, including the other Ivy League institutions.
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And here you are looking at white racism in the year 2022.

Molly and Lisa. Both are affirmative action beneficiaries.
Here's what I hate. I hate weak-minded, sentimental pansies like you who get upset whenever someone doesn't play along with their childish little pretend games. Ooo, let's pretend this girl's acceptance rate to these universities was straight-up meritorious. And anyone who doesn't play along is guilty of hate! Ooo!

Ha ha, yet you never made case against her at all it seems her achievements and skin color are why you got angry in the first place.

I stand by my statement that you got angry for no good reason which is sad because all she did was work hard to qualify at many institutes of learning which you are questioning without due cause and no evidence it is being done inappropriately.

I prefer to be positive and applaud her hard work and drive to succeed how can that be bad?
That's Lisa' wishful thinking. There is absolutely no reason to believe this young lady is not qualified to be accepted by Harvard. You'd think the other 14 offers would give Lisa a hint but well...

I admittedly do not work in admissions nor have I ever, however what I do know of schools and companies in general is that they love it when they can showcase one of their students or employees in the media. It makes them look good.

I would suspect that Harvard, as well as all of the other schools who extended her an offer probably looked at things such as she's been on the debate team since 8th grade and has excelled in that arena.

I looked up her name in some of the local news agencies in Miami and two of them mentioned her high grades but this article I think expands even more on her life and how she arrived at this moment. It's more than deserved from what I can see.

This article also has turned on a light in my brain regarding those people who have faced adversity in their lives versus people who have not. It doesn't make us "better" people but it can cause us to be more compassionate towards others and have more understanding of where other's life journey may have taken them.

I saw a quotation not long ago that states "Do not judge, we're each on our own journey"

What really bothers me is that some people in the thread are questioning her qualifications and activities off campus activities which means she STILL has to put up with the unwanted hard attitudes of people who don't give her a warm congratulations of her qualified acceptance in so many Universities.
Okay. Forget Harvard. There are a dozen other schools that accepted her, including the other Ivy League institutions.
They all do the same thing, but I did say upthread that she is likely among the one in three blacks who would have gotten in even if white. But because of racist AA policies, we can’t know.

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