A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

The colored woman is the biggest benefiicary of AA. Does anybody believe Ketanji Brown is even in the top 1000 most qualified judges in the country?
Or Kamala Harris among the top hundred possibilities as VP?
As everyone on this board knows, your unhinged hatred of whites is so lunatic that you aren't worth engaging with. I'd say read this to see how wrong your error but I know it is useless. Even if you had the open-mindedness to read it, you lack the intellectual integrity to read it dispassionately, and even if you had the intellectual integrity to read it dispassionately, you lack the personal honor to admit you were wrong.
Everyone on this board doesn't know a damn thing. The only people crying about my hatred of whites are white racists like you. White gentiles do not face the most racism and that's a fact. Posting some whiny bullshit from some white supremacist website is not evidence of discrimination against white gentiles. That's why you don't post the article.
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The colored woman is the biggest benefiicary of AA. Does anybody believe Ketanji Brown is even in the top 1000 most qualified judges in the country?
Documentation shows that white women have benefitted most. Ketanji Brown had more bench experience than Cheif Justice Roberts.
One thing seems obvious, there are people who can’t stand to see a young black woman succeed without tearing her down because she is black.
One thing seems obvious, there are people who can’t stand to see a young black woman succeed without tearing her down because she is black.
Such is the state of racism in 2022.
There is no obvious TRUTH other than you are delusional. You're just mad, as evidenced by your attempt to characterize me an "angry black woman", because another black girl has achieved mega success even as you suspect that she had to hurt the feelings, opportunities, etc. of someone who isn't black to get there. I mean the way you all tell it, every single white person is more qualified and would have done better in every opportunity that a black person allegedly deprived them of, right?
I don’t think grades and test scores are routinely reported either, in articles about people being accepted into top tier colleges. At least not that I can find. So using that to somehow imply that as a black person she did not merit her achievement is pretty transparent.
This is such a feel good story that I'll post the highlights in the comments section. I'm so very proud of this young lady, especially since she spells out exactly what she did to obtain her goals and has created her own company to ensure other girls can do the same.

Class of 2022! All the way!

This graph is fascinating:

I love to see young students succeed, and being accepted into all those schools is a phenomenal recognition of her abilities.
Me too. ALL young people.

Some of these youngsters are amazing. I look at that young dude who is forcing change on gun laws and it makes me know that some of us old fogeies have taught young folks some good things.
This graph is fascinating:

View attachment 657623
Thank you for this. It shows the extreme degree to which blacks are favored for admissions, and the much more “lenient” standards applied to them in admissions decisions.

And just listen to these holier-than-thou liberals, claiming that people are racist and dumping on this black girl - and ignoring the fact that Harvard is one of the most egregious when it comes to race-based decisions to get in 3x as many blacks who would otherwise get in, if standards were applied equally.

And it also shows why affirmative action should be abolished. Besides being racist and depriving better scoring whites of spots they have earned, it quite naturally raises the question as to whether any individual black student got in because of her skin color. Once AA is eliminated, then we will know that ALL students, black and white, got in on the basis of their scholastic record, and not melanin content.
And I knew that when I reported the obvious truth, you’d come down on me like the angry person you are. All I did was point out that her scores and grades were NOT reported, and that is because whites with higher grades and scores were rejected - and they might bring suit.

You’re happy that the black girl got in. I’m sorry that a superior student with higher grades was rejected simply because he was white. There are 20,000 valedictorians who would have loved to go to Harvard, but the vast majority were rejected.
You keep reiterating that a black person could not possibly get in on merit, and that their acceptance means a non-black person with supposedly better academics was deprived of admission.

In other words, regardless of the accolades given by her teachers, she can’t possibly be academically qualified due to race.
I have worked with a good number of very, very highly qualified students who applied to Harvard and got wait listed at best. Pretty obvious what's up.
This graph is fascinating:

View attachment 657623
The graph is disingenuous since 25.9 percent of the students admitted for the 21-22 school year were Asian.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics

And your argument is disingenuous since white legacy students are let in regardless of decile.

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”
You keep reiterating that a black person could not possibly get in on merit, and that their acceptance means a non-black person with supposedly better academics was deprived of admission.

In other words, regardless of the accolades given by her teachers, she can’t possibly be academically qualified due to race.
You’re doing that lying thing you’ve done in the past. It must be a habit with you. You are claiming that I said things I never said. As a moderator, you should set a better example rather than use these deceptive tactics.

I never said a black person could not possibly get in on merit. I have said repeatedly that two out of three blacks got in via AA, and one in three got in on merit - or, more accurately, on the same higher standards required of whites. Harvard has admitted that without their lowered standards for blacks, the student body would drop from 14% black to 3% black.

And when you allow in one race under lower standards, then of course that comes at the expense of the other races. Don’t be daft.
Me too. ALL young people.

Some of these youngsters are amazing. I look at that young dude who is forcing change on gun laws and it makes me know that some of us old fogeies have taught young folks some good things.
I live in a state with a lot of first generation college students, and it is wonderful to see them succeed. At one our zoom graduation events during Covid, I got to see many of our student families who normally would not be there because they couldn’t have traveled. They were so proud of their kids and siblings, one was a single mother who was also an immigrant, and they had overcome a lot of adversity.
The colored woman is the biggest benefiicary of AA. Does anybody believe Ketanji Brown is even in the top 1000 most qualified judges in the country?
What does what anyone believes have to do with fact? You're mistaken if you believe that black women are the demographic that has been most assisted by affirmative action. Instead it is white women although mentioning this seems to sting for some (like it's charity or something).
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That’s not it at all, and you’re objecting that I called you an angry back woman? That’s nothing compared to what you’ve called ME: evil, racist, whatever.

You are ascribing all sorts of sentiments to me that isn’t true, and all because I revealed the favoritism extended to black applicants. I want to abolish racist policies. You are fine with them as long as they advantage the race you prefer.

The Supreme Court will decide this fall.
Why can’t you just be happy for her, that she was such a stellar student she got accepted into all those schools?
I live in a state with a lot of first generation college students, and it is wonderful to see them succeed. At one our zoom graduation events during Covid, I got to see many of our student families who normally would not be there because they couldn’t have traveled. They were so proud of their kids and siblings, one was a single mother who was also an immigrant, and they had overcome a lot of adversity.
Those are wonderful stories and it is heartwarming to see the pride those families have.
I live in a state with a lot of first generation college students, and it is wonderful to see them succeed. At one our zoom graduation events during Covid, I got to see many of our student families who normally would not be there because they couldn’t have traveled. They were so proud of their kids and siblings, one was a single mother who was also an immigrant, and they had overcome a lot of adversity.
That’s great. As long as it isn’t based on race. Because, well….that’s racist.
Why can’t you just be happy for her, that she was such a stellar student she got accepted into all those schools?
Because someone else better qualified probably paid the price, because he was white (or Asian). I’m sure thousands of white valedictorians with perfect GPAs applied to Harvard, and were rejected.

Time to take race out of the admissions decision entirely. Then we would all know she deserved her acceptance.

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