A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

The problem is that “qualified” varies according to the race of the applicant. Where I worked - a very prestigious program - a white applicant with a 3.6 was considered unqualified and rejected. A black applicant was qualified with a 3.3 and could be accepted.

Do you not see the issue with this? Is it not racist to determine who is qualified and who is not based in the color of their skin?
It’s a problem if that is what happened. Do you know if this young lady was not qualified?
Lisa are you insinuating that this young lady is not eminently qualified for acceptance into Harvard? What about the other 7 Ivy league schools or the 7 non-ivy league schools who also extended an acceptance letter to her?

There is a reason that her stats weren't reported being that it's a foregone conclusion that she's at the top of her class.

Are you now going to challenge the schools that made her an offer? Why don't you contact them and ask them HOW she got in?

I can't believe that you don't believe she got in because of merit.

I'm not certain why you DON'T believe it.

Any other sentiment would be the shock of the century.

I would venture a guess that because she is only 17 and is not yet of age under FERPA to decide on her own to make her grades public, her parents are likely just protecting her privacy from the countless nutjobs who are out there.

If she was actually the under qualified beneficiary of an AA favor as some here who believe that ANYONE who is Black and successful MUST be, it seems unlikely that 8 different Ivy League schools would ALL accept her at the same time.

If she was not legitimately deserving, it would have surfaced by now.
In a way, it's a shame the life-changing decision by universities on whether to accept a student has to be made based on things he or she did as a 14-17 year old. I was wondering if a 22 year-old applicant who worked or was in the Service for four years receives the same consideration when applying. Perhaps Lisa can answer that.
I hate it when people like YOU want to piss all over a thread about a very nice hard working woman doing her best for her life yet take the time to help others around her.

Your hate is disturbing.

Here's what I hate. I hate weak-minded, sentimental pansies like you who get upset whenever someone doesn't play along with their childish little pretend games. Ooo, let's pretend this girl's acceptance rate to these universities was straight-up meritorious. And anyone who doesn't play along is guilty of hate! Ooo!
I hate it when people like YOU want to piss all over a thread about a very nice hard working woman doing her best for her life yet take the time to help others around her.

Your hate is disturbing.

Street Juice is wise to be skeptical of this situation. All intelligent people are.

Not being skeptical is how we get total incompetent idiots on the Supreme Court like Ketanji Brown.
But we know this is the Marxists' goal.
This is such a feel good story that I'll post the highlights in the comments section. I'm so very proud of this young lady, especially since she spells out exactly what she did to obtain her goals and has created her own company to ensure other girls can do the same.

Class of 2022! All the way!

Good for her! She seems to be an outstanding young lady! I hope she is wildly successful in her endeavors!
It’s a problem if that is what happened. Do you know if this young lady was not qualified?
What I know is that Harvard has different standards as to who is qualified based on race, and has so subverted the process that they rejected Asians for being “unlikeable“ - a case going up before the SCOTUS this fall.

So, she was obviously qualified under the lesser “black standards.” But, again, the reason Harvard is not disclosing her grades and scores is because the Asians and whites who were rejected with better grades and scores would likely sue.

Plus, I linked to an article last week in which Harvard admitted that if they didn’t have more lenient standards for blacks, the student body would drop by 14% black to 3% black. IOW, two out of three Harvard students were admitted under the lesser black standards, and one out of three would have made the cut even under the white standards.

It is past time to abolish race-based admissions standards and judge everyone the same regardless of skin color. It is sad that In this day and age, a person wanting race-blind admissions is accused of racism by the TRUE racists who support racial quotas that work against Asians and whites.
This is such a feel good story that I'll post the highlights in the comments section. I'm so very proud of this young lady, especially since she spells out exactly what she did to obtain her goals and has created her own company to ensure other girls can do the same.

Class of 2022! All the way!
Whatever happened to this lovely lass? Last I heard she was offered a scholarship to law school. Wonder if Biden considered her for SCOTUS or at least a federal court.
What I know is that Harvard has different standards as to who is qualified based on race, and has so subverted the process that they rejected Asians for being “unlikeable“ - a case going up before the SCOTUS this fall.

So, she was obviously qualified under the lesser “black standards.” But, again, the reason Harvard is not disclosing her grades and scores is because the Asians and whites who were rejected with better grades and scores would likely sue.

Plus, I linked to an article last week in which Harvard admitted that if they didn’t have more lenient standards for blacks, the student body would drop by 14% black to 3% black. IOW, two out of three Harvard students were admitted under the lesser black standards, and one out of three would have made the cut even under the white standards.

It is past time to abolish race-based admissions standards and judge everyone the same regardless of skin color. It is sad that In this day and age, a person wanting race-blind admissions is accused of racism by the TRUE racists who support racial quotas that work against Asians and whites.
Since she was accepted by all 8 ivy league school, she is most likely qualified even without racial preferences. That being said, being both highly qualified academically and black would make her a desirable candidate for all the universities, more so than if she had the exact same academic qualifications and were Asian.
I'm not certain why you DON'T believe it.

Any other sentiment would be the shock of the century.

I would venture a guess that because she is only 17 and is not yet of age under FERPA to decide on her own to make her grades public, her parents are likely just protecting her privacy from the countless nutjobs who are out there.

If she was actually the under qualified beneficiary of an AA favor as some here who believe that ANYONE who is Black and successful MUST be, it seems unlikely that 7 different Ivy League schools would ALL accept her at the same time.

If she was not legitimately deserving, it would have surfaced by now.
If the schools are under control of people with Progressive leanings, they would accept her if she was better than most AA applicants. Of course, she could really be qualified. But we make stories out of everything no matter how mundane due to the political agendas.
Since she was accepted by all 8 ivy league school, she is most likely qualified even without racial preferences. That being said, being both highly qualified academically and black would make her a desirable candidate for all the universities, more so than if she had the exact same academic qualifications and were Asian.
Yes, it is likely that she is among the one in three blacks who would have been admitted even under the more competitive white standards. Not sure about Asian….Harvard is even harder on them, so eager to keep Asians out that they rejected them due to unlikeability.) But why not remove the question entirely by instituting race-blind admissions standards and abolish the racism involved with admissions decisions?

I‘ve suggested before the following to ensure that ALL capable kids, regardless of race, get a chance for a college education: the top 5% of every high school senior class in the country, with family income below $100,000, get an automatic, tuition-paid ticket the state or city U.

That means that a poor (or moderate) but bright boy or girl, white or black, from the Bronx gets to go to CUNY or SUNY. The poor and bright kid from Detroit gets to go to Univ of Michigan. The poor but bright kid from Cumberland gets to go to University of Maryland. THIS is where the focus should lie.
If the schools are under control of people with Progressive leanings, they would accept her if she was better than most AA applicants. Of course, she could really be qualified. But we make stories out of everything no matter how mundane due to the political agendas.

The fact that political agendas take precedence even over common sense on both sides of the aisle is obvious in today's environment

What does not appear to be so common is one student being accepted by all 8 Ivy League universities, because out of those 8 universities, it seems logical that if there was anything in her academic history that was questionable, that at least one or more of those institutions would have discovered it and rejected her by now. The last one that I recall hearing about being accepted to all 8 was this student.

There are 40 million blacks in the States and one might have been accepted into an Ivy League school without affirmative action.

Contrast that to Asians of whom there are a few millions with tens of thousand who do the same..
And millions of whites who get in because of AA. Millions of whites hired in jobs because of Affirmative white privilege.
Would she get in if she weren't black or woke?
Ivy League is extremely leftwing Marxist.
My son could have gotten into one or more of the Ivies had he applied, but declined because they were so far left. And he would have made it on merit alone.
UVa actively recruited him, but he turned them down. Same reason. Too leftwing.
And? Can I get into police department if I'm woke? No I can't.
The vast majority of Americans - INCLUDING blacks themselves - are opposed to using race as a factor in admissions decisions. That’s because we realize that applying racial preferences is racist and should be eliminated.

And NO I'm not just happy because she's black and she got in, I'm happy that because she's such a phenomenal student and is rightfully reaping the rewards for all of her hard work & excellence.

If she were not black I'd still be ecstatic for her, but the fact that she IS black, knowing the challenges many black people in society have to overcome, I am especially pleased for her.
She got in because she checks all the boxes.
And millions of whites who get in because of AA. Millions of whites hired in jobs because of Affirmative white privilege.
Sure, whites and Asians get into Ivy League schools because of affirmative action at the cost of all those high IQ scholastic blacks.

Makes sense.

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