A Florida teen was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools -- and seven other universities

And I knew that when I reported the obvious truth, you’d come down on me like the angry person you are. All I did was point out that her scores and grades were NOT reported, and that is because whites with higher grades and scores were rejected - and they might bring suit.

You’re happy that the black girl got in. I’m sorry that a superior student with higher grades was rejected simply because he was white. There are 20,000 valedictorians who would have loved to go to Harvard, but the vast majority were rejected.
And NO I'm not just happy because she's black and she got in, I'm happy that because she's such a phenomenal student and is rightfully reaping the rewards for all of her hard work & excellence.

If she were not black I'd still be ecstatic for her, but the fact that she IS black, knowing the challenges many black people in society have to overcome, I am especially pleased for her.
There is no obvious TRUTH other than you are delusional. You're just mad, as evidenced by your attempt to characterize me an "angry black woman", because another black girl has achieved mega success even as you suspect that she had to hurt the feelings, opportunities, etc. of someone who isn't black to get there. I mean the way you all tell it, every single white person is more qualified and would have done better in every opportunity that a black person allegedly deprived them of, right?
That’s not it at all, and you’re objecting that I called you an angry back woman? That’s nothing compared to what you’ve called ME: evil, racist, whatever.

You are ascribing all sorts of sentiments to me that isn’t true, and all because I revealed the favoritism extended to black applicants. I want to abolish racist policies. You are fine with them as long as they advantage the race you prefer.

The Supreme Court will decide this fall.
There is no obvious TRUTH other than you are delusional. You're just mad, as evidenced by your attempt to characterize me an "angry black woman", because another black girl has achieved mega success even as you suspect that she had to hurt the feelings, opportunities, etc. of someone who isn't black to get there. I mean the way you all tell it, every single white person is more qualified and would have done better in every opportunity that a black person allegedly deprived them of, right?
Do we know that she wasn’t qualified?
That’s not it at all, and you’re objecting that I called you an angry back woman? That’s nothing compared to what you’ve called ME: evil, racist, whatever.

You are ascribing all sorts of sentiments to me that isn’t true, and all because I revealed the favoritism extended to black applicants. I want to abolish racist policies. You are fine with them as long as they advantage the race you prefer.

The Supreme Court will decide this fall.
LOL had she the time to participate in social justice events how does that diminish her academic and intellectual acumen?
Makes her a hateful asshole and an insurrectionist. Piss on her.

Those BLM shitheads did six month of looting, rioting, miurdering and destruction in over 200 American cities. If she supported the effort in any way she deserves to be in prison.
Do we know that she wasn’t qualified?
The problem is that “qualified” varies according to the race of the applicant. Where I worked - a very prestigious program - a white applicant with a 3.6 was considered unqualified and rejected. A black applicant was qualified with a 3.3 and could be accepted.

Do you not see the issue with this? Is it not racist to determine who is qualified and who is not based in the color of their skin?
She is not from racist trash blacks in America. Ashley Adirika was born to educated Nigerians. They were not infected with Black Americans Racist Dogma.
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Do we know that she wasn’t qualified?
That's Lisa' wishful thinking. There is absolutely no reason to believe this young lady is not qualified to be accepted by Harvard. You'd think the other 14 offers would give Lisa a hint but well...

I admittedly do not work in admissions nor have I ever, however what I do know of schools and companies in general is that they love it when they can showcase one of their students or employees in the media. It makes them look good.

I would suspect that Harvard, as well as all of the other schools who extended her an offer probably looked at things such as she's been on the debate team since 8th grade and has excelled in that arena.

I looked up her name in some of the local news agencies in Miami and two of them mentioned her high grades but this article I think expands even more on her life and how she arrived at this moment. It's more than deserved from what I can see.

This article also has turned on a light in my brain regarding those people who have faced adversity in their lives versus people who have not. It doesn't make us "better" people but it can cause us to be more compassionate towards others and have more understanding of where other's life journey may have taken them.

I saw a quotation not long ago that states "Do not judge, we're each on our own journey"
Makes her a hateful asshole and an insurrectionist. Piss on her.

Those BLM shitheads did six month of looting, rioting, miurdering and destruction in over 200 American cities. If she supported the effort in any way she deserves to be in prison.
Who said she did that? No one!
She is not from racist trash blacks in America. Ashley Adirika was born to educated Nigerians. She has not yet been infected with Black Americans Racist Dogma.
Oh is that where you're from? Racist trash whites in America? It sounds like it.
Who said she did that? No one!

I used the qualifications of "if she did". If she didn't then I am wrong to say anything.

However, I suspect being a Negro and applying to bat shit crazy far Left universities she was supporting her rioting and murdering soul brothers and sisters. Just saying what the odds are.
There are 40 million blacks in the States and one might have been accepted into an Ivy League school without affirmative action.

Contrast that to Asians of whom there are a few millions with tens of thousand who do the same..
A lot more than one would have been accepted. Blacks are just as capable as any other race.
I suspect a White Middle Class biological male with exactly the same credentials would not have made the cut.

I would have asked her if she participated in any of that BLM insurrection hate mongering and if the answer was yes then disqualify her on the spot.
Judging from the remarks made about her, my guess is she falls somewhere in the 99th percentile of people. I think she had the goods to be accepted at any University.
Would she get in if she weren't black or woke?
Ivy League is extremely leftwing Marxist.
My son could have gotten into one or more of the Ivies had he applied, but declined because they were so far left. And he would have made it on merit alone.
UVa actively recruited him, but he turned them down. Same reason. Too leftwing.
It wasn't just the Ivy League that accepted her, seven other top schools did as well.
There are an infantesily small number of blacks that could enter into Ivy League schools without AA. It is covered in the "Bell Curve.".There are some very intelligent blacks although a tiny percentage.
That might have been true in 1945, but there is a thriving middle and upper class of blacks who educate their children and encourage them towards academic success today. Sadly they don't get publicity for their efforts.
A tiny percentage? I hate to keep bringing this up but they said the same thing about the Tuskegee Airmen and this was decades before affirmative action.

It's never been that black people aren't up to the challenge, it historically has been that opportunities have been denied due to all of the same false misconceptions such as the one you just mentioned.
Every single man in the Tuskegee Airmen was far superior to the average white serviceman in the equivalent job. They had to be to overcome the systemic racism of the US Army at the time.
And I knew that when I reported the obvious truth, you’d come down on me like the angry person you are. All I did was point out that her scores and grades were NOT reported, and that is because whites with higher grades and scores were rejected - and they might bring suit.

You’re happy that the black girl got in. I’m sorry that a superior student with higher grades was rejected simply because he was white. There are 20,000 valedictorians who would have loved to go to Harvard, but the vast majority were rejected.
You don’t know that.

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