A Free Form Poem for our Internet Generation

I remember seeing this one carved into a desk top in high school...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Why don't you
Go to hell

I remember seeing this one carved into a desk top in high school...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Why don't you
Go to hell


You should never sit at the detention center desk located at back corner of Library in front of Librarian's picture window office!

/ducking and running...
I remember seeing this one carved into a desk top in high school...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Why don't you
Go to hell


You should never sit at the detention center desk located at back corner of Library in front of Librarian's picture window office!

/ducking and running...

Only once was I hauled to the Principal's office where he threatened me with detention.

I looked at him and said "oh detention is killin' me! "

He actually laughed. I wasn't just the classroom clown, I was the damned high school clown. :D
I remember seeing this one carved into a desk top in high school...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Why don't you
Go to hell


You should never sit at the detention center desk located at back corner of Library in front of Librarian's picture window office!

/ducking and running...

Only once was I hauled to the Principal's office where he threatened me with detention.

I looked at him and said "oh detention is killin' me! "

He actually laughed. I wasn't just the classroom clown, I was the damned high school clown. :D
To classroom clowns :beer:
...when I must wait 24 hours to give out rep again... <facepalm>
Tee hee. :D

We had a real bitch of an English teacher. Elderly gal. She's discussing a passage from what book I don't remember. "What is a dilemma"? she asked.

I raised my hand... "dilemma- dat's da little round-a yellow fruit".
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,

lol--Sad but true and exactly what my at risk 6th graders --almost old enough to legally opt to never attend school, might have written.

To know that even those who possibly possess advanced degrees, come from economic advantage and have every reason to be 'leading', would/could/do write such things and much much worse is disturbing to me.

lol--my high school acquaintance who never got as far as General Petraeus but did conduct himself in a similar manner on occasion--he was always talking about Class/Classy. I read on his Facebook page things that he said to female professional acquaintances--'You are classy, so few, so few have real class.'

I howled with laughter. As if he would know anything about 'character'---having done the things he did and being clever, shrewd enough to CYA.

He came from a very good family. His mother worked with a religious denomination all her life. His younger brother became a minister/church seeder. Speaks several languages has lived all over the world. Writes, is a published author. Recognized for his work in religious music. sigh. Two sisters. Salt of the Earth. and the black sheep, the eldest son.

There were consequences--you may be relieved to know. Seems as though his kids, a boy and a girl are very close to their mother and her family.

He made his choice, chose the low road. Don't feel sorry for him--he has a boat, two homes in FL, travels the world teaching others how to succeed as he has done. $$$$$$$$$$$.

It is actually --'The Love of money is the root of all evil.'

I would say that is exactly his problem.

He went steady with a very nice and smart girl in high school--her family had more money than his. Something happened and her father required her to end that relationship. He said she was a 'B'. So classy?

Sad, but true. Character must be developed it cannot be 'purchased'.
lol--my high school acquaintance who never got as far as General Petraeus but did conduct himself in a similar manner on occasion--he was always talking about Class/Classy. I read on his Facebook page things that he said to female professional acquaintances--'You are classy, so few, so few have real class.'

I howled with laughter. As if he would know anything about 'character'---having done the things he did and being clever, shrewd enough to CYA.

He came from a very good family. His mother worked with a religious denomination all her life. His younger brother became a minister/church seeder. Speaks several languages has lived all over the world. Writes, is a published author. Recognized for his work in religious music. sigh. Two sisters. Salt of the Earth. and the black sheep, the eldest son.

There were consequences--you may be relieved to know. Seems as though his kids, a boy and a girl are very close to their mother and her family.

He made his choice, chose the low road. Don't feel sorry for him--he has a boat, two homes in FL, travels the world teaching others how to succeed as he has done. $$$$$$$$$$$.

It is actually --'The Love of money is the root of all evil.'

I would say that is exactly his problem.

He went steady with a very nice and smart girl in high school--her family had more money than his. Something happened and her father required her to end that relationship. He said she was a 'B'. So classy?

Sad, but true. Character must be developed it cannot be 'purchased'.

People like that are their own worst punishment.

They die sad, alone and full of regrets.

People like that are their own worst punishment.

They die sad, alone and full of regrets.

mmmm---'son of a son of a sailor'/Jimmy Buffet.

he seems to be very happy--smiling in every picture.

he took down a picture that he posted last summer.

smiling and happy with his 'lady'--he used to have an athlete's body--originally planned to be a Ranger--doesn't have that anymore. The lady---well endowed--something like those in the news --Pentagon Love Scandal. She drives a 'hot' car and drives it very fast. He loves car---mechanical things of all kinds. A well developed geek, too. What he did for the Army--well- he said he 'ran consulates'. eh--I checked into that ---really must not have been exactly what he said. Marines guard consulates?

he made it as far as Lt.Col. fwiw. Seems to 'exaggerate' a bit?

now a realtor--trains other 'high producers' to make $$$$$$.

that is all he does.
Got upset once --thought I said he was a machine. I didn't but he thought I did.

you know 'the kind'. I am certain that you do. :p
Tee hee. :D

We had a real bitch of an English teacher. Elderly gal. She's discussing a passage from what book I don't remember. "What is a dilemma"? she asked.

I raised my hand... "dilemma- dat's da little round-a yellow fruit".
Then you have NO IDEA who our librarian was, overlooking the tenderfeet tripping the light fantastic through the tiers of tomes. I'll just say her nickname--unbeknownst to her most likely--among hoi polloi was "Boidlegs" to get you only the vaguest idea! :redface:

Oh, did the orange juice this morning sit on the counter a little too long or what?
Tee hee. :D

We had a real bitch of an English teacher. Elderly gal. She's discussing a passage from what book I don't remember. "What is a dilemma"? she asked.

I raised my hand... "dilemma- dat's da little round-a yellow fruit".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVTXlRxVdEY]A Little Night Music - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - YouTube[/ame]

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