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A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

There are prophets all over the place. Anyone who is a student of history can be a prophet, it's really not that hard. I'm no student of history, but I'm sure there's someone out there who can research back and find a pattern, then come up with their own prophesies.
But then leftists and their tyranny ARE predictable...so yes you are correct...now tell us WHY people refuse to learn from history and allow their liberty to be run roughshod over?:eusa_whistle:
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Sowell begins Chapter 1 of Vision of the Annointed with:

What is intellectually interesting about visions are their assumptions and their reasoning, but what is socially crucial is the extent to which they are reisistant to evidence. All social theories being imperfect, the harm done by their imperfections depends not only on how far they differ from reality, but also on how readily they adjust to evidence, to come back into line with the facts. . . .

And then on Page 6:

. . . .“This (liberal) vision so permeates the media and academia, and has made such major inroads into the religious community, that many grow into adulthood unaware that there is any other way of looking at things, or that evidence might be relevant to checking out the sweeping assumptions of so-called “thinking people”. Many of these “thinking people” could more accurately be characterized as articulate people, as people whose verbal nimbleness can elude both evidence and logic. This can be a fatal talent, when it supplies the crucial insulation from reality behind many historic catastrophes.”. . .

When somebody at USMB is incapable of looking at a different point of view and understanding the credibility of it - or is so dedicated or confident in his/her ideologiy that he/she can't or won't see the glaring negatives in a policy - we can accept that as a consequence of the 'vision of the annointed' and hope it is in a minority.

But when we have a President so confident in his vision and so oblivious to how flawed are the concepts that created it, and so oblivious to the damage it is causing in practice, can we say that is dangerous? And does it logically follow that those who support him and allow him to continue are also dangerous?
Yes. Because if there are enough of them (as we are living), they while voting away their liberty...are indeed voting away YOURS as well. (And they don't care and done in the name of partisan vindictiveness ).
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In this case however, Thomas Sowell wrote his essays in 2008 with no experience whatsoever as to what the Obama presidency would actually be.

In the opinion of at least some here, Thomas Sowell has turned out to be spot on in his analysis. He advised us what we would get if we elected Barack Obama president. And he appears to have been prophetically accurate in every analyis cited in the linked essays.

he doesnt need experience since there is now a formula for running for president.
Yeah, it's called being a charismatic liar. Cult of personality...

But what prompts and justifies the lies? That is what Sowell has been exploring all these years. What creates a personality like Barack Obama? Good looking, personable, charismatic, articulate (at least with a teleprompter or good notes) - totally inexperienced and unqualified to be President at the time he was elected but able to win the minds and hearts of those who bought the rhetoric of 'hope and change' while never questioning or caring what that 'hope and change' would actually mean.

And many of those same people don't care about the lies now. They don't care that the policies have been destructive--in fact most are in full denial about that. They don't see or don't care that he is a man without conviction, without principles, and who is fully willing to hurt, even destroy, anybody to carry forth his confidence in his own vision. And that is what makes him so dangerous.

As Thomas Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "
he doesnt need experience since there is now a formula for running for president.
Yeah, it's called being a charismatic liar. Cult of personality...

But what prompts and justifies the lies? That is what Sowell has been exploring all these years. What creates a personality like Barack Obama? Good looking, personable, charismatic, articulate (at least with a teleprompter or good notes) - totally inexperienced and unqualified to be President at the time he was elected but able to win the minds and hearts of those who bought the rhetoric of 'hope and change' while never questioning or caring what that 'hope and change' would actually mean.

And many of those same people don't care about the lies now. They don't care that the policies have been destructive--in fact most are in full denial about that. They don't see or don't care that he is a man without conviction, without principles, and who is fully willing to hurt, even destroy, anybody to carry forth his confidence in his own vision. And that is what makes him so dangerous.

As Thomas Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "
What prompts them are the ideals that he was brought up with in his education...he surely wasn't learning the Founding Fathers of this Republic over in Indonesia...and certainly in his college years he was being told the Founders were a joke as this Republic was...and yes he knows how to play the uneducated that have been told the same.
Yeah, it's called being a charismatic liar. Cult of personality...

But what prompts and justifies the lies? That is what Sowell has been exploring all these years. What creates a personality like Barack Obama? Good looking, personable, charismatic, articulate (at least with a teleprompter or good notes) - totally inexperienced and unqualified to be President at the time he was elected but able to win the minds and hearts of those who bought the rhetoric of 'hope and change' while never questioning or caring what that 'hope and change' would actually mean.

And many of those same people don't care about the lies now. They don't care that the policies have been destructive--in fact most are in full denial about that. They don't see or don't care that he is a man without conviction, without principles, and who is fully willing to hurt, even destroy, anybody to carry forth his confidence in his own vision. And that is what makes him so dangerous.

As Thomas Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "
What prompts them are the ideals that he was brought up with in his education...he surely wasn't learning the Founding Fathers of this Republic over in Indonesia...and certainly in his college years he was being told the Founders were a joke as this Republic was...and yes he knows how to play the uneducated that have been told the same.

Again from the September 2012 essay:

"After I read Barack Obama’s book Dreams from My Father, it became painfully clear to me that he has not been searching for the truth, because he assumed from an early age that he had already found the truth — and now it was just a question of filling in the details and deciding how to change things."

It is the premise of the Vision of the Annointed, written 17 years before that 2012 essay, that once the vision is adopted as truth, the mind is made up, and no amount of reason, logic, or facts will easily change it. But the 'liberal' vision is based on ideals and not principles. The holder of those ideals feels superior, virtuous, and justified in the rightness of his vision based on those ideals.

But as Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "

It seems that his supporters who grovel at his feet illuminated by those ideals also hold onto them even as they are incapable of translating them into any conviction or principle that they can articulate.

I have found one or two of our leftist friends who continue to defend, justify, and support Obama who can also actually focus on a concept and form an argument for or against it. But so far none of the others seem to have any ability to do that any more than Obama demonstrates an ability to do that. Their whole argument is based on a fuzzy ideal in a fuzzy vision and is justified by demonizing somebody who doesn't share it.

And that is scary.
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Crazy muslims have discussions about prophecy, and they rave about the immorality of the infidels, and they quote all kinds of snippets to prove they're correct. It plays well with fellow cultists, but nobody else pays any attention to them. Same with the ODS cultists.

To those outside of the cults, religious fanatics all look the same. They spend their days actively seeking reasons to proclaim their victimhood (which gives them justification to act badly in return), to proclaim how only they themselves are the ChosenFew who understand the RealTruth, and to demonize those infidels who aren't part of the cult.

We've only seen this kind of insanity a thousand times before. Y'all are nothing new or special. Just another pack of boring religious cultists, preaching to the cult and claiming victory when everyone laughs at your demands to debate how many angels can dance on the head of pin.
In this case however, Thomas Sowell wrote his essays in 2008 with no experience whatsoever as to what the Obama presidency would actually be.

In the opinion of at least some here, Thomas Sowell has turned out to be spot on in his analysis. He advised us what we would get if we elected Barack Obama president. And he appears to have been prophetically accurate in every analyis cited in the linked essays.

he doesnt need experience since there is now a formula for running for president.
Yeah, it's called being a charismatic liar. Cult of personality...

no....now go take a nap
Just what it is possesses you two to continually try to derail this thread? Plasma? Mamooth? [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] must be striking a nerve repeatedly by reminding you of your mistake of putting Obama in office. Perhaps it would behoove you to research your candidates before you blindly vote for them in the future. Perhaps, just maybe, perhaps it will teach you to put your country before your party.
Templar, when I point out that religious cultists constantly seek victimhood and demonization of the infidels, instantly confirming that point probably isn't your wisest option.

Also, you might want to grow a pair and stop whining to me in PM about how I'm "attacking religion". I'm not attacking religion, I'm attacking whinyasstittybaby cultists. I can see why that struck a nerve with you.

Again, if you can't stand critique of your cult's beliefs, don't air them out in the politics folder. Put them safely in the religion folder, where you won't be subject to that hideous persecution of getting a contrary opinion.
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Just what it is possesses you two to continually try to derail this thread? Plasma? Mamooth? [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] must be striking a nerve repeatedly by reminding you of your mistake of putting Obama in office. Perhaps it would behoove you to research your candidates before you blindly vote for them in the future. Perhaps, just maybe, perhaps it will teach you to put your country before your party.

are you really that fucking retarded? Fox and i where going back and forth on this topic for quite a few posts. Answering Thomas was on topic as well.

Perhaps it would be best if you didnt act like a moron and actually followed along for once?

Obama wasnt a mistake, nor was Romrom. the american public decided these where the two choices they felt was best. They are literally Bush clones save a few key issues, but even then there is not much difference. They simple fact is you dont understand how this game is played anymore.
Templar, when I point out that religious cultists constantly seek victimhood and demonization of the infidels, instantly confirming that point probably isn't your wisest option.

Also, you might want to grow a pair and stop whining to me in PM about how I'm "attacking religion". I'm not attacking religion, I'm attacking whinyasstittybaby cultists. I can see why that struck a nerve with you.

Again, if you can't stand critique of your cult's beliefs, don't air them out in the politics folder. Put them safely in the religion folder, where you won't be subject to that hideous persecution of getting a contrary opinion.

people who tend to live in glass houses tend to get cut a lot on here.
Templar, when I point out that religious cultists constantly seek victimhood and demonization of the infidels, instantly confirming that point probably isn't your wisest option.

Also, you might want to grow a pair and stop whining to me in PM about how I'm "attacking religion". I'm not attacking religion, I'm attacking whinyasstittybaby cultists. I can see why that struck a nerve with you.

Again, if you can't stand critique of your cult's beliefs, don't air them out in the politics folder. Put them safely in the religion folder, where you won't be subject to that hideous persecution of getting a contrary opinion.

Calling my faith a cult does nothing to lend credence to your argument, it only makes you out to be a radical secularist. Your rant doesn't even contribute to the subject matter of this thread. When you can't even discuss the topic, that shows you lack the wherewithal to mount a sufficient argument to the OP. Sigh, you're hopeless. I won't waste my time debating a 'whinyasstittybaby' like you.
Yes, I encourage all to search the scriptures for how Our Lord would want us to live our lives.

No, the ACA is not crumbling before anyone's eyes: to suggest such is hyperbolic demagoguery.

I admire you in so many ways, but I am very careful when you start talking religion and American narrative, Foxfyre.

So you will not rail on about derailing your thread, I will leave it at this.

Think, folks.

Uh, the ACA is an unmitigated disaster.. only an Obama boot-licker such as yourself would suggest otherwise. Even Obama had to come out and do damage control by somehow apologizing for us just not getting it.

Obama's signature legislation will enshrine him in the same category of ineptitude as Presidents Buchanan and Carter.
But what prompts and justifies the lies? That is what Sowell has been exploring all these years. What creates a personality like Barack Obama? Good looking, personable, charismatic, articulate (at least with a teleprompter or good notes) - totally inexperienced and unqualified to be President at the time he was elected but able to win the minds and hearts of those who bought the rhetoric of 'hope and change' while never questioning or caring what that 'hope and change' would actually mean.

And many of those same people don't care about the lies now. They don't care that the policies have been destructive--in fact most are in full denial about that. They don't see or don't care that he is a man without conviction, without principles, and who is fully willing to hurt, even destroy, anybody to carry forth his confidence in his own vision. And that is what makes him so dangerous.

As Thomas Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "
What prompts them are the ideals that he was brought up with in his education...he surely wasn't learning the Founding Fathers of this Republic over in Indonesia...and certainly in his college years he was being told the Founders were a joke as this Republic was...and yes he knows how to play the uneducated that have been told the same.

Again from the September 2012 essay:

"After I read Barack Obama’s book Dreams from My Father, it became painfully clear to me that he has not been searching for the truth, because he assumed from an early age that he had already found the truth — and now it was just a question of filling in the details and deciding how to change things."

It is the premise of the Vision of the Annointed, written 17 years before that 2012 essay, that once the vision is adopted as truth, the mind is made up, and no amount of reason, logic, or facts will easily change it. But the 'liberal' vision is based on ideals and not principles. The holder of those ideals feels superior, virtuous, and justified in the rightness of his vision based on those ideals.

But as Sowell wrote in the October 8, 2008 essay:

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. "

It seems that his supporters who grovel at his feet illuminated by those ideals also hold onto them even as they are incapable of translating them into any conviction or principle that they can articulate.

I have found one or two of our leftist friends who continue to defend, justify, and support Obama who can also actually focus on a concept and form an argument for or against it. But so far none of the others seem to have any ability to do that any more than Obama demonstrates an ability to do that. Their whole argument is based on a fuzzy ideal in a fuzzy vision and is justified by demonizing somebody who doesn't share it.

And that is scary.

True, but they are regular uses of terms like 'racist' and 'hater dupes.' They do up lots of labels, they do.
Okay guys. This thread has nothing to do with religious prophecy--Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. So please take those discussions to another thread.

I did use the Biblical concept of fulfilled prophecy to begin the OP, but it was for the purposes of illustration of what theories of prophecy are and not to focus on any religious or spiritual concepts.

This thread is about Thomas Sowell--or any other who may have done the research and offered their observations--who years ago offered their perceptions of who Barack Obama was and what sort of leader he would make; what sort of President, if elected, he would become.

And in my opinion of many, those essays proved to be prophetic. A clear vision of what would be. And with conclusions that have proved to be spot on.

Yes the ACA so far has been disastrous with no hope that things are going to improve much, if at all. But Obama's vision of a world with universal healthcare was not based on principle. It was based on a fuzzy vision of what that would look like. And he didn't have a clue how to make it happen and he had no clue of the content or consequences of the legislation that others wrote for him to sign.

And he doesn't care. He doesn't care that millions are losing their jobs, their healthcare, their doctors. He doesn't care that this is an enormous drag on an already wounded economy. No amount of reality or facts will convince him that the ideal should be abandoned. That is is based on a flawed vision of reality.

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House."--Thomas Sowell

And as the idealistic vision of the ACA crumbles about him, he won't abandon the ideal, but he is already seeking to salvage his legacy by turning his attention to energy, immigration, and climate change where, with only ideals and no principles to guide him, he can do every bit as much damage.
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Okay guys. This thread has nothing to do with religious prophecy--Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. So please take those discussions to another thread.

I did use the Biblical concept of fulfilled prophecy to begin the OP, but it was for the purposes of illustration of what theories of prophecy are and not to focus on any religious or spiritual concepts.

This thread is about Thomas Sowell--or any other who may have done the research and offered their observations--who years ago offered their perceptions of who Barack Obama was and what sort of leader he would make; what sort of President, if elected, he would become.

And in my opinion of many, those essays proved to be prophetic. A clear vision of what would be. And with conclusions that have proved to be spot on.

Yes the ACA so far has been disastrous with no hope that things are going to improve much, if at all. But Obama's vision of a world with universal healthcare was not based on principle. It was based on a fuzzy vision of what that would look like. And he didn't have a clue how to make it happen and he had no clue of the content or consequences of the legislation that others wrote for him to sign.

And he doesn't care. He doesn't care that millions are losing their jobs, their healthcare, their doctors. He doesn't care that this is an enormous drag on an already wounded economy. No amount of reality or facts will convince him that the ideal should be abandoned. That is is based on a flawed vision of reality.

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House."--Thomas Sowell

And as the idealistic vision of the ACA crumbles about him, he won't abandon the ideal, but he is already seeking to salvage his legacy by turning his attention to energy, immigration, and climate change where, with only ideals and no principles to guide him, he can do every bit as much damage.
The way I see it? Obama was groomed for where he is now by elitists whom did not have this countries' interest at heart but rather it's destruction. I think Dr. Sowell and a plethora of others saw it...as did many of us here as we did the same kind of investigation, and tried to warn others of whom this cat Barack Hussein Obama really was...i.e., the soon to be self important 'emperor' never did have any clothes by his past, and even his own writings...and how cloaked much of him was evident...his history didn't meet his rhetoric... So even OUR prophecy as Dr. Sowell's has been fulfilled.
Okay guys. This thread has nothing to do with religious prophecy--Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. So please take those discussions to another thread.

I did use the Biblical concept of fulfilled prophecy to begin the OP, but it was for the purposes of illustration of what theories of prophecy are and not to focus on any religious or spiritual concepts.

This thread is about Thomas Sowell--or any other who may have done the research and offered their observations--who years ago offered their perceptions of who Barack Obama was and what sort of leader he would make; what sort of President, if elected, he would become.

And in my opinion of many, those essays proved to be prophetic. A clear vision of what would be. And with conclusions that have proved to be spot on.

Yes the ACA so far has been disastrous with no hope that things are going to improve much, if at all. But Obama's vision of a world with universal healthcare was not based on principle. It was based on a fuzzy vision of what that would look like. And he didn't have a clue how to make it happen and he had no clue of the content or consequences of the legislation that others wrote for him to sign.

And he doesn't care. He doesn't care that millions are losing their jobs, their healthcare, their doctors. He doesn't care that this is an enormous drag on an already wounded economy. No amount of reality or facts will convince him that the ideal should be abandoned. That is is based on a flawed vision of reality.

"The old phrase, "a man of high ideals but no principles," is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House."--Thomas Sowell

And as the idealistic vision of the ACA crumbles about him, he won't abandon the ideal, but he is already seeking to salvage his legacy by turning his attention to energy, immigration, and climate change where, with only ideals and no principles to guide him, he can do every bit as much damage.
The way I see it? Obama was groomed for where he is now by elitists whom did not have this countries' interest at heart but rather it's destruction. I think Dr. Sowell and a plethora of others saw it...as did many of us here as we did the same kind of investigation, and tried to warn others of whom this cat Barack Hussein Obama really was...i.e., the soon to be self important 'emperor' never did have any clothes by his past, and even his own writings...and how cloaked much of him was evident...his history didn't meet his rhetoric... So even OUR prophecy as Dr. Sowell's has been fulfilled.

Yes, we saw it. When we warned of his muslim background we were called right wing terrorists. When we warned of his ties to foreign countries we were called racists. When we warned of his inexperience we were called intolerant bigots. When we objected to his affiliation with a pseudo Christian church where 'God damn America' is the by word we were called right wing nut job fanatics. The signs have been plenty. His reputation preceded him. There was MUCH prophecy about how this country would end up if we elected this foreign raised elitist. But there were SO MANY who could not bear to wear the labels even for the good of the country, so they voted him in and they voted him in again. There.
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Templar, when I point out that religious cultists constantly seek victimhood and demonization of the infidels, instantly confirming that point probably isn't your wisest option.

Also, you might want to grow a pair and stop whining to me in PM about how I'm "attacking religion". I'm not attacking religion, I'm attacking whinyasstittybaby cultists. I can see why that struck a nerve with you.

Again, if you can't stand critique of your cult's beliefs, don't air them out in the politics folder. Put them safely in the religion folder, where you won't be subject to that hideous persecution of getting a contrary opinion.
Do YOU realize that beliving in big government and giving them power to lord over YOU is a Religion?


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