A.G. Merrick Garland May Face Impeachment over Abortion Protests at Justices’ Homes When GOP Takes House

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U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland could face impeachment proceedings over the Department of Justice’s failure to enforce a federal statute that prevents picketing or parading outside of Supreme Court Justices’ homes, should Republicans take the majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

As if his perjury in front of Congress and obstruction of justice, abuses of power weren't enough.
didnt the ussc rule that demonstration are allowed on public sidewalks....

o wait that was for abortion clinics protesters.....but not in front of their house...

give it up....stop being fools
It has to do with intimidation (obstruction).
Majority of these protests are by people not just breaking the law but uneducated on the fact the ruling had little to do with abortion and had to do with ( the law) legalities of Feds involving itself in what always should have been individual States rulings. Take it up with their states not the SC.
Funny how standards change when the ruling doesn't go their fascist way, and suddenly their former yelping about letting the justice system play out that judges judge on the merits of the case and the law not biases (what was an argument by Dems during The early term of Trump.) But we knew they didn't believe in their own B.S. when they assumed every S.C.Judge being interviewed for S.C. was assumed voting a certain way via political affiliation without hearing the arguments and being judicial.
So much assumed that they were willing to frame a judge (BK) with illegal false charges just to stop what they assumed would happen, however the schmucks fulfilled that scenerio through their own actions and would never know what the outcome would have been if they didn't stoop that low.-D'oh!

Biden said:" you can't just love the country when you win", but then same goes for the SC-oops!

This is what happens when you don't keep score or have losers in your wacko bubble you build around kids today, now in the real world they finally taste losing and can't handle it.
So they freak out and want to act like fascist by stacking the court to try and favor their side, and other tactics to give themselves advantage.
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18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading​

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty

Can it be proven they have any of these intents?

18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading​

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Impossible to enforce. You can say that protesting a ruling is trying to influence something and protesters can simply say they are protesting a ruling.

There are protests outside the Supreme Court all the time.
Impossible to enforce. You can say that protesting a ruling is trying to influence something and protesters can simply say they are protesting a ruling.

There are protests outside the Supreme Court all the time.
Yeah. Really hard to arrest someone standing on a sidewalk screaming at a house.
The constitution say they have a right. That trumps an unconstitutional interpretation of the law.

But it would be funny to see the Revenge Impeachments fail to convict in the Senate.

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