A.G. Merrick Garland May Face Impeachment over Abortion Protests at Justices’ Homes When GOP Takes House

Save the time and money.
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U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland could face impeachment proceedings over the Department of Justice’s failure to enforce a federal statute that prevents picketing or parading outside of Supreme Court Justices’ homes, should Republicans take the majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.


not gonna happen
Now you're just making stuff up. I never claimed that.

A pacifist is someone who believes that violence is wrong and refuses to take part in wars.
With you words, you state that violence is the result of incompetence. You then way you would meet valence with violence. Pure hypocrisy on your part and you are going to great lengths to deny you said it. So you lie also. Why in the world would anyone accept anything you say as being true? You have shown yourself to have little acquaintance with the actual truth, only what you claim as true with zero facts.

You lose.
Save the time and money.
View attachment 669332

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland could face impeachment proceedings over the Department of Justice’s failure to enforce a federal statute that prevents picketing or parading outside of Supreme Court Justices’ homes, should Republicans take the majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

I hope to God they jail that man. I love Mitch McConnell more every day, just for denying that fucktard a seat on the SC...............Another stealth nutjob leftists defeated.
you state that violence is the result of incompetence.
Not what I said. Anyway it's a paraphrasing of a wise man who said it best

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety."
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways."
"To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well."
"A fire-eater must eat fire even if he has to kindle it himself."
"Only a lie that wasn't ashamed of itself could possibly succeed."
"Nothing has to be true, but everything has to sound true."
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"

Not what I said. Anyway it's a paraphrasing of a wise man who said it best

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety."
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways."
"To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well."
"A fire-eater must eat fire even if he has to kindle it himself."
"Only a lie that wasn't ashamed of itself could possibly succeed."
"Nothing has to be true, but everything has to sound true."
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"

Actually, it is what you said. And now you are to chicken to admit it. Keep trying to wiggle out of your own statements, it only furthers the fact that you are a hypocrite.

And can not come up with anything of your own. Pitiful.
Actually, it is what you said. And now you are to chicken to admit it. Keep trying to wiggle out of your own statements, it only furthers the fact that you are a hypocrite.

And can not come up with anything of your own. Pitiful.

Seen this tactic before. Like the kid who grabs the downed ball, pretending it was a fumble, then runs to the end zone, spiking the ball and yelling "Touch Down!"

Good for you Champ!
Seen this tactic before. Like the kid who grabs the downed ball, pretending it was a fumble, then runs to the end zone, spiking the ball and yelling "Touch Down!"

Good for you Champ!
So you admit your tactics to defend your lies.
The Neo-GOP are famous for their involuntary projections.

Only the Neo-GOP has a Beloved Dear Leader. The Exalted One, they circle the wagons for.

Democrats form a circular firing squad.
The exalted one? Are you serious. There was 8 years of your God Obama, a man who could do no wrong. Give guns to MExican cartels, well he was just testing them....blah blah blah....this was a guy that your idiot lefties said could part the oceans and Chris Mathews had a tingle........oh please do not project your bullshit cultlike status on us........We know Trump is flawed, we just don't care, he gets the results we want.......and if we can annoy you tards, all the better.
Fuck off troll
Ukraine flag...check
Mask photo...not yet
Pronouns in Bio....not yet

Man, you are falling behind on the woke virtual signaling.....pretty soon they will come after you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The exalted one? Are you serious. There was 8 years of your God Obama, a man who could do no wrong. Give guns to MExican cartels, well he was just testing them....blah blah blah....this was a guy that your idiot lefties said could part the oceans and Chris Mathews had a tingle........oh please do not project your bullshit cultlike status on us........We know Trump is flawed, we just don't care, he gets the results we want.......and if we can annoy you tards, all the better.
Still triggered by Obama huh?

He's been a private citizen for what...6 years now?

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