A Giant Mess Of Jap Crap Is Heading Toward The Leftist Coast

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.

First illegals,now radioactive garbage. :lol:
Suck it lib land!
Isn't that plant still dumping radioactive waste in the ocean everyday? I'm surprised the water off the ocast of Japan doesn't glow in the dark.
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.

First illegals,now radioactive garbage. :lol:
Suck it lib land!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I think I'll cry for now because Pacific in is peril. I'm certainly not going to eat any Pacific fish.
Isn't that plant still dumping radioactive waste in the ocean everyday? I'm surprised the water off the ocast of Japan doesn't glow in the dark.

Yep. Japan is fucked. They did a good job keeping out of the media but the chickens have come home to roost.
definately won't catch me eating any three eyed Pacific fish. I'll stick to Atlantic or fresh water.
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.
If only those on the Right would stop visiting.
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.
If only those on the Right would stop visiting.

You couldn't pay me enough to go your disgusting liberal shit hole. You're stench permeates the place. Half the men have feces under their nails.
The irony is sort of hysterical......especially when you take a gander into the ENVIORONMENT forum and see that the climate k00ks state that there is zero threat from Fukishima!!!
definately won't catch me eating any three eyed Pacific fish. I'll stick to Atlantic or fresh water.
Until the mutants start breeding and the mutations find their way into the rest of the oceans?

Actually if radioactivity can be spread through rain and wind, it's gonna be everywhere anyway. What they have to do is find a way to stop it from pouring into the ocean.

Then when you think about it, the Japanese are the worlds boyscouts, if they fucked up what does that say for the rest of the worlds reactors? It's just a matter of time before another meltdown in another country. It's going to keep happening as long as we have nuclear plants on the face of the earth. Then there's all the toxic waste. Those barrels they are in won't last for the time that's needed for that stuff to become safe. Face it, we're fucked.
Bear shits in the woods...not in his den. The whole earth has had bears shitting in its dens for thousands of years. Look at India, for example. And China, where they have to wear masks all the time. When the junkpile reaches our shores, we will clean it up the best we can.

Meanwhile, y'all keep eating the fish from your filthy rivers and let us worry about the west coast.
Bear shits in the woods...not in his den. The whole earth has had bears shitting in its dens for thousands of years. Look at India, for example. And China, where they have to wear masks all the time. When the junkpile reaches our shores, we will clean it up the best we can.

Meanwhile, y'all keep eating the fish from your filthy rivers and let us worry about the west coast.

Enjoy your radioactive isotopes.
Bear shits in the woods...not in his den. The whole earth has had bears shitting in its dens for thousands of years. Look at India, for example. And China, where they have to wear masks all the time. When the junkpile reaches our shores, we will clean it up the best we can.

Meanwhile, y'all keep eating the fish from your filthy rivers and let us worry about the west coast.

You can use mexicans to clean up the mess. It's not like you'd miss a few thousand of em....
Liberal government,illegals,radiation,earthquakes,ripping off the rest of the western US's water,wildfires...oh yeah..and hollyweird.
What a great place...:cuckoo:

If you could kill off all the beaners and libs it would have some nice scenery.
But other then that......? It's a shithole.
The west coast is still there? I thought they were wiped out the last three times this story circulated.
I'm sure everyone has heard about this so I won't bother with the link but what are you going to do when 2.3 million tonnes of trash larger than the UK splashes up with your increasingly radioactive isotope laden Fukishima water?

Whatever you blue state dudes do, please don't run to a red state.
If only those on the Right would stop visiting.

You couldn't pay me enough to go your disgusting liberal shit hole. You're stench permeates the place. Half the men have feces under their nails.

How interesting this is.
I see the right wing fools are using the thread to take a swipe at the more left leaning members, expressing hope of serious radiation contamination.
That seems a little unreasonable to me.

However, I didn't decide to post on this thread to point of the blindingly obvious, the far right are morons, more to mention a couple of details and opinions regarding the Fukishima plant.
In my humble opinion, it was extremely unwise to build such a plant in an area so prone to large earthquakes.
The Japanese were extremely foolish and, as a note, were warned several times of the likely accident, the one that turned out to be history.
American capitalists are far short of blame here as GE supplied reactors 1, 2 and 6 and Ebasco Services coordinated the design.
That company has a history of fabricating safety reports as we found with Goldstein in 1985 and, as you will be aware, TEPCO falsified safety reports on the American designed plant.

So, don't keep wishing liberals dead or injured, extend blame to the American right who sold and fitted the wrong type of reactors in their bad design for a nuclear power station, in an incredibly stupid place.

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