A Ginsburg replacement is 'worth the White House and Senate'

RBG obituary "Ginsberg was an advocate of progressive causes". What's wrong with those words? We don't want a Justice who is an advocate based on emotion or political expediency, we want a Justice who bases his/her opinions on the Constitution.
RBG obituary "Ginsberg was an advocate of progressive causes". What's wrong with those words? We don't want a Justice who is an advocate based on emotion or political expediency, we want a Justice who bases his/her opinions on the Constitution.

Progessives go against the Constitution. Its what they do by definition.

They are supposed to uphold the Constitution.

If the Court was stacked 9-0 Liberal.....goodbye 2A . We all know it....so what does that tell you?

Assuming that a replacement for Ginsburg has not been confirmed by November 3, and further assuming that Trump loses the election, should a defeated President be allowed to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court?

It should be pointed out, both assumptions are extremely likely. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

There is a corollary to the question. Should the defeated party in the Senate be allowed to confirm a Supreme Court judge?

Based on limited researched, I have been unable to find those questions addressed. However, allow me to answer my own questions.

There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

If Trump is defeated, if the GOP loses control of the Senate -- both likely, why else are Republicans in such a hurry -- and Trump Republicans confirm Ginsburg's replacement, the GOP is likely to lose power for at least a generation.

Assuming that a replacement for Ginsburg has not been confirmed by November 3, and further assuming that Trump loses the election, should a defeated President be allowed to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court?

It should be pointed out, both assumptions are extremely likely. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

There is a corollary to the question. Should the defeated party in the Senate be allowed to confirm a Supreme Court judge?

Based on limited researched, I have been unable to find those questions addressed. However, allow me to answer my own questions.

There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

If Trump is defeated, if the GOP loses control of the Senate -- both likely, why else are Republicans in such a hurry -- and Trump Republicans confirm Ginsburg's replacement, the GOP is likely to lose power for at least a generation.

There is never a sure thing when it comes to winning an election. Who knows how the next couple decades turn out. What is a sure thing is a SC confirmation before the election if the GOP can maintain a back bone. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Trump needs to take this chance now, rather than playing games in hopes of winning reelection and holding the senate. He has both now. No need to be greedy. Fill the seat now. Let the election play out as it will.
RBG obituary "Ginsberg was an advocate of progressive causes". What's wrong with those words? We don't want a Justice who is an advocate based on emotion or political expediency, we want a Justice who bases his/her opinions on the Constitution.

Progessives go against the Constitution. Its what they do by definition.

They are supposed to uphold the Constitution.

If the Court was stacked 9-0 Liberal.....goodbye 2A . We all know it....so what does that tell you?
Not just the Second Amendment, goodbye the entire Bill of Rights.

Agreed. If pushing through a SCOTUS pick costs Trump the election it would be worth it. But I’m not so sure it would cost him the election. Sleepy Joe and Kamala is about the worst ticket the Dems could have come up with. Plus, regardless of what Dems say, it’s the President‘s job to fill the vacancy.

Assuming that a replacement for Ginsburg has not been confirmed by November 3, and further assuming that Trump loses the election, should a defeated President be allowed to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court?

It should be pointed out, both assumptions are extremely likely. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

There is a corollary to the question. Should the defeated party in the Senate be allowed to confirm a Supreme Court judge?

Based on limited researched, I have been unable to find those questions addressed. However, allow me to answer my own questions.

There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

If Trump is defeated, if the GOP loses control of the Senate -- both likely, why else are Republicans in such a hurry -- and Trump Republicans confirm Ginsburg's replacement, the GOP is likely to lose power for at least a generation.

Your assumption of his popularity is based upon evidence that is tenuous at best.

Should he lose (unlikely in my book), he is still president until noon on January 20, 2021. He will replace Ginsberg in any event.

Should the Democrats gain the Senate (also unlikely), the current majority serves until the Christmas recess. They will replace Ginsberg in any event.

With said replacement, it is far more likely that it is you people who will lose power for at least a generation.
Dem's haven't done us one damn favor in the past 4 years so the hell with them, fill the seat.

Assuming that a replacement for Ginsburg has not been confirmed by November 3, and further assuming that Trump loses the election, should a defeated President be allowed to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court?

It should be pointed out, both assumptions are extremely likely. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

There is a corollary to the question. Should the defeated party in the Senate be allowed to confirm a Supreme Court judge?

Based on limited researched, I have been unable to find those questions addressed. However, allow me to answer my own questions.

There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

If Trump is defeated, if the GOP loses control of the Senate -- both likely, why else are Republicans in such a hurry -- and Trump Republicans confirm Ginsburg's replacement, the GOP is likely to lose power for at least a generation.
There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

Well than, they are about to make your day because 2/3 of Americans want GInsberg replaced prior to the election, which is exactly what Trump and the Republicans are about to do.
We are at war. Sure...it's currently a cold war...but a war none the less. The Dems have launched their offensive with the universal mail-in voting fiasco. This totally blunts that attack. A Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court will not hand the election to the Dems.

That leaves them high and dry. Trump will be the President. Conservatives will defend their Senators that fought to achieve a conservative court...and that will help down-ballot races.

On the other side...dems are already pissed off and have been since 2016. The only effect on them will demoralization. It takes the Supreme Court off the table. They lose again, and Trump wins again.


Exactly. The GOP have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The time for niceties ended when Obama and the Democrats spied on the Trump campaign, acused him of being a Russian agent, called him a Nazi, and then staged a phony impeachment.

They tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh., Crazy Nanshee tearing up the State of the Union address on TV, Biden shamelessly enriching his son and brother....the list is endless.

It is time we send Crazy Nanshee, AOC and her squad of scumbag commies, Cryin' Chuck Schumer, Comrade deBlasio, Governor Nuisance, Governer Half Whitmer, Little Mikey Bloomberg, Governer Cuomo, the entire MSM, Antifa, BLM, and the rest of these America hating shitbirds a clear message - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.

This ain't your Daddy's Democrat party, this is a party that hates America and Americans.
The GOP have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wrong, you can't trust a GOP, amoral killers that go for the jugular. Fight fire with fire, put 2 more members on the Supreme Court.
The only conceivable votes that Trump will lose if he succeeds in replacing RBG with a Conservative are the votes of a few Independents who think he should wait until after the election, in the interest of "fairness." OTOH, I don't see him gaining any votes if he succeeds. People who support him will only support him more fervently.

It's not.

Stop politicizing the courts. People need to cut the crap and lets get on with the show. We need to get on with nominee ASAP. I absolutely do not believe that the rest of us need to stop so that the Democratic Party can use this in an attempt to win. Nobody gives a damn. Nobody wants to listen to their attempts to dig a bunch of useless shit up.
Romney and Murkowski are in the way

Romney will fold, also likely Murkowski. Lindsey Graham folded yesterday. The nominee is the KEY and this morning Trump is saying he's very likely to nominate a woman and floated a couple at the top of his list. If Trump nominates a woman it's over, none of these RINO hacks can oppose voting on a woman nominee.
Romney and Murkowski are in the way

Romney will fold, also likely Murkowski. Lindsey Graham folded yesterday. The nominee is the KEY and this morning Trump is saying he's very likely to nominate a woman and floated a couple at the top of his list. If Trump nominates a woman it's over, none of these RINO hacks can oppose voting on a woman nominee.

I’m not sure. If Romney, Colins, and Murkowski don’t fold then it won’t happen until after the election

Assuming that a replacement for Ginsburg has not been confirmed by November 3, and further assuming that Trump loses the election, should a defeated President be allowed to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court?

It should be pointed out, both assumptions are extremely likely. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

There is a corollary to the question. Should the defeated party in the Senate be allowed to confirm a Supreme Court judge?

Based on limited researched, I have been unable to find those questions addressed. However, allow me to answer my own questions.

There is absolutely nothing in the past four years to suggest that Trump and Trump Republicans in the Senate will put the will of the American people first.

If Trump is defeated, if the GOP loses control of the Senate -- both likely, why else are Republicans in such a hurry -- and Trump Republicans confirm Ginsburg's replacement, the GOP is likely to lose power for at least a generation.

Your assumption of his popularity is based upon evidence that is tenuous at best.

Should he lose (unlikely in my book), he is still president until noon on January 20, 2021. He will replace Ginsberg in any event.

Should the Democrats gain the Senate (also unlikely), the current majority serves until the Christmas recess. They will replace Ginsberg in any event.

With said replacement, it is far more likely that it is you people who will lose power for at least a generation.

An opportunity that cannot and should not be missed!
Romney and Murkowski are in the way

Romney will fold, also likely Murkowski. Lindsey Graham folded yesterday. The nominee is the KEY and this morning Trump is saying he's very likely to nominate a woman and floated a couple at the top of his list. If Trump nominates a woman it's over, none of these RINO hacks can oppose voting on a woman nominee.

I’m not sure. If Romney, Colins, and Murkowski don’t fold then it won’t happen until after the election

They could at most create a tie that Pence would break.

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