A girl cannot make a guy guilty of sexual assault (or anything) with just her words without a proof


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
A girl cannot make a guy guilty of sexual assault (or anything) with just her words without a proof.

Also, quoting from lawyers on Avvo.com for the question “Some girl claims how she was sexually assaulted by me at a party. I didn't. She says the proof is how she saw me. Is this legal? No one else saw me doing such or even at that place. She has no witness nor evidence. I am the proof that I didn't. So what? Is this claim good enough to convict me aside from the fair trial, commensurate punishment, etc? I thought it is "innocent until proven guilty" here & she is the one who has to do the proving. She has no proofs nor witnesses, just her claim.”:

Lawyer: “She can make a complaint with the police department and there may or may not be probable cause to arrest you.

However, you are innocent until proven guilty and if the District Attorney decided to prosecute you, they must prove the case against you beyond a reasonable doubt. That is a rather difficult burden to prove. You as the defendant, would not have to prove anything.

If all she has is her word that you committed a crime, that may not be enough.”


Not to mention the obvious all other things such as fair trial, commensurate punishment, etc.
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Most prosecuting attorneys will not pursue a sexual assault case unless there is convincing corroborating evidence. The burden of proof is definitely on the prosecution (innocent until proven guilty).
Unless you're on a college campus.
Bravo Sierra

A good read :
Anthony Capozzi

Man wrongly accused of rape finally released from prison

DNA clears Lake County man serving 20 years for abduction, rape


The above is just three of many examples of wrongful convictions of rape.

Plenty of people have been convicted of rape, and other crimes based on testimony. Victims testify against a person in a criminal trial.... to = Hide their own lies, to save a relationship, receive monetary compensation, prevent embarrassment, prevent family from hating them, to prevent being charged with a crime themselves.....and many other reasons.

Some courts see victim testimony as extremely strong. Prosecutors at times use victim testimony as the sole basis of a conviction, and many times are absent of evidence. They see a case that they want to win, they use testimony ; with some prosecutors ignorant of the stage antics and acting that some people put on the stand ; and not being sexist - women are the most guilty ; crying and acting very upset in testimony, knowing full well that if the true story came out that they were lying they would suffer GREAT embarrassment and probably incarceration. People on the stand, perjuring themselves to send an innocent person to jail or prison. Lives turned upside down & put on hold ; families torn apart and communities destroyed......by what happens in a court of law. What happens in a court of law, based on perjury.

Knowing and proving are two different things. Having an attorney whom believes in an innocent persons case, versus counsel whom is just going through the numbers.....just well enough to stay ahead of an ethics complaint is important. There are cops whom know their job, and cops whom don't. There are good construction workers and bad construction workers. There are good accountants and bad accountants. There are good engineers and bad engineers. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers - so find a good lawyer. Just because they are an officer of the court does not mean they are competent, nor immaterial to being mostly fallible. Some lawyers will blow smoke up your rectum like a used car dealer will - so do not be fooled.

Testimony alone......has sent many of people, some innocent - to be incarcerated.

Shadow 355 ( Career - Public Safety )
BTW, why in the hell are you asking attorneys questions about sexual assault? I talk to lawyers about business transactions and tax matters. It would never cross my mind to inquire to something like defending against sexual assault allegations.

Are you in trouble? Plus, did you do it? Keep in mind that any admission can be used against you at trial!
Bravo Sierra

A good read :
Anthony Capozzi

Man wrongly accused of rape finally released from prison

DNA clears Lake County man serving 20 years for abduction, rape


The above is just three of many examples of wrongful convictions of rape.

Plenty of people have been convicted of rape, and other crimes based on testimony. Victims testify against a person in a criminal trial.... to = Hide their own lies, to save a relationship, receive monetary compensation, prevent embarrassment, prevent family from hating them, to prevent being charged with a crime themselves.....and many other reasons.

Some courts see victim testimony as extremely strong. Prosecutors at times use victim testimony as the sole basis of a conviction, and many times are absent of evidence. They see a case that they want to win, they use testimony ; with some prosecutors ignorant of the stage antics and acting that some people put on the stand ; and not being sexist - women are the most guilty ; crying and acting very upset in testimony, knowing full well that if the true story came out that they were lying they would suffer GREAT embarrassment and probably incarceration. People on the stand, perjuring themselves to send an innocent person to jail or prison. Lives turned upside down & put on hold ; families torn apart and communities destroyed......by what happens in a court of law. What happens in a court of law, based on perjury.

Knowing and proving are two different things. Having an attorney whom believes in an innocent persons case, versus counsel whom is just going through the numbers.....just well enough to stay ahead of an ethics complaint is important. There are cops whom know their job, and cops whom don't. There are good construction workers and bad construction workers. There are good accountants and bad accountants. There are good engineers and bad engineers. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers - so find a good lawyer. Just because they are an officer of the court does not mean they are competent, nor immaterial to being mostly fallible. Some lawyers will blow smoke up your rectum like a used car dealer will - so do not be fooled.

Testimony alone......has sent many of people, some innocent - to be incarcerated.

Shadow 355 ( Career - Public Safety )
This clown is merely asking questions online via Avvo. The lawyers don't have all of the facts from him. They certainly have not investigated the matter. They can only give him very generalized answers, then he hears only what he wants to here.

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