A God being questioned- and sued

Buying a gun is not "essential" to anything.
If one earns his way through life selling a gun it is important to him.
Liberty is important, but it has been the "conservative" right-wing trash that has been trying for years to take it away from their fellow Americans.
Liberty is the utmost of importance- as in essential to the pursuit of happiness- I don't care about political stripes- and your idiotic belief is just that. Having an "official" of any political stripe, in this case a Democrat, determine who is and who isn't essential is restricting and/or ignoring the right to Liberty- BOTH Party's participate whole heartedly in the bipartisan effort. "Left-wing" liberal trash wouldn't know what Liberal was if it was tattooed on their forehead-

to wit, a pin head Democrat

Who believes it's perfectly acceptable to fine and or jail people for not succumbing to her self righteous beliefs-
Buying a gun is not "essential" to anything.
If one earns his way through life selling a gun it is important to him.

But that's not what we're discussing at all.

The NRA isn't suing so that the gun dealers can sell guns. They're suing under the premise that closing the gun dealers violates the 2nd Amendment. The gun dealers can apply for unemployment, or maybe they applied for the government relief which was offered. There are remedies for them.

But, make no mistake, this is a lawsuit which is essentially saying that being able to walk into a store and buy a gun is a violation of your 2nd Amendment rights, and it's not...

The title is my opinion- these control freaks better start realizing where their paychecks come from.

Gun shops and shooting ranges are not essential services. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anything about it. End of story.
Hunting is essential. Home defense is essential. Where do you buy ammo at? Kroger?

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