A Great Day For Truth, Justice, And Our Democracy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Eight guilty verdicts against Paul Manafort. This, despite the judge in the case trying to overwhelm and confuse the jury by not letting them actually see the evidence documents while the witnesses were testifying about them, and despite his snidely biased and legally incorrect interjections.

As far as Michael Cohen is concerned, he had no choice but to take the first deal offered, and the feds were in no hurry to do even that. During the raids he knew he would be screwed by his own documents. Because of this, he’s been falling all over himself to advertise how much he was willing to cooperate ever since. So, the U.S. Attorney said, OK, just plead guilty now, and maybe we'll talk about partial leniency later.

Cohen quickly decided to take the initiative to demonstrate he was eager to cooperate in his spoken guilty pleas to the judge, this was despite the absence of any written agreement. During his hearing, Cohen included the fact that a federal candidate (whose identity is without question) instructed and directed him to commit the crime of illegal use of campaign contributions (hush money). Something that was unknown to the special counsel before the raids on Cohen’s office, home, etc.

The U.S. Attorney's own statement to the court was to indicate how compelling their evidence was against Cohen, to assure the judge that his guilty pleas were appropriate. The statement makes it clear, even in broad summary, that they have mountains of evidence against not just Cohen in this illegal contribution conspiracy, but against the publisher of the supermarket tabloid, Pecker, and against the idiot trump himself.

But there is more going on here than that. At trial , Manafort’s attorneys argued emphatically, that the plea deal given to Rick Gates was “too good”, and he should not be believed for that reason.

When Manafort faces retrial for the other ten charges, his lawyers words concerning Gate’s deal being too good will likely come back bite him in his corrupt hiney. Now that he’s been convicted, when he finally begs prosecutors for a cooperation deal to try to cut down his prison sentence, they’ll tell him, “Sorry Paul, can't give you too good a deal, otherwise you won't be credible when you testify against the idiot trump himself.

The time is rapidly approaching for future defendants in this criminal circus to understand the “get off with a slap on the wrist ship” has now sailed in this investigation. The cliche is that those who flip first get the best deals, as of the Manafort conviction, there are no more great deals to be had.

Papadopoulous who HAD a great deal, has apparently blown it by systematically lying since, and it’s highly likely he will face additional jeopardy.

The idiot trump long ago convinced himself that if he shouted “rigged witch hunt” incessantly and bellowed enough ugly and gratuitously derogatory things about the prosecutors, he would inspire (actually, incite) one of his violent cultists to hang any jury that could be seated. If that

had worked in the Manafort case, there would have been a hung jury on ALL counts, not just the most complicated ones.

Manafort's attorneys are now out there thanking the judge and the jury in public for being so fair and diligent. They know many things the idiot trump does not, one that his ignorance and arrogance will force him to learn the hard way, that being it's not nice to insult the special prosecutor, and really stupid to insult a federal judge, especially the one who is going to sentence you.

So, barring the expected unethical actions by the congressional Republican majority, the idiot trump is absolutely going down, just as people of reason have predicted since before the Comey firing, and before a special prosecutor was appointed.

The Founding Fathers never intended the president be above the law, and included provisions in the Constitution to prevent it. And if we are to remain the nation created by the Founders, the idiot trump must be indicted while in office.

Mueller has already proven he can methodically convict and/or flip everyone else under the idiot trump, and after carefully building the strongest possible case, he will blow through that flimsy administrative opinion that supposedly protects the idiot trump from a personal indictment while hiding in the Oval Office.

Mueller need only to ask for Rosenstein's permission, someone the idiot trump has also denigrated, and he will get it.

Mueller Is Closing in on Trump - The Atlantic



Eight guilty verdicts against Paul Manafort. This, despite the judge in the case trying to overwhelm and confuse the jury by not letting them actually see the evidence documents while the witnesses were testifying about them, and despite his snidely biased and legally incorrect interjections.

As far as Michael Cohen is concerned, he had no choice but to take the first deal offered, and the feds were in no hurry to do even that. During the raids he knew he would be screwed by his own documents. Because of this, he’s been falling all over himself to advertise how much he was willing to cooperate ever since. So, the U.S. Attorney said, OK, just plead guilty now, and maybe we'll talk about partial leniency later.

Cohen quickly decided to take the initiative to demonstrate he was eager to cooperate in his spoken guilty pleas to the judge, this was despite the absence of any written agreement. During his hearing, Cohen included the fact that a federal candidate (whose identity is without question) instructed and directed him to commit the crime of illegal use of campaign contributions (hush money). Something that was unknown to the special counsel before the raids on Cohen’s office, home, etc.

The U.S. Attorney's own statement to the court was to indicate how compelling their evidence was against Cohen, to assure the judge that his guilty pleas were appropriate. The statement makes it clear, even in broad summary, that they have mountains of evidence against not just Cohen in this illegal contribution conspiracy, but against the publisher of the supermarket tabloid, Pecker, and against the idiot trump himself.

But there is more going on here than that. At trial , Manafort’s attorneys argued emphatically, that the plea deal given to Rick Gates was “too good”, and he should not be believed for that reason.

When Manafort faces retrial for the other ten charges, his lawyers words concerning Gate’s deal being too good will likely come back bite him in his corrupt hiney. Now that he’s been convicted, when he finally begs prosecutors for a cooperation deal to try to cut down his prison sentence, they’ll tell him, “Sorry Paul, can't give you too good a deal, otherwise you won't be credible when you testify against the idiot trump himself.

The time is rapidly approaching for future defendants in this criminal circus to understand the “get off with a slap on the wrist ship” has now sailed in this investigation. The cliche is that those who flip first get the best deals, as of the Manafort conviction, there are no more great deals to be had.

Papadopoulous who HAD a great deal, has apparently blown it by systematically lying since, and it’s highly likely he will face additional jeopardy.

The idiot trump long ago convinced himself that if he shouted “rigged witch hunt” incessantly and bellowed enough ugly and gratuitously derogatory things about the prosecutors, he would inspire (actually, incite) one of his violent cultists to hang any jury that could be seated. If that

had worked in the Manafort case, there would have been a hung jury on ALL counts, not just the most complicated ones.

Manafort's attorneys are now out there thanking the judge and the jury in public for being so fair and diligent. They know many things the idiot trump does not, one that his ignorance and arrogance will force him to learn the hard way, that being it's not nice to insult the special prosecutor, and really stupid to insult a federal judge, especially the one who is going to sentence you.

So, barring the expected unethical actions by the congressional Republican majority, the idiot trump is absolutely going down, just as people of reason have predicted since before the Comey firing, and before a special prosecutor was appointed.

The Founding Fathers never intended the president be above the law, and included provisions in the Constitution to prevent it. And if we are to remain the nation created by the Founders, the idiot trump must be indicted while in office.

Mueller has already proven he can methodically convict and/or flip everyone else under the idiot trump, and after carefully building the strongest possible case, he will blow through that flimsy administrative opinion that supposedly protects the idiot trump from a personal indictment while hiding in the Oval Office.

Mueller need only to ask for Rosenstein's permission, someone the idiot trump has also denigrated, and he will get it.

Mueller Is Closing in on Trump - The Atlantic

View attachment 212453


Fuck you. He goes and you Democrats better hire body guards. You should prey that nothing happens to him. He is our President and will be protected as such. You liberal assholes for two years have just made his life miserable. We will step in and protect our President. You and all your moron cults will go down hard. Be careful what you wish for asshole.

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Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.

Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

choens lawyer thinks so

no collusion, no collusion, no collusion'” is the issue of criminal conspiracy, which he distinguished from collusion. (For the record, Davis said he thinks there was also collusion, meaning “active coordination between people in the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.”)

but a smart guy like you knows more than cohens lawyer dont ya sport ....
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

choens lawyer thinks so

no collusion, no collusion, no collusion'” is the issue of criminal conspiracy, which he distinguished from collusion. (For the record, Davis said he thinks there was also collusion, meaning “active coordination between people in the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.”)

but a smart guy like you knows more than cohens lawyer dont ya sport ....

Who cares what the guy thinks. They have committed many crimes and are trying to get scot-free.

Bring in the evidence, not your favorite criminals. Then we talk.
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

A conspiracy to commit a crime becomes a crime if there’s one overt act — meaning you do anything to implement the crime,” Davis added. “So if there is a conversation and a plan for there to be dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then someone knows the way you’re willing to get the dirt is a Russian agent called WikiLeaks… and then WikiLeaks hacks into an email account, which is a crime, then you have committed a crime of conspiracy.”

A crime of conspiracy, he maintained, “could mean that somebody knows about a crime about to be committed and doesn’t call the FBI.”
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

A conspiracy to commit a crime becomes a crime if there’s one overt act — meaning you do anything to implement the crime,” Davis added. “So if there is a conversation and a plan for there to be dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then someone knows the way you’re willing to get the dirt is a Russian agent called WikiLeaks… and then WikiLeaks hacks into an email account, which is a crime, then you have committed a crime of conspiracy.”

A crime of conspiracy, he maintained, “could mean that somebody knows about a crime about to be committed and doesn’t call the FBI.”

It will be a great day for justice when Hillary is locked up for those 30.000 deleted emails.

But you appear not to be reading what I said regarding the evidence, so live in your fantasy bubble.
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

A conspiracy to commit a crime becomes a crime if there’s one overt act — meaning you do anything to implement the crime,” Davis added. “So if there is a conversation and a plan for there to be dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then someone knows the way you’re willing to get the dirt is a Russian agent called WikiLeaks… and then WikiLeaks hacks into an email account, which is a crime, then you have committed a crime of conspiracy.”

A crime of conspiracy, he maintained, “could mean that somebody knows about a crime about to be committed and doesn’t call the FBI.”

It will be a great day for justice when Hillary is locked up for those 30.000 deleted emails.

But you appear not to be reading what I said regarding the evidence, so live in your fantasy bubble.

you want hillary locked up, and I'm living in a fantasy bubble ?

go with that one normieboi ...
Such a huge wall of text. Where is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Surely it's there somewhere as the OP proudly proclaims this is the end of Trump.

hell yeah, keep begging for evidence - after the last two days Mueller's going to be making all your wishes come true.


Oh so instead of the evidence being there, you just assume that it has been found.

Come back when you find it. Nothing in the case points to any evidence, only crazy leftist media outrage to be found.

A conspiracy to commit a crime becomes a crime if there’s one overt act — meaning you do anything to implement the crime,” Davis added. “So if there is a conversation and a plan for there to be dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then someone knows the way you’re willing to get the dirt is a Russian agent called WikiLeaks… and then WikiLeaks hacks into an email account, which is a crime, then you have committed a crime of conspiracy.”

A crime of conspiracy, he maintained, “could mean that somebody knows about a crime about to be committed and doesn’t call the FBI.”

It will be a great day for justice when Hillary is locked up for those 30.000 deleted emails.

But you appear not to be reading what I said regarding the evidence, so live in your fantasy bubble.

you want hillary locked up, and I'm living in a fantasy bubble ?

go with that one normieboi ...

Yes, those 30.000 emails are evidence.

Where is your evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion? Oh right...

Eight guilty verdicts against Paul Manafort. This, despite the judge in the case trying to overwhelm and confuse the jury by not letting them actually see the evidence documents while the witnesses were testifying about them, and despite his snidely biased and legally incorrect interjections.

As far as Michael Cohen is concerned, he had no choice but to take the first deal offered, and the feds were in no hurry to do even that. During the raids he knew he would be screwed by his own documents. Because of this, he’s been falling all over himself to advertise how much he was willing to cooperate ever since. So, the U.S. Attorney said, OK, just plead guilty now, and maybe we'll talk about partial leniency later.

Cohen quickly decided to take the initiative to demonstrate he was eager to cooperate in his spoken guilty pleas to the judge, this was despite the absence of any written agreement. During his hearing, Cohen included the fact that a federal candidate (whose identity is without question) instructed and directed him to commit the crime of illegal use of campaign contributions (hush money). Something that was unknown to the special counsel before the raids on Cohen’s office, home, etc.

The U.S. Attorney's own statement to the court was to indicate how compelling their evidence was against Cohen, to assure the judge that his guilty pleas were appropriate. The statement makes it clear, even in broad summary, that they have mountains of evidence against not just Cohen in this illegal contribution conspiracy, but against the publisher of the supermarket tabloid, Pecker, and against the idiot trump himself.

But there is more going on here than that. At trial , Manafort’s attorneys argued emphatically, that the plea deal given to Rick Gates was “too good”, and he should not be believed for that reason.

When Manafort faces retrial for the other ten charges, his lawyers words concerning Gate’s deal being too good will likely come back bite him in his corrupt hiney. Now that he’s been convicted, when he finally begs prosecutors for a cooperation deal to try to cut down his prison sentence, they’ll tell him, “Sorry Paul, can't give you too good a deal, otherwise you won't be credible when you testify against the idiot trump himself.

The time is rapidly approaching for future defendants in this criminal circus to understand the “get off with a slap on the wrist ship” has now sailed in this investigation. The cliche is that those who flip first get the best deals, as of the Manafort conviction, there are no more great deals to be had.

Papadopoulous who HAD a great deal, has apparently blown it by systematically lying since, and it’s highly likely he will face additional jeopardy.

The idiot trump long ago convinced himself that if he shouted “rigged witch hunt” incessantly and bellowed enough ugly and gratuitously derogatory things about the prosecutors, he would inspire (actually, incite) one of his violent cultists to hang any jury that could be seated. If that

had worked in the Manafort case, there would have been a hung jury on ALL counts, not just the most complicated ones.

Manafort's attorneys are now out there thanking the judge and the jury in public for being so fair and diligent. They know many things the idiot trump does not, one that his ignorance and arrogance will force him to learn the hard way, that being it's not nice to insult the special prosecutor, and really stupid to insult a federal judge, especially the one who is going to sentence you.

So, barring the expected unethical actions by the congressional Republican majority, the idiot trump is absolutely going down, just as people of reason have predicted since before the Comey firing, and before a special prosecutor was appointed.

The Founding Fathers never intended the president be above the law, and included provisions in the Constitution to prevent it. And if we are to remain the nation created by the Founders, the idiot trump must be indicted while in office.

Mueller has already proven he can methodically convict and/or flip everyone else under the idiot trump, and after carefully building the strongest possible case, he will blow through that flimsy administrative opinion that supposedly protects the idiot trump from a personal indictment while hiding in the Oval Office.

Mueller need only to ask for Rosenstein's permission, someone the idiot trump has also denigrated, and he will get it.

Mueller Is Closing in on Trump - The Atlantic

View attachment 212453



Eight guilty verdicts against Paul Manafort. This, despite the judge in the case trying to overwhelm and confuse the jury by not letting them actually see the evidence documents while the witnesses were testifying about them, and despite his snidely biased and legally incorrect interjections.

As far as Michael Cohen is concerned, he had no choice but to take the first deal offered, and the feds were in no hurry to do even that. During the raids he knew he would be screwed by his own documents. Because of this, he’s been falling all over himself to advertise how much he was willing to cooperate ever since. So, the U.S. Attorney said, OK, just plead guilty now, and maybe we'll talk about partial leniency later.

Cohen quickly decided to take the initiative to demonstrate he was eager to cooperate in his spoken guilty pleas to the judge, this was despite the absence of any written agreement. During his hearing, Cohen included the fact that a federal candidate (whose identity is without question) instructed and directed him to commit the crime of illegal use of campaign contributions (hush money). Something that was unknown to the special counsel before the raids on Cohen’s office, home, etc.

The U.S. Attorney's own statement to the court was to indicate how compelling their evidence was against Cohen, to assure the judge that his guilty pleas were appropriate. The statement makes it clear, even in broad summary, that they have mountains of evidence against not just Cohen in this illegal contribution conspiracy, but against the publisher of the supermarket tabloid, Pecker, and against the idiot trump himself.

But there is more going on here than that. At trial , Manafort’s attorneys argued emphatically, that the plea deal given to Rick Gates was “too good”, and he should not be believed for that reason.

When Manafort faces retrial for the other ten charges, his lawyers words concerning Gate’s deal being too good will likely come back bite him in his corrupt hiney. Now that he’s been convicted, when he finally begs prosecutors for a cooperation deal to try to cut down his prison sentence, they’ll tell him, “Sorry Paul, can't give you too good a deal, otherwise you won't be credible when you testify against the idiot trump himself.

The time is rapidly approaching for future defendants in this criminal circus to understand the “get off with a slap on the wrist ship” has now sailed in this investigation. The cliche is that those who flip first get the best deals, as of the Manafort conviction, there are no more great deals to be had.

Papadopoulous who HAD a great deal, has apparently blown it by systematically lying since, and it’s highly likely he will face additional jeopardy.

The idiot trump long ago convinced himself that if he shouted “rigged witch hunt” incessantly and bellowed enough ugly and gratuitously derogatory things about the prosecutors, he would inspire (actually, incite) one of his violent cultists to hang any jury that could be seated. If that

had worked in the Manafort case, there would have been a hung jury on ALL counts, not just the most complicated ones.

Manafort's attorneys are now out there thanking the judge and the jury in public for being so fair and diligent. They know many things the idiot trump does not, one that his ignorance and arrogance will force him to learn the hard way, that being it's not nice to insult the special prosecutor, and really stupid to insult a federal judge, especially the one who is going to sentence you.

So, barring the expected unethical actions by the congressional Republican majority, the idiot trump is absolutely going down, just as people of reason have predicted since before the Comey firing, and before a special prosecutor was appointed.

The Founding Fathers never intended the president be above the law, and included provisions in the Constitution to prevent it. And if we are to remain the nation created by the Founders, the idiot trump must be indicted while in office.

Mueller has already proven he can methodically convict and/or flip everyone else under the idiot trump, and after carefully building the strongest possible case, he will blow through that flimsy administrative opinion that supposedly protects the idiot trump from a personal indictment while hiding in the Oval Office.

Mueller need only to ask for Rosenstein's permission, someone the idiot trump has also denigrated, and he will get it.

Mueller Is Closing in on Trump - The Atlantic

View attachment 212453


View attachment 212462

How Trump's flawless victory wiped the smug out of that face must be evidence for god.
At least we know the new rules.

The next Democrat who wins the office of President should be impeached. That person is evil,and we will all die if they stay in office.

They are a puppet of a foreign country and rigged the election.

We need a special counsel to investigate that person until they get the evidence to impeach, but we all know it’s there.

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