A great deed, indeed


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
A Minnesota teen's act of kindness for a blind customer has gone viral and has prompted an outpouring of praise, including from billionaire Warren Buffett, who has invited the teen to his company shareholder's meeting next year.
Joey Prusak, 19, has been hailed as a Good Samaritan after he gave $20 out of his own wallet to a blind customer who dropped $20 and the money was taken by a woman who refused to return it.

"I was just doing what I thought was right," Prusak told the Associated Press. "I did it without even really thinking about it. ... Ninety-nine out of 100 people would've done the same thing as me."

The teen's good deed went viral after a customer who witnessed the incident wrote an email about it to Dairy Queen and the store printed it out and posted it. A customer took a photo of the email and it spread through Facebook and Reddit.

Since then, supporters have flooded the Dairy Queen where Prusak is a manager with visits and phone calls. People have offered him jobs and given him money for college.

He even got a very special phone call from billionaire Warren Buffett, whose company owns Dairy Queen, as well was Dairy Queen president and CEO John Gainor.

Warren Buffett Invites Good Deed Dairy Queen Teen to Shareholders Meeting - Yahoo

that woman needs a good old fashion, 17th century, white glove slap across the face...

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