A heroes welcome??


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003

NEW YORK (AP) -- President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair have lost credibility, the world is not safer now that Saddam Hussein is out of power and it was clear 10 months ago that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, according to Hans Blix, the former U.N. weapons inspector who returned to New York on the one-year anniversary of the war.

Blix, who was often vilified by supporters and opponents of an invasion in the run-up to the Iraq war, left his post at the United Nations last June at a time when many held out hope that biological, chemical or even nuclear weapons could be found by U.S. troops in Iraq.

But dozens of search teams over the last year have came up empty handed and much of the initial resources devoted to the hunt have since been reallocated.

In an address Monday at New York University, Blix said the United States should have known months ago that there were no weapons to be found.

"By May I knew there was nothing because the Americans had interrogated so many Iraqis by then and even offered money and still they found nothing."

On a speaking tour for his new book "Disarming Iraq," Blix offered some tough assessments of American accomplishments in Iraq and suggested that the United States was motivated to go to war because of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

"It was a reaction to 9/11 that we have to strike some theoretical, hypothetical links between Saddam Hussein and the terrorists. That was wrong. There wasn't anything," he said in an interview with NBC's "Today" show.

And he disagreed that the war had made the world a safer place.

"Sorry to say it doesn't look that way. If the message was to terrorists that we are willing to take you on, then that has not succeeded. In Iraq, it has bred a lot of terrorism and a lot of hatred to the Western world," he told an audience of 1,200 at NYU.

"Disarmament by war and democracy by occupation are difficult prospects."

He was especially critical of the United States and Britain for claiming the war was meant to uphold U.N. resolutions when the rest of the Security Council refused to back the conflict and he said Bush and Blair "oversold" what they knew.

By May I knew there was nothing because the Americans had interrogated so many Iraqis by then and even offered money and still they found nothing.
-- Hans Blix, former U.N. weapons inspector

"The moral of this story was clearly a loss of credibility for the leaders of this war and that they didn't think the council mattered, that was a mistake," Blix said.

Referring to passages from his book, the 75-year-old Swede identified Vice President Dick Cheney as his No. 1 opponent inside the Bush administration.

In a meeting with Mr. Cheney in October 2002, Blix said he was told the United States 'was ready to discredit inspections in favor of disarmament,' unless Blix's teams were able to find weapons the White House insisted were in Iraq.

Blix's return to the United States, after nine months in Sweden working on the book, was triumphant compared to his quiet departure last June, which was marred by a U.S. refusal to let his inspectors back into Iraq.

Blix spent Monday appearing on TV talk shows and signing copies of his book, which came out this week in the United States.

At NYU, he was introduced by faculty members as a "real-life hero," "unbiased and critical," and his comments drew rounds of thunderous applause during his two hour appearance.

It was a striking contrast to the contentious appearances he made in the U.N. Security Council in the months leading up to the war. At that time, he was often criticized as pro-Iraqi or anti-American because his teams were coming up empty and refusing to blame Saddam for their failures.

Blix said he had been convinced for years that the Iraqis were hiding weapons of mass destruction but began having doubts when intelligence provided by the United States and other countries wasn't producing results. He blamed an over-reliance on defectors and a refusal on the part of the White House to consider the possibility that the intelligence was wrong.
In Iraq, it has bred a lot of terrorism and a lot of hatred to the Western world,"
see the thread intitled "poll in Iraq".....while I agree with very little of what Blix has to say, everyone has an opinion...
And he disagreed that the war had made the world a safer place.
tell that to the Iraqis that say they are better off now..
any terrorist acts on our land since 9/11?
He was especially critical of the United States and Britain for claiming the war was meant to uphold U.N. resolutions when the rest of the Security Council refused to back the conflict and he said Bush and Blair "oversold" what they knew.
if the resolutions are not going to be enforced,why have them at all? the faulty in-tel has been beat to death..
"The moral of this story was clearly a loss of credibility for the leaders of this war and that they didn't think the council mattered, that was a mistake," Blix said.
and he thinks his book is going to sell? Here? who is Blix supporting , because the UN is just about dead and buried as a policing body.and this right after Spains Election...hhhmmmm wonder who HE wants as the next CIC
At NYU, he was introduced by faculty members as a "real-life hero," "unbiased and critical," and his comments drew rounds of thunderous applause during his two hour appearance
After the fact!!! always easier in hindsight
tell that to the Iraqis that say they are better off now..

I wonder if spain agrees right now?

if the resolutions are not going to be enforced,why have them at all?

So if the arab world puts together a coalition vs Israel will we join it?

After the fact!!! always easier in hindsight

Hindsight.....seems that he, among many others, was right all along and that some of the worlds leaders were so obviously wrong. Why can't they use that same hindsight?
I wonder If Spain agrees now?
a terrorist act happens on their homeland and they tuck tail and run for cover. France should be proud.
So If the Arab world puts a coalition together against Israel, will we join?
what does a UN resolution have to do with Israel?

Hindsight......seems that he,among many others , was right all along and that some of the worlds leaders were so obviously wrong. Why cant they use that same kind of hindsight?

Yes, He sure made an all out effort to stop the Liberation of Iraq. A year late. The world leaders arestill not "obviously "wrong, the militarys view is the WMD have been moved to Other Arab states nearby. namely Syria! If our leaders used the same hindsight as Blix, we wouldnt have a country to worry about. The terrorist would rule supreme. as they do right now in Spain. Dumb people, they will regret this Election. the question is, are the pansies in this country going to vote for themselves? or let AQ , PLO, ETA and others dictate who WE have lead this great nation?
a terrorist act happens on their homeland and they tuck tail and run for cover.

that doesn't answer the question of whether they feel the world is safer or not, election day sure did though.

what does a UN resolution have to do with Israel?

well, you said "if the resolutions are not going to be enforced,why have them at all?, so I said "So if the arab world puts together a coalition vs Israel will we join it?" because there are numerous resolutions against israel, why have those if the UN isn't going to enforce it? I see no unilateral action coming forth from anyone about those?

Yes, He sure made an all out effort to stop the Liberation of Iraq.

Maybe I'm just spitballing here, but wasn't Blix's job to inspect and determine that hussein had destroyed and possessed no more WMD's and NOT his job to determine if the Iraqi people needed to be liberated?

the militarys view is the WMD have been moved to Other Arab states nearby. namely Syria!

And, should we invade syria to remove THOSE WMD's, whom do we blame when they aren't found there? do we determine that they are being shuttled back and forth by extremely deceptive insurgents who have had years of practice shuttling? :rolleyes:

If our leaders used the same hindsight as Blix, we wouldnt have a country to worry about.

Those arab submarines were coming close, weren't they?

The terrorist would rule supreme. as they do right now in Spain. Dumb people, they will regret this Election.

I wonder how many countries were thinking that of the US when GWB was elected?????

the question is, are the pansies in this country going to vote for themselves? or let AQ , PLO, ETA and others dictate who WE have lead this great nation?

you'll get your answer on Nov 4.
My favorite thing is how no one accuses Democrats of lying when they have been talking about Iraq's WMDs since 1998. Several people from the UN and some world leaders have also talked about them. Of course, they are not lying. That's always the way it is.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
you'll get your answer on Nov 4.

DK, please tell all your Democrat buddies to vote on November 4th... I'll tell all my Republican friends to vote on November 2nd - Election Day. :D

just kidding... I know you are smarter than that!
that doesnt answer the question of whether they feel safer or not, election day sure did though.

just as AQ wanted... a government that has no balls.
because there are numerous resolutions against Israel, why have those if the UN isnt going to enforce it? I see no unilateral action coming forth from anyone about these.

who has the balls to do it besides the UnitedStates? NO.ONE

as for the WMD being in Syria...I stated Fact .....sarcasm is not needed..
Those Arab Submarines are coming close werent they?

put wings on them and they can go anywhere they want!!!
I wonder how many countries were thinking that of the US when GWB was elected?

we at the time G.W. was first ELECTED, did not have a terrorist strike on our soil such as Spain has. This Terrorist strike greatly influenced the election,in the way the terrorist wanted. so killing over 200 people to get what AQ wanted in Spain is OK? That is what you imply in your post ...I realize you hate G.W..but you are acting a little on the blind side as to what could happen in Nov.. Its OK for an outside force to influence OUR Elections.. ITs Ok if the out come is what you want, right?
Originally posted by gop_jeff
DK, please tell all your Democrat buddies to vote on November 4th... I'll tell all my Republican friends to vote on November 2nd - Election Day. :D

just kidding... I know you are smarter than that!

ooops, got me LOL
Quel Surpris!

A malcontent little Euro-bureaucrat is on a book tour - and getting free press by trashing the U.S.

just as AQ wanted... a government that has no balls.

That will have to be determined later on. If another attack should happen in spain then we'll see their response and label it appropriately. It should be important to remember that the people of spain voted in a new government, one government didn't oust the other one.

as for the WMD being in Syria...I stated Fact .....sarcasm is not needed..

Is it a stated fact that said WMD's are in syria? or a stated fact that they MAY be in syria? Sorry if you don't like my sarcasm, it was designed to be sarcastic to the particular words of 'years of practice' remarks, not you personally.

put wings on them and they can go anywhere they want!!!

as long as their made of balsa wood.

so killing over 200 people to get what AQ wanted in Spain is OK? That is what you imply in your post

Is that the way you read it?

I realize you hate G.W..but you are acting a little on the blind side as to what could happen in Nov.. Its OK for an outside force to influence OUR Elections.. ITs Ok if the out come is what you want, right?

Is that what you think I said? Where have I said that I hate GW? Hate is a very strong word, reserved only for a couple of ex-girlfriends in my past.
DK, France seems to be next in line on the terrorist list...see the post in this section...as for the WMD being in Sryia...my twin was high up the food chain in Iraq. That is the belief of the Higher ups that were over there. as for hating your ex-girlfriends???? I dont hate mine, I feel sorry for them.They are the ones making a major mistake,not I.:D
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
that doesn't answer the question of whether they feel the world is safer or not, election day sure did though.

Why would they feel safe? We're 'fighting' the War on Terrorism, we haven't finished. Pres. Bush didn't pick up Saddam and say, "Okay, War's over. Everybody go home now". There are still terrorists, the wars not "over", we're still fighting, and IMO, no one is safe yet. Whether Spain was going to vote out the old government and vote in the new before the attack, after the attack you'd think, or in my own head, that they'd keep the old government that was helping in a fight against these terrorists. Maybe I think to simply, I just chalk it up to common sense.
After WWII, it took three years for the remaining German resistance to stop fighting.

Bush said that this war, due to the distributed nature of the enemy, will take a long time to win.

The Anti-Bushies are just trying to whip up the low attention span / instant gratification tendencies of a portion of the American electorate.
to fight a country is a far easier task then to fight against terrorism. a country is THERE. Its on the map. Terrorism is in the shadows, out of sight. Hard to fight it when you cant see or find it. The fight will take a long time but we will win. as the pissant countrys realize that if you harbor terrorist that makes you one of them.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I wonder if spain agrees right now?

So if the arab world puts together a coalition vs Israel will we join it?

Hindsight.....seems that he, among many others, was right all along and that some of the worlds leaders were so obviously wrong. Why can't they use that same hindsight?

I know this will provoke a few hostile responses, but I really feel that who gives 2 shits what the Spanish cowards think at this point. The bottom line is if they tucked their tails between their collective snatches and have allowed al-queda to win. They may as well just post a sticker on their collective asses that says WE ARE THE BITCHES OF AL-QUEDA. Why do you continue to believe reasonibg with these MONSTERS is even an option???? And no, we are smarter than to join ANY retarded coalition the Arabs try to form against ANY Democracy. Oh and did I forget to say F*ck Spain, who the hell needs cowards on their side anyway???:eek: :eek: :confused:
so what you're really saying is that you believe in non-proliferation for all countries except democratic ones? Or are you saying that only resolutions approved by the US mean anything?

As for the 'cowards' in spain, I hope you still have that kind of courage if AQ should ever find their way in your neighborhood and shoot it up with missiles and RPG's. After YOUR community has been ravaged you can be the pillar of strength for the country :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
so what you're really saying is that you believe in non-proliferation for all countries except democratic ones? Or are you saying that only resolutions approved by the US mean anything?

As for the 'cowards' in spain, I hope you still have that kind of courage if AQ should ever find their way in your neighborhood and shoot it up with missiles and RPG's. After YOUR community has been ravaged you can be the pillar of strength for the country :rolleyes:

That imo is a pathetic response. Hell yes I would stand up and fight back. What the hell would you do? I stand by that post and yes I would put my life on the line against the shitass group you seem to cower from. I see now we are from totally different worlds.:rolleyes: You want to belittle me cause I have no fear of the " allmight al queda " well I say fuck you sir you need to move to a pussy assed country that appeases these assholes... I have fought for this country and I would do so in a heartbeat if need be... What would you do " oh mighty brave one " ????? OBTW, I've got yuor " pillar of strength hangin pal ":D
Originally posted by MadMax
That imo is a pathetic response. Hell yes I would stand up and fight back. What the hell would you do? I stand by that post and yes I would put my life on the line against the shitass group you seem to cower from. I see now we are from totally different worlds.:rolleyes: You want to belittle me cause I have no fear of the " allmight al queda " well I say fuck you sir you need to move to a pussy assed country that appeases these assholes... I have fought for this country and I would do so in a heartbeat if need be... What would you do " oh mighty brave one " ????? OBTW, I've got yuor " pillar of strength hangin pal ":D


First off Madmax, kudos to you for 'standing up' and fighting back.

Secondly, without knowing a damn thing about me, you think you have me figured out. What you should be doing is re-evaluating how you think about people by a simple few words because you couldn't be more wrong about me.

Let me give you some basic pieces of info, I've served 6 years as a US marine. I don't fear AQ, nor any other terrorist organization, nor do I fear anyone at all for that matter. I would kill anyone that threatened me, my family, my neighbors, even strangers including you if I felt it necessary. Don't think for one second that you have it pegged by a few simple words you obviously didn't comprehend.

The Spanish people made a decision and voted in a new government because they felt their prior government put them in danger. If you choose to call them cowards about it I'd suggest that they aren't the ones with the problem, you would be. People like you scream about how no outside forces, people, or government influences how our country should be run yet you rail against the spanish people because they made the same damn decision. Its too damn bad if you don't agree with their decision, you don't have to, but its their decision none the less.

And your pillar of strength comment should put you in line with some of the homosexual threads we've got here if you're into that kind of thing. I'll pass though

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