A historical film on hitler

Radioman take a look at this.

in 1920? no one was a dictator.

what was the new name of the DAP?

what is the harzburg front?

what about points 1-10 of the program, just for shits and giggles?

why can you not answer one question but ask so many, and when yours are answered, you just ask the same question again?

did you have an accident? or several? or were you born like this?

What about 1-10? there's a difference between legal citizens and illegals. Just shit's and grins.

Why explain who each individual person was when you can point out who thew leaderwas?

Sure I know there was no dictator at that point I seperated the two. Fact is hitler was the leader he gave the speecjh for what the german workers party wanted

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Nazi Party is Formed

you are cherry picking the points that allegedly support the case for socialism being part of the NSDAP program.

you do not weigh those points against the actually implemented points, when the party was in power.

you do not recognize what happened to gottfried feder, one of the authors after the rise to power.
and you don't know what happened to the strasser bros.

you don't know anything about this topic, only some tidbits you got blown into your ears by some propaganda bullshit artists.

i am bored, and i am here to help you, and the children.

now sit down, and try to process some of the information presented to you in this thread.

and don't come back with any stupid question, you hear me?

i know, it is said that there are no stupid questions, but, in your case, it is not true.

at least one accomplishment for you.

and don't eat the yellow snow, homey.

notice how eger identified one person as a co author?
Then he listed a few other names
Hitler was a dictator that used socialist to advance his agenda.
It doesn't make sense, of course. He thinks Hitler had all power in the early twenties. What a moron. Does not know history, does not know logic, does not know what defines socialism or communism or fascism or totalitariansim or authoritarianism or militarism.

No wonder so many on the far, far right disdain education. They look uneducated because they are uneducated, then they get mad, like bigreb, when they have another "d'oh"movement. Criminy.
It doesn't make sense, of course. He thinks Hitler had all power in the early twenties. What a moron. Does not know history, does not know logic, does not know what defines socialism or communism or fascism or totalitariansim or authoritarianism or militarism.

No wonder so many on the far, far right disdain education. They look uneducated because they are uneducated, then they get mad, like bigreb, when they have another "d'oh"movement. Criminy.

I think I'm done here. His retardation is now just going in circles and making even less sense (if thats possible).

Points were made, and he had none.

this thread and its author are like a big blow-fly appearing at a nice dinner party.

everyone is disgusted, some want to kill it. some just want it to go away. a lot of disparaging remarks are made about the blow-fly.

A lot of windows are opened so that the blow-fly can escape back into the wilds and everyone can get back to the party without the annoying sound and shape of the shit-eating vermin.

the blowfly however has a lot of energy and manages to hit its head against the only closed window. for days.

the party is long over.

but if you want you can still watch the blowfly hit its head against the window.
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Jakes the biggest liar on this board and you are close behind him.

You truly are deranged. No wonder you were run out of the military and law enforcement.

He's currently arguing that the points in the Nazi manifesto were authored solely by Hitler because he had co-authors.

Yeah, make sense of that if you can.

Lets go back to the orignal question I asked you
Are these views of a socialist?

total confiscation of all war profits.

nationalization of all trusts.

profit-sharing in large industries.

generous increase in old-age pensions.

creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.


In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Your reply was
Facts call it fascism.

Your copy and paste reinforces that it is fascism, if you remember that "businesses purchased the government."

Too bad you fail to understand this :thup:
and I will add this.
You can't call this facism when l.k. eger said it was the socialist leaders of the german workers party who supposedly wrote it. One of you are wrong
Have fun dancing around that
You truly are deranged. No wonder you were run out of the military and law enforcement.

He's currently arguing that the points in the Nazi manifesto were authored solely by Hitler because he had co-authors.

Yeah, make sense of that if you can.

Lets go back to the orignal question I asked you
Are these views of a socialist?

total confiscation of all war profits.

nationalization of all trusts.

profit-sharing in large industries.

generous increase in old-age pensions.

creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.


In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Your reply was
Facts call it fascism.

Your copy and paste reinforces that it is fascism, if you remember that "businesses purchased the government."

Too bad you fail to understand this :thup:
and I will add this.
You can't call this facism when l.k. eger said it was the socialist leaders of the german workers party who supposedly wrote it. One of you are wrong
Have fun dancing around that

stop misrepresenting and abusing what i wrote, parasite.

you cannot grasp what i wrote despite me being very patient with you.
He's currently arguing that the points in the Nazi manifesto were authored solely by Hitler because he had co-authors.

Yeah, make sense of that if you can.

Lets go back to the orignal question I asked you
Are these views of a socialist?

total confiscation of all war profits.

nationalization of all trusts.

profit-sharing in large industries.

generous increase in old-age pensions.

creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.


In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Your reply was
Facts call it fascism.

Your copy and paste reinforces that it is fascism, if you remember that "businesses purchased the government."

Too bad you fail to understand this :thup:
and I will add this.
You can't call this facism when l.k. eger said it was the socialist leaders of the german workers party who supposedly wrote it. One of you are wrong
Have fun dancing around that

stop misrepresenting and abusing what i wrote, parasite.

you cannot grasp what i wrote despite me being very patient with you.

you wrote it bitch. Don't like me reposting what you said fuck off. As for being patient what are you going to do about it? As for me I can give back what ever you put out.


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