A historical film on hitler

bigrebnc continues to spam the same material as new evidence is continually posted to rebut his nonsense

New Statesman Don t ever call Hitler a socialist

Anyone who has studied Hitler’s rise to power knows he was no socialist. He was an opportunist, even a political schizophrenic. Which served him well, because in a Weimar Republic struggling – and failing catastrophically – to come to terms with military humiliation, a crisis of national identity and an economic implosion, ideology was a moveable feast. Indeed, it was so moveable, it opened the door to Hitler’s rise to power. “Who cares what he thinks?” Germany said to herself. “He’ll do for now.”

Pin the ideology on the Führer is a fun game. Actually, it’s quite a tasteless game. But we can all play it. “The government will not protect the economic interests of the German people by the circuitous method of an economic bureaucracy to be organised by the state, but by the utmost furtherance of private initiative and by the recognition of the rights of property,” Hitler told the Reichstag in 1933. Not exactly the words of a man about to break into a rendition of “The Red Flag”.

Socialism is not a synonym for Communism McCarthy lied to you
Communism is a political system, irosie, socialism is one of economics, in case you did not know.

Hitler killed or imprisoned the socialists, the communits, and all of his enemies that he could.

He did not nationalize industry or business.

He cozied up to the labor unions and the workers.

He was a totlitarian nut case, a Progressive fascist of the far right engaged in using the Party and Big Government and Big Business to take away the freedoms of his and other peoples.
Communism is a political system, irosie, socialism is one of economics, in case you did not know.

Hitler killed or imprisoned the socialists, the communits, and all of his enemies that he could.

He did not nationalize industry or business.

He cozied up to the labor unions and the workers.

He was a totlitarian nut case, a Progressive fascist of the far right engaged in using the Party and Big Government and Big Business to take away the freedoms of his and other peoples.
He didn't have to the people were so in love with hitler that gave it to him.
Communism is a political system, irosie, socialism is one of economics, in case you did not know.

Hitler killed or imprisoned the socialists, the communits, and all of his enemies that he could.

He did not nationalize industry or business.

He cozied up to the labor unions and the workers.

He was a totlitarian nut case, a Progressive fascist of the far right engaged in using the Party and Big Government and Big Business to take away the freedoms of his and other peoples.

wrong again-----I did know-------and right in your use of the term TOTALITARIAN---- socialism is not the issue the leads to
horror-----TOTALITARIAN UTOPIANISM is the sickness.

Nazism, communism, baathism, islamicism ----<<all deadly totalitarian
ideologies (totalitarian Christianity led to the Inquisition---but that is over
now) Indonesia is a Baathist cesspit Baathism is Islamic Nazism.
I am not sure if the IS animals self identify as BAATHISTS-----anyone?
That you admitting he was not a socialist, bigreb.

About time.

Jakie------try to cope-----support of LABOR UNIONS------was called
COMMUNISM AKA SOCIALISM by your best friends----
including Mc Carthy -----yes--he was a socialist just as Sadaam was---
and Bashar is. ------national socialism-------socialism of the elites who own
everything. dissidents die. Stalin was a socialist so he murdered
millions of KULAKS -------for the NATIONAL CAUSE-----Sadaam was a socialist---
so he murdered kurds and Shiites for the NATIONAL CAUSE---baathism----
arab Baathists get it all and share it amongst themselves------it was good to
be a sunni in Baghdad-----in 1975----not so good to be a Christian and far
less good to be a jew. ----then it began to be more bad to be a Christian.
an interesting aside------Yemen has been involved in a civil war----forever---
circa 1960------because the southern moiety was BAATHIST------
(socialist) Communist Russia support that side----as did GAMAL
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.
Stalin killed communist, Lenin Killed communist, Socialist who is a dictator will kill another socialist who threatens or could be viewed as a rival
Hell kim sung jong killed his uncle
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.

not entirely exactly-----he was no more right wing than was
STALIN---who also "TOOK OVER EVERYTHING"-----for
"pure Marxism"--------thus ending freedom and liberty for
those under control----------you are hung up on "right" and
"left"------in extreme they end up THE SAME
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.
Stalin killed communist, Lenin Killed communist, Socialist who is a dictator will kill another socialist who threatens or could be viewed as a rival
Hell kim sung jong killed his uncle

I think jakey will next describe MAO as "right wing"
irosie likes progressive right wing totalitarian statists like Hitler.

bigreb, congrats: you finally brought some cogent analysis to this subject. Whether you wrote it, or had a family member or friend do it, I don't care.

Yes, Hitler killed socialists.

Yes, Hitler cozied up with Big Business.

No, Hitler did not nationalize industry.

No, he did not crushed the workers or the unions.
irosie likes progressive right wing totalitarian statists like Hitler.

bigreb, congrats: you finally brought some cogent analysis to this subject. Whether you wrote it, or had a family member or friend do it, I don't care.

Yes, Hitler killed socialists.

Yes, Hitler cozied up with Big Business.

No, Hitler did not nationalize industry.

No, he did not crushed the workers or the unions.
you're failing son.
You started this shit now deal with it.
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.
Stalin killed communist, Lenin Killed communist, Socialist who is a dictator will kill another socialist who threatens or could be viewed as a rival
Hell kim sung jong killed his uncle

I think jakey will next describe MAO as "right wing"
jake hate of the right wing so much he doesn't realize he's a liberal loon
irosie, Hitler killed communists and socialists, kissed as with Big Business, kept the unions and workers happy as long as they did what he wanted.

He was a Progressive right wing fascist leader who ended freedom and liberty for those under control.

He was a right wing totalitarian dictator.
Stalin killed communist, Lenin Killed communist, Socialist who is a dictator will kill another socialist who threatens or could be viewed as a rival
Hell kim sung jong killed his uncle

I think jakey will next describe MAO as "right wing"
jake hate of the right wing so much he doesn't realize he's a liberal loon

reminds me of the 60s------the marijuana haze----sprinkled with a bit of
LSD Left good-----right bad--------the mindless 60s
irosie is stumbling again. The far left is not good for America, and the Far Right would be much worse. bigreb and irosie admire authoritarian systems, but America does not.

Hitler was as authoritarian as they come.

irosie is stumbling again. The far left is not good for America, and the Far Right would be much worse. bigreb and irosie admire authoritarian systems, but America does not.

Hitler was as authoritarian as they come.

So was Lenin and Stalin but both were communist.
irosie is stumbling again. The far left is not good for America, and the Far Right would be much worse. bigreb and irosie admire authoritarian systems, but America does not.

Hitler was as authoritarian as they come.


Jakie-----you are no diagnostician------as to "authoritarian" yes he was---so was
stalin -----what is your point(less)???? then there was leftist Baathist sadaam----

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