A hometown example of the necessity of gun rights

And murder is not only a crime, it is a sin. If that boy dies, the homeowner is liable in a court of law plus a civil case can be brought against him.

Plus, the whole implication that killing another human being has on one's soul cuts deeper into this problem.

I said it before, I am 39 years old. I have lived in some pretty scary places and I have never needed a gun, nor will I ever need one.

This whole thing is a myth.

Poeple tend to think that self defense is not murder. For that matter, the law thinks so too. If someone's trying to kick your door in, it's a fair assumption that they're not selling cookies.

I appreciate your point about it being a sin, and about the affect it may have psychologically in future years, but if someone breaks into my house an I have a choice of Option A (put my hands up and hope) or Option B (do what it takes to protect my wife and kids), I'm sorry, it's no contest.

I admire your conviction that you will never need a gun, and I hope it turns out to be that way for you. If everyone was like you, there would be no need for guns.
Wrong again. He will only be subject to criminal action IF he violated the self defense laws of that State, so far it sounds like the cops believe he was justified in his actions. However he could face civil court since bleeding hearts like you think criminals are a protected minority in our citizenry.

That is where you are wrong. I am not a bleeding heart. But I will not condone self defense laws that allow citizens to kill - no matter what the circumstance.

Now I have a wife, daughters and an elderly mother in-law in my home. I do not need a gun to negate a home invasion. Why do you gunny?
Man, I don't know where you live, but if I lived there, I couldn't get out fast enough. As far as the soul thing goes, I really don't think God is going to hold it against me if I protect myself and or ssave someone elses life. Infact, if it were me and some people were trying to break down my door, after the smoke cleared and I checked it out and all the intruders were dead, my comment would probably be...Damn, out of targets!

How presumptuous of you to believe you know what God would think of you killing another human being. Given your last statement, your heart is sick already and you are probably waiting for the chance.

God knows where your heart lies brother and it isn't with the righteous. You must be a Christian.

I live in a nice town in South Shore MA. I have lived in Ghettos and Trailer Parks. I have lived with the worst of humanity. And yet I did not need a gun back then and I do not now.

So why do you?
Poeple tend to think that self defense is not murder. For that matter, the law thinks so too. If someone's trying to kick your door in, it's a fair assumption that they're not selling cookies.

I appreciate your point about it being a sin, and about the affect it may have psychologically in future years, but if someone breaks into my house an I have a choice of Option A (put my hands up and hope) or Option B (do what it takes to protect my wife and kids), I'm sorry, it's no contest.

I admire your conviction that you will never need a gun, and I hope it turns out to be that way for you. If everyone was like you, there would be no need for guns.

Here you people seem to think that I am some coward who will give up if my home is broken into. I only stated that I do not need a gun.

My martial arts teacher taught me the following:

Avoid rather than check
Check rather than strike
Strike rather than maim
Maim rather than kill
Never kill.

There are many ways to incapacitate an intruder or intruders. I have several bats, sticks, knives and blunt objects in my home. I have my bare hands. I live by the above rules and always have.

I have never fired a gun and I have never killed another human being.

So why do you need to?
Here you people seem to think that I am some coward who will give up if my home is broken into. I only stated that I do not need a gun.

You may have thought my post contained that inference but I never said I thought you were a coward. I don't know anything about you (apart from the fact that you study martial arts).
You may have thought my post contained that inference but I never said I thought you were a coward. I don't know anything about you (apart from the fact that you study martial arts).

And I erred when I lumped all responses as one slight against me.
You are right, we really don't know each other all that well yet.

But - that said, I hope you see my point that there are more than one way to skin a cat and we should do everything in our power to not kill.

Some of the responses here appeared as though people would shoot first and ask questions later. And that would be wrong.
How presumptuous of you to believe you know what God would think of you killing another human being. Given your last statement, your heart is sick already and you are probably waiting for the chance.

God knows where your heart lies brother and it isn't with the righteous. You must be a Christian.

I live in a nice town in South Shore MA. I have lived in Ghettos and Trailer Parks. I have lived with the worst of humanity. And yet I did not need a gun back then and I do not now.

So why do you?

Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, Good luck with all that! Thank God you aren't involved in making laws!!!
Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, Good luck with all that! Thank God you aren't involved in making laws!!!

Wow, you sound so intelligent. I guess you have other people tell you what to think right? Let me guess, you have a warm beer next you, you are overweight, you like wrestling, you like Nascar, you live in your mommy's basement.
That is where you are wrong. I am not a bleeding heart. But I will not condone self defense laws that allow citizens to kill - no matter what the circumstance.

Now I have a wife, daughters and an elderly mother in-law in my home. I do not need a gun to negate a home invasion. Why do you gunny?

Sure you don't. I GUARANTEE you if I invaded your house with a firearm you wouldn't negate shit but a couple of rounds in your skull.
How presumptuous of you to believe you know what God would think of you killing another human being. Given your last statement, your heart is sick already and you are probably waiting for the chance.

God knows where your heart lies brother and it isn't with the righteous. You must be a Christian.

I live in a nice town in South Shore MA. I have lived in Ghettos and Trailer Parks. I have lived with the worst of humanity. And yet I did not need a gun back then and I do not now.

So why do you?

How presumptuous of YOU to believe YOU know what God would think of killing another human being in self defense.

When one human being sets out to harm or kill another human being in the commission of a crime, that person's life will be held by me in the same regard in which he holds mine.
Here you people seem to think that I am some coward who will give up if my home is broken into. I only stated that I do not need a gun.

My martial arts teacher taught me the following:

Avoid rather than check
Check rather than strike
Strike rather than maim
Maim rather than kill
Never kill.

There are many ways to incapacitate an intruder or intruders. I have several bats, sticks, knives and blunt objects in my home. I have my bare hands. I live by the above rules and always have.

I have never fired a gun and I have never killed another human being.

So why do you need to?

What martial art would that be? I've studied several for about as many years as you claim to have existed and I've never seen even ONE that says "never kill."
Wow, you sound so intelligent. I guess you have other people tell you what to think right? Let me guess, you have a warm beer next you, you are overweight, you like wrestling, you like Nascar, you live in your mommy's basement.

I'm sorry, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!!!:rofl: HILLARY. Man, talk about presumptuous. oh yeah, I almost forgot...Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah.
Avoid rather than check
Check rather than strike
Strike rather than maim
Maim rather than kill
Never kill.

There are many ways to incapacitate an intruder or intruders. I have several bats, sticks, knives and blunt objects in my home. I have my bare hands. I live by the above rules and always have.

I have never fired a gun and I have never killed another human being.

So why do you need to?

This is where our paths diverge. Not having studied martial arts (apart from Judo for 3 years in my teens), and faced with an intruder in my home, this would be my approach.

Avoid rather than check (can't avoid, he's already in the house where my wife and kids live)

Check rather than strike (I checked - he's definitely in the house)

Strike rather than maim (he's ten feet away, he pulls a gun, if I can only pull out a hand with some skin on it I'm in big trouble, so I shoot him)

Maim rather than kill (OK, I shot him, and I hope I got him bad enough that he can't reach the gun he just dropped. I hope he's maimed, not dead.)

Never kill. (He's dead. Do I feel bad about killing someone? Yes. Would I feel worse if he had shot me? Probably, assuming I am still alive to feel anything. How would my wife and children feel seeing me dead on the floor and them left alone in a house with the guy who just killed me? I can't answer that question as I'm already dead, but I'm sure you can take a guess for me.

Never kill is something I will try to live my life by. That is where I agree with you in principle. But not everyone has principles. And not everyone feels as able to protect themselves as you apparently do.

You say you're 39 now. How about when you're 80? Still able to use a blunt object on the teen who just can in the window with the Glock? If so, good luck. If not, welcome to the world the rest of us live in.
All this concern about intruders seems rather overblown; it might be more safely prevented with a better doorlock, than to risk shooting oneself in the dark.

Well of course, because the victim of the house breaking is always in the wrong for not properly securing their home. The criminal is never to blame for anything.
I think that most people would feel safer calling 911 on their cell phone than confronting an intruder with a semiautomatic pistol that they probably cannot shoot straight.

"You have called 911 emergency. All lines are busy. Please hold".
I think that most people would feel safer calling 911 on their cell phone than confronting an intruder with a semiautomatic pistol that they probably cannot shoot straight.


Calling 911 ensures someone will be there to try and investigate what happened to you a couple of hours ago. Police can only prevent a crime if they just happen to accidentally stumble onto it.

And dude, there is NO distance in MY house great enough that I cannot drill an intruder in the head and/or chest. Hope that clears up your opinion that gun owners can't shoot. Most actually can.
Sure you don't. I GUARANTEE you if I invaded your house with a firearm you wouldn't negate shit but a couple of rounds in your skull.

oooo I am so scared. Gunny, people that make idle threats while hiding behind an anonymous moniker are usually full of shit.

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